Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that
~Michael Leunig

Phew. Lama tak update blog ni. Been so preoccupied with things and work and along the way, I forgot how to blog. Felt like there's nothing to share. And when there's things to share, takde masa pulak. So, a few things had been happening around. Paling penting and the mega major event is probably the one where I got engaged! :)
It was only a simple ceremony with just the right amount of sweetness. Just the way I want things to be. Ada majlis tahlil on the morning and bertunang selepas Zohor. Walaupun ada a few minor glitches here and there (baju too tight, bila dah alter senget plak!) tapi Alhamdulillah things went well. Semua pun buat sendiri untuk kepuasan hati but mostly is to cut the cost! Hehe. Hantaran, pelamin bersusah payah tau buat with the help from mak and kakak. But sangat berpuas hati dengan hasilnya.

So, we are heading towards marriage now. Rasa macam banyak benda tak buat lagi dan kena buat cepat! Tapi rasa baru je bertunang 2 minggu!
And we have another addition to the family. Si dia kat bawah ni nama dia Taya (courtesy of my sis who named her tayar since dia kena gelek dengan tayar kereta ayah) Tapi to make it macam glamour sikit aku buang la huruf r tu. Hehe. Dah lama dah dia ni dok menempek kat rumah aku. Back then when he was only a little kitten. Kesian dia mengiau lapar selalu so we fed him. Sampai la sekarang. Tadi tengok dia dah besar! Erm.. dah tak cute sangat. Shoooh! Tak nak main dengan dia dah.

Gambar atas ni on my engagement day. Taya kena kurung sebab he suka menyibuk nak masuk rumah kalau pintu terbukak. Sibuk je nak asah kuku dia kat karpet and round pusing2 rumah macam YB check kawasan. So, a few weeks before my day, ayah bought a cage for him. But we totally forgot about him on the day sebab sibuk dengan kenduri. He was left kat tempat yang paginya wayyy exposed to the hot sunlight and then esposed pulak to the heavy rain in the evening. So dah habis kenduri we let him out, dia macam weirdo sikit. Like sakit tak larat. That's why mak usap2 dia. Ingat nak bawak pergi vet dah tapi lepas tu elok je dia lari2 balik. Ceh
Anyway, esok going to a kenduri. Rasa macam dah lama tak kenduri. Pemalas nak bersiap aku ni kalau kenduri orang yang aku tak kenal. Ayah selalu marah cakap aku tak pergi kenduri orang nanti takde orang pulak nak pergi kenduri aku.
Alaaa ayah.. kenduri kawan-kawan Uda pergi ape...