letih... penat.. benci politicians.. ape ke jadah khamis ni ko nak buat meeting malam lagi?? orang dah susun elok kol 9 pagi. boleh tak jangan bagi aku buat kerja dua- tiga kali?
habis pahala puasa semua goes down the drain.letih.. i am only holding on to the thought of weekend. please.. come quick..
happy saturday people! spending my weekend at home sweet home this time. just got back from servicing my car which cost me a whooping RM 351.65. sob.. sob.. i can't help thinking of many more ways i could spend that amount of money.. tetapi tidak mengapalah demi my precious baby itu (sorry aku dah calarkan kau lagi)
apa nak buat ha weekend ni? normally bila balik rumah all i ever do were sleeping, watching tv, buat kerja sikit kalau bawak balik (this time pun bawak balik tapi masih malas), eating mak's cookings, just moping around doing nothing..
speaking of that boy, saya rindulaaa.. kenapa dia kena pergi terengganu? tapi bagus jugak kot a little time away from each other kot eh? i don't mean it feels great to be away from him. tapi maybe bagus in the sense that aku boleh balik jumpa mak and ayah. kesian diorang minggu ni tinggal berdua je since my two sisters were off to sarawak. ke sebenarnya aku dah mengacau their private- cosy-just the two of us time together? hehee
apa nak buat ha weekend ni? normally bila balik rumah all i ever do were sleeping, watching tv, buat kerja sikit kalau bawak balik (this time pun bawak balik tapi masih malas), eating mak's cookings, just moping around doing nothing..
speaking of that boy, saya rindulaaa.. kenapa dia kena pergi terengganu? tapi bagus jugak kot a little time away from each other kot eh? i don't mean it feels great to be away from him. tapi maybe bagus in the sense that aku boleh balik jumpa mak and ayah. kesian diorang minggu ni tinggal berdua je since my two sisters were off to sarawak. ke sebenarnya aku dah mengacau their private- cosy-just the two of us time together? hehee
In the hope to meet
Shortly again, and make our absence sweet.
~Ben Jonson
Shortly again, and make our absence sweet.
~Ben Jonson
so i guess the morning wasted doing slides was not so much wasted at all. bos puji lah *proud* meeting that night was so tiring okay. dah la after the meeting the trip back to my car was sooo scary. i probably let myself got affected by the ghost rumors (which i haven't heard about any of the details pun. kalau dah dengar imagine how scared i would be!!) tapi got back safely and got amar to teman me driving all the way back home :)
so today i was back in the hometown early in the morning. i got a taklimat at MPT and a trip later in the evening. so balik kampung terus lah lepas tu. the taklimat was about pembangunan in taiping. now wahida, i know you would not like to hear the word pembangunan when it comes to taiping. what about preserving the originality yada yada. hehe. tapi this time i assure you, they really are taking into matters the aspect of preserving taiping's identity as the bandar warisan. happy? hehe.
and i can tell you here that they are planning lotsa interesting things for our beloved taiping. macam- macam. ada protocol road, art road, taiping 1st memorabilia and urm.. too many too mention. i don't know when will we be able to see the result but it is definitely in plan
kepala kereta api to be used as an attraction for the taiping 1st memorabilia. orang- orang taiping sekalian, cubalah cari di mana terletaknya benda ini ;)
we were also brought to the taiping zoo. mind you this was my first visit since 2002 if i'm not mistaken. so forgive me if i was a little excited (over) tadi. lin and i was like little kids, giggling to random facts and sights that we saw. ada binatang yang happy sangat which is the ungka. whistling very very cheerfully and swinging macam nak menunjuk- nunjuk. heh. gambar ada tapi too far and since i was capturing it from a moving tram, it was a little bit blur. so i see there is no point of posting it here. the animals i was very much interested to see was the lions. but since they were nocturnal animals, there was not much of them in sight. nampak dari jauh je. siang- siang tidur, malam nanti kerja overtime
the man in the blue shirt my fellow convent friends, is mrs cecilia's husband (dr kevin lazarus), director of the zoo
so, petang dah about 6 tak habis- habis lagi. i was dead tired and was starting to feel dizzy. diorang ni nak pergi the new club pulak buat apa entah. luckily, the dato' sri got annoyed with the rude receptionist and so decided to leave. gila ah terus blah macam tu je. habis merajuk sungguh. although i disagreed with the receptionist's behaviour (she was indeed very rude and not helpful at all as a front- desk person), i secretly agreed with the way things turned out to be as a result of her actions. dapat balik awal! heeehe
so now, wanna catch some sleep. ada appointment service kereta besok jam 9.30am. no waking up late then i guess..
so today i was back in the hometown early in the morning. i got a taklimat at MPT and a trip later in the evening. so balik kampung terus lah lepas tu. the taklimat was about pembangunan in taiping. now wahida, i know you would not like to hear the word pembangunan when it comes to taiping. what about preserving the originality yada yada. hehe. tapi this time i assure you, they really are taking into matters the aspect of preserving taiping's identity as the bandar warisan. happy? hehe.
and i can tell you here that they are planning lotsa interesting things for our beloved taiping. macam- macam. ada protocol road, art road, taiping 1st memorabilia and urm.. too many too mention. i don't know when will we be able to see the result but it is definitely in plan

we were also brought to the taiping zoo. mind you this was my first visit since 2002 if i'm not mistaken. so forgive me if i was a little excited (over) tadi. lin and i was like little kids, giggling to random facts and sights that we saw. ada binatang yang happy sangat which is the ungka. whistling very very cheerfully and swinging macam nak menunjuk- nunjuk. heh. gambar ada tapi too far and since i was capturing it from a moving tram, it was a little bit blur. so i see there is no point of posting it here. the animals i was very much interested to see was the lions. but since they were nocturnal animals, there was not much of them in sight. nampak dari jauh je. siang- siang tidur, malam nanti kerja overtime

so, petang dah about 6 tak habis- habis lagi. i was dead tired and was starting to feel dizzy. diorang ni nak pergi the new club pulak buat apa entah. luckily, the dato' sri got annoyed with the rude receptionist and so decided to leave. gila ah terus blah macam tu je. habis merajuk sungguh. although i disagreed with the receptionist's behaviour (she was indeed very rude and not helpful at all as a front- desk person), i secretly agreed with the way things turned out to be as a result of her actions. dapat balik awal! heeehe
so now, wanna catch some sleep. ada appointment service kereta besok jam 9.30am. no waking up late then i guess..
morning was wasted doing slideshows for the meeting tonight. yes. meeting MALAM ini. can you believe it? my first ever. mungkin kawan- kawan lain dah biasa tapi aku tidaaaaak. huhu. i hate some politicians yang hanya menyusahkan
today is my 4th day of fasting. now thinking what to eat for berbuka, how to eat, sempat ke and all other sorts of question. women overanalyzing as usual. heh. lagi satu, mana nak sembahyang maghrib? kat ofis ni orang cakap ada hantu after 7pm! betul tak tipu
random je apa aku membebel kat atas ni kan. no idea. just rambling. okay. nak sembang dengan amar jap. chiao
today is my 4th day of fasting. now thinking what to eat for berbuka, how to eat, sempat ke and all other sorts of question. women overanalyzing as usual. heh. lagi satu, mana nak sembahyang maghrib? kat ofis ni orang cakap ada hantu after 7pm! betul tak tipu
random je apa aku membebel kat atas ni kan. no idea. just rambling. okay. nak sembang dengan amar jap. chiao
the office is kind of peaceful and quiet. probably because it is lunch hour. saya pula dah kind of berehat since 12.30 pm tadi lagi oleh kerana otak dah tepu dan bosan dengan office workloads. dr fadzillah kamsah pernah cakap kalau kita curi masa kerja kita dengan buat benda lain selain kerja, maka perlu diganti juga dengan masa lain. tidak mengapa. saya akan ganti balik 30 minit itu petang nanti tau. atau boleh tak ganti dengan hari- hari lain sebelum ini yang saya balik lewat setiap hari? hurm..
anyway, i was suppposed to go to langkawi this weekend but i said no. sebab dah janji dengan mak nak balik taiping. plus nak service kereta and ada juga nak buat other benda lain yang useless dan tidak la penting sangat pun. *mengelat* haha. lagipun langkawi tu nak yang gred 48 dan ke atas. siapa aku ni nak pergi? lain kali saya pergi okay rakan- rakan sejawat. kalau setakat pergi sebab niat nak berjalan baikla tak payah. better not waste my time and money
signing off. my head is spinning and my stomach is grumbling
anyway, i was suppposed to go to langkawi this weekend but i said no. sebab dah janji dengan mak nak balik taiping. plus nak service kereta and ada juga nak buat other benda lain yang useless dan tidak la penting sangat pun. *mengelat* haha. lagipun langkawi tu nak yang gred 48 dan ke atas. siapa aku ni nak pergi? lain kali saya pergi okay rakan- rakan sejawat. kalau setakat pergi sebab niat nak berjalan baikla tak payah. better not waste my time and money
signing off. my head is spinning and my stomach is grumbling
sunday morning
morning ke ni? dah pukul 12 pun. kehkeh. inilah definisi morning bagi aku kot. i am not a morning person. never have been and never will be kot. kalau selalu weekdays bangun awal pun sebab kerja or belajar masa universiti dulu. sekarang ni nak bangun pagi boleh tapi punyalah rasa bebal. tak percaya tanya izan dengan alia. hehe
i'm just gonna write a little today. sebenarnya saja membuang masa dengan blogging while waiting for amar to come. baru nak blog hopping plus nak tengok template cantik- cantik tapi amar dah kat gopeng pullllaakkk..
so signing off for now peeps.. chow
i'm just gonna write a little today. sebenarnya saja membuang masa dengan blogging while waiting for amar to come. baru nak blog hopping plus nak tengok template cantik- cantik tapi amar dah kat gopeng pullllaakkk..
so signing off for now peeps.. chow
food updated
ini post berbangga. berbangga dengan masakan yang tak seberapa. but we (aku, izan, alia) were still 3 proud chefs. heh. kadang- kadang bila rajin kami memasak. maka inilah hasilnya
heh. sorry gambar tak ikut urutan *malas*
okay. nak pergi makan durian. jom?
heh. sorry gambar tak ikut urutan *malas*
okay. nak pergi makan durian. jom?
i was trying to change the look of my blog to something more fun and quirky. not so dark and emo looking (mahu kelihatan muda remaja-cutie pie). but it seems that i need to change all the templates to match the background. nak kena tukar colour font, colour link, colour itu, colour ini. tukar itu, tukar ini. anyway, you get my point.
naaaaaaaaaaakkkk tukar. tapi remehnya *malas*
later lah. in the meantime this will do i guess. black and red, my two most favourite colour in the world sure do match lain- lain benda dalam blog ni kan. eeeesy- peeesy
changes yang betul2 nanti dulu. daaa
naaaaaaaaaaakkkk tukar. tapi remehnya *malas*
later lah. in the meantime this will do i guess. black and red, my two most favourite colour in the world sure do match lain- lain benda dalam blog ni kan. eeeesy- peeesy
changes yang betul2 nanti dulu. daaa
taiping and fireflies..
this week saya banyak kali ulang alik taiping- ipoh. sangat letih. i wonder how big boss saya dahulu kala does it everyday a? anyway, this entry is about taiping, kelip- kelip and bukit merah. combine semua jumble kan dalam satu entry kerana malas dan nak tidur. jadi sekarang tidak minat tulis panjang- panjang maka membiarkan gambar ini bercakap (do the talking)
lawatan kelip- kelip!
lawatan ini berpunca dari satu seminar penerobosan air masin dan ... urm dah tak ingat tajuk lagi kat belakang tu
dekat jeti
sorry gambar buruk. camera handphone je. tapi ini adalah jambatan
bersama kakak saya: my extra baggage yang takut bila orang tu check attendance. haha
usaha menangkap kelip- kelip
hey kelip- kelip! the best we could capture. huhu. dia very camera shy tau. bila kena flash tak nak berkelip. also camera memang tak mampu nak tangkap its beauty
lawatan kelip- kelip!
lawatan ini berpunca dari satu seminar penerobosan air masin dan ... urm dah tak ingat tajuk lagi kat belakang tu

eh eh ni cerita apa pulak ni? atas ni gambar kat bukit merah. i'm blogging from here. aku tengah bengkel ni. 3 hari. sigh.. aku nak cuti weiiiii!
wedding bliss!
i finally got the will to blog about the two weddings on my last weekend. hehe. (dengan sabarnya saya transfer gambar satu demi satu okay). first up,
saya bersama shibah si pelari
lakonan semata
comel kan mereka?
katil yang sangat sweeeet..
selamat pengantin baru guys!
bersama sebahagian kotak mekap (kagum)
selamat sudah..
go green
sebelum noraini jadi puan
saya dan azni spreading the love
saya dan wahida blowing kisses
saya dan awa. peace? =)
ambil berkat! haha
shibah and lihin (i'm sooo happy for her!)

shibah's wedding was amazing. she was so happy. and we were happy to see her happy after so long. and this wedding is also a chance for reunion. our family of hell. the first meet-up after 3 long years. gembira jumpa kawan- kawan ahli keluarga neraka! sangat gembira! tapi takde gambar in my phone since aku dah tak tangkap gambar bila dorang datang. sebab aku posing je lepas tu. dorang yg tangkap gambar pulak. heheee
noraini and fawwaz (percintaan matriks ke jinjang pelamin)

walaupun aku dan wahida tersalah masjid pagi tu nasib sempat kejar jugak pergi masjid lagi satu. thank God taiping ni kecil je. hehe. ini pun best dapat jumpa geng2 lama. although.. erm.. (tak payah cite la sini. simpan je siapa2 yang tahu ok)
all in all, gembira tengok kawan- kawan kahwin. yang lain bila lagi? jangan lupa jemput ye..
how sweet..
1, 2 .. 1, 2, 3, 4
Give me more lovin’ than I’ve ever had,
Make it all better when I’m feelin’ sad,
Tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not,
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin’ mad,
I’m so glad I found you
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy,
It’s easy as 1, 2 .. 1, 2, 3, 4
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more lovin’ from the very start,
Piece me back together when I fall apart,
Tell me things you'd never even tell your closest friends
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad,
Best I that I’ve had and I’m so glad I found you
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1, 2 .. 1, 2, 3, 4
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you)I love you
sangat sweet okay this song and the lyrics. video pun sweet. i have tried to post the video here but failed. sangat cetek my skills and pengetahuan extra about blogging ni. sigh.. but you can check it out yourself here okay. so, spread the love. and enjoy people!
Give me more lovin’ than I’ve ever had,
Make it all better when I’m feelin’ sad,
Tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not,
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin’ mad,
I’m so glad I found you
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy,
It’s easy as 1, 2 .. 1, 2, 3, 4
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more lovin’ from the very start,
Piece me back together when I fall apart,
Tell me things you'd never even tell your closest friends
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad,
Best I that I’ve had and I’m so glad I found you
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1, 2 .. 1, 2, 3, 4
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you)I love you
sangat sweet okay this song and the lyrics. video pun sweet. i have tried to post the video here but failed. sangat cetek my skills and pengetahuan extra about blogging ni. sigh.. but you can check it out yourself here okay. so, spread the love. and enjoy people!
mysenoir telah di touch- up
introducing.... (drum rolls)
blog saya yang berwajah baru. saja try new template. nanti- nanti dah bosan boleh tukar lagi. merci boucoup to izan =)
blog saya yang berwajah baru. saja try new template. nanti- nanti dah bosan boleh tukar lagi. merci boucoup to izan =)
nak tapi malas
i wanna blog about so many things.. saya mahu bercerita tentang last weekend saya yang sangat indah walaupun penat. i wanna blog about the two weddings. i wanna talk about the finally-reunion-after-ages of family of hell..
banyak yang saya nak cerita. banyak banyak banyak. tapi saya malas. atau lebih tepat saya masih malas dan belum terasa rajin lagi (maknanya akan rajin juga suatu hari kelak). malas dan belum rajin lagi nak transfer gambar. tedious la. saya tak bawak memory card reader atau usb cable handphone saya ke ipoh. maka kalau nak transfer kena one by one pakai bluetooth. ish..
so friends, saya tinggalkan anda dengan gambar ini dahulu
banyak yang saya nak cerita. banyak banyak banyak. tapi saya malas. atau lebih tepat saya masih malas dan belum terasa rajin lagi (maknanya akan rajin juga suatu hari kelak). malas dan belum rajin lagi nak transfer gambar. tedious la. saya tak bawak memory card reader atau usb cable handphone saya ke ipoh. maka kalau nak transfer kena one by one pakai bluetooth. ish..
so friends, saya tinggalkan anda dengan gambar ini dahulu

kain kawan2 saya yang sangat rich warna pinknya
and also this note:
i was soo damn happy last weekend but soo damn tired!
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