I was quite annoyed yesterday with that shameless someone. I hope that someone backs off before my annoyance got the better of me.
And I don't know what's wrong with my Facebook account. I couldn't log in. And before there were 2 emails from fb saying that I have requested to reset my password and so they were emails telling me the codes to reset it. And both emails were already opened and read before I log in. Either fb and yahoo have gone haywire or someone was trying to hack into both my accounts. Which is so not cool.
Patut buat kerja sekarang.
And I don't know what's wrong with my Facebook account. I couldn't log in. And before there were 2 emails from fb saying that I have requested to reset my password and so they were emails telling me the codes to reset it. And both emails were already opened and read before I log in. Either fb and yahoo have gone haywire or someone was trying to hack into both my accounts. Which is so not cool.
Patut buat kerja sekarang.

Hari ini datang ofis dengan perasaan biasa. Tetapi ada perasaan nak balik kampung. Tetapi sampai je ofis terus rasa dah mati perasaan hilang tak tau pergi mana dah. Uh-oh
Tetapi sekarang kembali bersemangat. Kerana satu pejabat dapat half-day hari ini! Oh **, terima kasih di atas kurniaan raya yang tidak terhingga ini. Heh. So peeps,
Eid Mubarak!
Have a joyous raya ahead
Tapi berpada-pada juga dalam sambutan
Don't forget to get yourself buncit from all those yummy foods!
(Apalah raya tanpa makanan?)
And drive safe!

I am too tired. Thank God today is Friday. Had a really long and tiring week with heavy workloads, ad-hoc works and I'm going crazy! Tapi, kebelakangan ini sudah mampu bertahan sedikit bagus I think. Still complaining tapi tidak complain seteruk dulu I think. I think. I think.
Can't wait for this weekend to unwind myself. In fact, can't wait for later. Alia, see you in a bit!
Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy.
~Author Unknown
Minggu lepas, kami buat lasagna. No pictures. It turned out way salty due to the untolerable amount of cheese I grated on it. Hah. Tamak haloba.
So this week, we made pizza! Kalau nak dibandingkan dengan perisa Pizza Hut, pizza ini bolehlah diumpamakan seperti Chicken Supreme (digantikan dengan beef) atau Super Supreme (tapi takde pepperoni and olive). Rasanya sedap. Superb.
Talking about food, buat aku teringin sangat nasi wanggey. Sejak bulan puasa tak pernah lagi makan. Bila petang ayam sedap dah habis. Naaaak..
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you"?
~William A. Ward
Saya ada berita hebat!! Portfolio kerja aku akan kurang satu. InsyaAllah. Actually, akan kurang dua tapi dua portfolio itu lebih kurang sama je skop kerja. Which means now I will only have to focus on that one portfolio yang agak menyusahkan juga actually because of the workloads.
But this is better right? Things will be better I hope from here on. Pray to God that it will.
Friday is being good to me so far. Thank you.
melihat tawamu
mendengar senandungmu
terlihat jelas di mataku
warna-warna indahmu
menatap langkahmu
meratapi kisah hidupmu
terlihat jelas bahwa hatimu
anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
sifatmu nan s'lalu
redahkan ambisiku
tepikan khilafku
dari bunga yang layu
saat kau disisiku
kembali dunia ceria
tegaskan bahwa kamu
anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
belai lembut jarimu
sejuk tatap wajahmu
hangat peluk janjimu
anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
I used to be such a fan of Sheila On 7. Golongan peminatnya dipanggil Sheila Gank. Well, I still am. Cuma mungkin tidak sefanatik dahulu. Dulu tak pernah miss beli semua album but i stopped buying after OST 30 Hari Mencari Cinta (which was a superb album by the way!). Tak tahu kenapa berhenti beli.
Anyway, was listening to this song while settling my workloads and had the urge to post this in the blog. Sungguh indah lagu ini dengan lirik yang sangat simple tetapi dengan makna yang sangat erm.. sayu? Heh. Lagu ini buat aku terasa sangat bersyukur dengan Dia dan dia.
Dedicating this to Amar :).
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