In the office. Saturday and office is really just not a good combination. Trying to have fun here anyway. Laughing on the silly things and silly spelling mistakes. Plan nak balik kampung setakat ini masih tergendala. I am mildly wondering why the hell are we the dumping ground for everything. Shucks.
Pictures from my recent trip to Kuala Lumpur. Percutian 3 hari 2 malam. Heheh. Awesome!

Pepper Lunch Espress. Just please please try this in Midvalley's foodcourt. Loves!

The highest happiness on earth is marriage
~William Lyon Phelps

Btol ke Mas? Masao is married! One happy occasion which served also as a reunion port for us Family of Hell. Love love love my friends to death. Unfortunately, I had to rush back early sebab I ada appointment. Heheh. Gambar sikit je sebab aku tak bawak camera and that picture above of her in her bilik pengantin was the only decent picture I managed to capture sebab dia sibuk nak bercakap masa aku nak snap. Gambar berdua pun lupa nak tangkap. Probably sebab terlalu banyak bercakap.
Too many stories, so many things to say, so little time. I miss my friends so much..
A close friend of mine, Siti Masayu aka Masao Pemanah Terhebat is getting married tomorrow. Omaigod, from all of my friends, she is the least I thought would marry first. Even anggota Family of Hell pun terkejut gile masa tau Masao nak kahwin. Like, what?? Biar betul. Sebab dulu dia gaya paling "I don't care about love". Gaya jela, tapi dalam hati? Dalam hati ada taman.. What with Rangga la, and sape lagi ntah skandal pujaan hati dia dulu.
Anyway, the picture above was one of those nights where we hang out dengan rakan-rakan. Kalau tak salah dengan Munir and the gang. Pergi mandi sungai and main bowling. Those times when we were young and gila wayang. I remember both of us used to go out every Wednesday (tiket murah) to Medan Pelita and see all the movies possible, cramming it in one night. Selalu pinjam motor Fariza dan merempit all the way to Kuching. Those were the days.. Rindu sungguh.
Congratulations to her. Masao, I am soo happy for you and please say goodbye to your singlehood. Gila ah hang nak kahwin dah. Omaigod omaigod. Tunggu sikit lagi aku join hang ye. Mmuahs!

A day at Lata Kinjang.
We got the chance to hangout when I had to attend a workshop last Sunday at Kampar. The day was fun fun fun! The water was cooling and the atmosphere was just so serene even though ada ramai orang tengah bermandi-manda. Sadly, we tak mandi pun since the trip was unplanned and we went there unprepared. Just duduk-duduk atas batu dipping our feets in the soothing water, chit chatting about plans and stuffs. Simply a therapy for both our tired minds :)
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting.
~ William Arthur Ward
"I got a dear friend of mine back". That was my Facebook shoutout today. Today was the sweetest ever. We parted ways back in 2006. Almost 4 years of silence after 3 years of close friendship.
The case was someone bad mouthed me to her and she decided to just believe without confronting me. Bahaya tau mulut orang ni. Akhirnya, she found out the truth. Orang takde buat salah tau. Sob sob. I was living in guilty conscience all this while when I thought of her sometimes. Betulkah salah aku? But I was not mad at her, at least not anymore. What's past is past. It is better to look forward to the future than to mourn over the past.
Again, mulut orang memang bahaya. Aku terkena lagi recently. I have learnt my lesson to be careful of what I say, to who I say it, and in what context do I say it. Cause we'll never know if orang akan misinterpret what we say or totally twist it or ada orang yang terlalu naive tak sedar apa yang they say is totally wrong. Salah wei!!
Anyway, glad to have her back in my book. Friendship forever I hope.
I was blog hopping to many many many bridezilla's blog after Izan sugested to me a few and started to panic a lil'. My oh my, the preparation they all did for their wedding was like so intense, so detailed out to each and every tiny bit of little things. Ada yang sub kon semua to orang lain, ada yang semua pun buat sendiri (tabah!). Banyak sungguh kerja untuk kahwin ni.
And yet Mai, you are still doing nothing? Haha. By panic a lil', I really meant a teeny weeny little bit aje. Haha. Sekejap je panic, lepas tu seronok betol tengok these blogs one by one. Dah mula berangan macam-macam juga!
So, bila nak buat persiapan ni Mai?
The house was being expanded by ayah and mak. Mungkinkah persiapan sambut menantu? Hark hark. Menantu pertama sudah semestinya kakak aku dulu okay. Tidaklah hamba ini melangkah banyak beno bendul akhirnya :) But what was really unexpected is that ayah and mak are also expanding my room (sikit aje)! And also adding a bathroom with two entry points each from mine and my sister's room. Wallah! Kita ada bilik mandi sendiri nanti sayang.. Heeee. But then, dah takdela nanti moments berebut bilik mandi dengan ayah? Owh.. tak best la macam tu. Mungkin terpaksa sengaja sibuk nak tumpang mandi bilik mandi ayah nanti bila nampak je ayah nak mandi.
So, the house are really stuffy these days since semua tingkap pintu tak digalakkan dibuka untuk mengelakkan habuk-habuk kerja masuk dalam rumah. Tambah dengan fenomena El-Nino sekarang ni, omaigod panasnya dunia!!
And yet Mai, you are still doing nothing? Haha. By panic a lil', I really meant a teeny weeny little bit aje. Haha. Sekejap je panic, lepas tu seronok betol tengok these blogs one by one. Dah mula berangan macam-macam juga!
So, bila nak buat persiapan ni Mai?
The house was being expanded by ayah and mak. Mungkinkah persiapan sambut menantu? Hark hark. Menantu pertama sudah semestinya kakak aku dulu okay. Tidaklah hamba ini melangkah banyak beno bendul akhirnya :) But what was really unexpected is that ayah and mak are also expanding my room (sikit aje)! And also adding a bathroom with two entry points each from mine and my sister's room. Wallah! Kita ada bilik mandi sendiri nanti sayang.. Heeee. But then, dah takdela nanti moments berebut bilik mandi dengan ayah? Owh.. tak best la macam tu. Mungkin terpaksa sengaja sibuk nak tumpang mandi bilik mandi ayah nanti bila nampak je ayah nak mandi.
So, the house are really stuffy these days since semua tingkap pintu tak digalakkan dibuka untuk mengelakkan habuk-habuk kerja masuk dalam rumah. Tambah dengan fenomena El-Nino sekarang ni, omaigod panasnya dunia!!
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