I don't know how I feel. I feel excited though. Can't wait nak start cuti sebab nak balik rumah tolong kemas-kemas, tolong buat hantaran, tolong menyibuk dan jadi buruh kasar. Can't wait nak pakai baju lace purple baru!!
Things will surely change a lot lepas ni kan? Dia akan ada rumah baru, extra family, other commitments. Nanti I balik Tepeng every weekend mesti dia takde kat rumah dah kan? Hmm.. nak gaduh dengan sape nanti? Raya nanti camne? I will be married too by then.. How's mak and ayah's raya's gonna be nanti? Hoho.
My sister, I never once called her kakak. I referred her as 'kakak aku' when talking to others about her but never once I called her kakak. Never. Mak pernah sound kenapa tak panggil kakak. But it was never practised since never. So, how suddenly in these older years nak start panggil kakak? But she is my only kakak in the true kakak sense even though I have 2 kakak. (Ape ni banyak sungguh perkataan kakak??). Those who knew my family well will know what I meant. Let's just say I am the middle sister in the family. Ada sorang kakak dan seorang 'adik' :)
To my dear kakak, I wish you the most beautiful wedding and may you be blessed with lots of happiness and children (aku nak jadi makcik!!). And perkahwinan ni aku doakan kekal sampai akhir hayat. I hope you will love the present I got you!! Hihi.
Kepada Fazrul (or abang Fazrul?? hehe), sila jaga kakak saya baik-baik. Jangan bagi saya menyesal ajar dia mengorat awak dulu. Hehheh.
The only picture I could find in my PC :)