i'm back home yesterday. the ride from rNr sungai buluh to ipoh took only 1 and a half hour. gila tak? we made a move at 1700 and arrived at 1830. all semata- mata because a friend nak kejar bus to grik. nasiblah sempat. and i slept the whole journey. so takdelah rasa anything scary dengan driver yang bawak kereta diumpamakan macam pelesit tu. woke up je dah sampai tol simpang pulai. wow! hebat..
anyway, dpa was fun at times and tiring at all times! punch card tingkat 3, climbing a damn steep hill in heels, turun naik tangga (mind you, ada 136 steps i have to turun naik everyday and that's just untuk naik asrama! blom lagi ulang alik turun naik dewan makan, punch card), rushing at all times, 5 senaman asas, lari 2.4 km. this is madness! i won't go into much details since apparently the cyber activities of some of us were being tracked down. although saya tidak pernah cakap apa- apa yang buruk dan tidak patut di the world wide web ye (pengakuan ikhlas)
ah well, tuan- tuan dan puan- puan, masa susah tidak pernah berakhir. and i have another 24 weeks to go. so let's just face this dengan sangat waja ya?
but deep down, it was all kind of okay la. there are one or two things here and there that makes this thing bearable =)
much love until my next update guys! (which i don't even know kurun bila i'll get the chance) but i will probably dah terbakar sunburn masa tu. huhu
the day mari menyain
you know the stupid bertimbun docket thing i have to sign? i think lin and i have found an easier and faster way to do it. tak payah guna carbon paper. sign je sume 3 helai bodoh tu. haha. yes, sangat jimat masa. but yay?? no. more like yack yack. signing all 3 copies means triple the sign i have to pen down. hence, triple the work
mengikut perkiraan matematik yang di mana saya agak bijak semasa di zaman sekolah, matriks dan universiti dulu:
1 bundle= 10 buku dockets
1 buku docket= 50 helai
1 helai= 3 copies
:: 7 bundle dockets (1 bundle dah siap sign pakai carbon paper)= 70 buku= 3500 helai= 10500 copies= 10500 signs
kerja memang lagi senang, tapi jadi bertambah pulak. sekarang aku dah tak buat sign penuh, but i pen down my initials je instead. mana lagi bodoh? kerja susah remeh tedious nak mampos tapi sikit atau kerja senang tapi bertambah banyak? damn damn damn. i doubt it that i will be able to finish all this by tomorrow. jadi? tinggalkan saja. motto kerja dan hidup saya sekarang adalah: selamat tinggal
selamat tinggal..
mengikut perkiraan matematik yang di mana saya agak bijak semasa di zaman sekolah, matriks dan universiti dulu:
1 bundle= 10 buku dockets
1 buku docket= 50 helai
1 helai= 3 copies
:: 7 bundle dockets (1 bundle dah siap sign pakai carbon paper)= 70 buku= 3500 helai= 10500 copies= 10500 signs
kerja memang lagi senang, tapi jadi bertambah pulak. sekarang aku dah tak buat sign penuh, but i pen down my initials je instead. mana lagi bodoh? kerja susah remeh tedious nak mampos tapi sikit atau kerja senang tapi bertambah banyak? damn damn damn. i doubt it that i will be able to finish all this by tomorrow. jadi? tinggalkan saja. motto kerja dan hidup saya sekarang adalah: selamat tinggal
selamat tinggal..
the day you can call me boy
i chopped off my crowning glory yesterday. the longest i have ever kept seumur hidupku ini gone in 20 minutes. and it took me about one freaking year to grew it that long. which was not really that LONG anyway
takpelah. auntie (tukang gunting rambut) cakap "you orang pandai. pergi kursus bukan mahu nampak cantik. tapi mahu jadi selesa so you boleh perform baik". eceh.. pandai- pandai je auntie ni. tapi agak betul la. aku sudah janji sama itu auntie to come back after 6 months so that she can shape up my hair. "okay. saya tunggu you". itulah jawapan auntie. entah dia ingat lagi ke tak aku nanti masa tu. it's not like i'm a regular customer there. auntie is 70 by the way, tapi sangat hebat dan sihat dan banyak cakap
so, i'm back to being the boy in the family. tapi okay lah tu. at least wahida cakap nampak macam kanak- kanak nakal, bukan macam kanak- kanak istimewa (macam tidak manis dan kurang ajar pulak kalau nak guna perkataan terencat)
today is thursday and tomorrow will be friday hari kegemaran sedunia saya (cakap ni macam korang tak tau hari je kan) and lepas tu babai..
takpelah. auntie (tukang gunting rambut) cakap "you orang pandai. pergi kursus bukan mahu nampak cantik. tapi mahu jadi selesa so you boleh perform baik". eceh.. pandai- pandai je auntie ni. tapi agak betul la. aku sudah janji sama itu auntie to come back after 6 months so that she can shape up my hair. "okay. saya tunggu you". itulah jawapan auntie. entah dia ingat lagi ke tak aku nanti masa tu. it's not like i'm a regular customer there. auntie is 70 by the way, tapi sangat hebat dan sihat dan banyak cakap
so, i'm back to being the boy in the family. tapi okay lah tu. at least wahida cakap nampak macam kanak- kanak nakal, bukan macam kanak- kanak istimewa (macam tidak manis dan kurang ajar pulak kalau nak guna perkataan terencat)
today is thursday and tomorrow will be friday hari kegemaran sedunia saya (cakap ni macam korang tak tau hari je kan) and lepas tu babai..
the day you are under arrest!
'di bawah seksyen (nombor isi sendiri) mengikut (undang- undang fikir sendiri) awak telah melakukan kesalahan (sukahati nak letak apa). jadi, anda ditangkap'
waseh waseh. macam gila hebat ayat yang aku tulis kat atas ni kan? i said all that today. haha. well, i did not actually said the exact words tapi lebih kuranglah. ayat aku ada sedikit berterabur la
'di bawah seksyen (nombor isi sendiri) mengikut (undang- undang fikir sendiri) awak buat salah (sukahati nak letak apa). you tau tak you buat salah? walaupun bukan you tauke tapi you yang ada kat sini buat kerja masa saya datang. so saya tangkap okay?'
itulah ayat yang sebenar. ada encik polis sangat berlagak. apa kau ingat kau pakai uniform tu habis powerful dan cool dan handsome ke??
waseh waseh. macam gila hebat ayat yang aku tulis kat atas ni kan? i said all that today. haha. well, i did not actually said the exact words tapi lebih kuranglah. ayat aku ada sedikit berterabur la
'di bawah seksyen (nombor isi sendiri) mengikut (undang- undang fikir sendiri) awak buat salah (sukahati nak letak apa). you tau tak you buat salah? walaupun bukan you tauke tapi you yang ada kat sini buat kerja masa saya datang. so saya tangkap okay?'
itulah ayat yang sebenar. ada encik polis sangat berlagak. apa kau ingat kau pakai uniform tu habis powerful dan cool dan handsome ke??
the day i'm gearing myself up
the most talked about topic between my colleagues right now is of course the dpa thing. diploma pengurusan awam, a 6 months course, compulsary untuk pengesahan jawatan, which will surely turn our life to hell! celaka betul. surat dah dapat so it is confirmed. nak prepare barang je ni which is burning a whole lot of my money. damn! 13th october- 24th april in which i will be gone baby gone. haha
selamat tinggal lah dunia.. dunia friendster, facebook, blogging, segala alam siber. tak kisah pun. tapi paling sedih nak tahu apa tak? paling sedih nak tinggalkan dunia television!! =( cerita yang aku akan miss (disusun mengikut hari dalam setiap minggu)
1. ghost whisperer
2. destinasi bajet. ni esok last episode tapi nanti ganti dengan field trip. aaa! how nak ngedate dengan qi ni??
3. kekasihku seru (best weh cerita ni)
4. tara 3. uwaaaaaaaaaaa
5. reaper
6. grey's anatomy (di mana episodnya sabtu lepas buat aku sangat sedih dan emo. gila)
7. heroes. nak start season baru dah kat starworld. adoyay
8. antm cycle 11. pun coming soon kat channel v
ini yang aku ingat la buat masa ni. ish. cilakak!
aku banyak aktiviti yang aku buat sebenarnya these past raya days. raya sangat busy. memang tak lekat rumah. nak kata awesome sangat pun tak jugak. tapi malas nak cerita. gambar pun malas transfer. saya simpan seorang dalam kotak ingatan sendiri je la kesimpulannya. hehe
selamat tinggal lah dunia.. dunia friendster, facebook, blogging, segala alam siber. tak kisah pun. tapi paling sedih nak tahu apa tak? paling sedih nak tinggalkan dunia television!! =( cerita yang aku akan miss (disusun mengikut hari dalam setiap minggu)
1. ghost whisperer
2. destinasi bajet. ni esok last episode tapi nanti ganti dengan field trip. aaa! how nak ngedate dengan qi ni??
3. kekasihku seru (best weh cerita ni)
4. tara 3. uwaaaaaaaaaaa
5. reaper
6. grey's anatomy (di mana episodnya sabtu lepas buat aku sangat sedih dan emo. gila)
7. heroes. nak start season baru dah kat starworld. adoyay
8. antm cycle 11. pun coming soon kat channel v
ini yang aku ingat la buat masa ni. ish. cilakak!
aku banyak aktiviti yang aku buat sebenarnya these past raya days. raya sangat busy. memang tak lekat rumah. nak kata awesome sangat pun tak jugak. tapi malas nak cerita. gambar pun malas transfer. saya simpan seorang dalam kotak ingatan sendiri je la kesimpulannya. hehe
the day before hari raya
i can't believe i am typing this from the office. patheticnya saya masih bekerja di kala orang lain sedang sibuk membuat persiapan untuk berhari raya (or maybe i'm lucky sebab tak payah buat kerja- kerja berlambak like mengemas dan masak kat rumah tu?)
jangan salah faham ya. i am not here because i'm a true workaholic nor am i here because i looove working. yack. aku di sini di atas dasar paksa rela okay. big boss did not approve my leave for today (tapi saya tak marah tau boss) but he approved mine on friday and monday instead. jadilah tu kan? office sangat lengang dan sunyi hari ini. hanya ada puan kanimoly yang muka dia memang selalu macam tu hari- hari, dan staff lain yang aku malaslah nak mention. nanti minus point puasa aku. ahaha. eh eh. puan kanimoly ni masuk bilik aku pulak. macam tahu2 je aku cakap pasal dia
anyway, selamat hari raya everyone! maaf zahir dan batin dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kuku kaki. sorry for anything said or done wrong. saya juga ingin mengucapkan selamat makan (mari berpesta makanan sedap!) jangan nak deny. aku tau semua orang pun raya mesti makan banyak okay. jadi, mari membuncitkan diri! =)
eid mubarak!
jangan salah faham ya. i am not here because i'm a true workaholic nor am i here because i looove working. yack. aku di sini di atas dasar paksa rela okay. big boss did not approve my leave for today (tapi saya tak marah tau boss) but he approved mine on friday and monday instead. jadilah tu kan? office sangat lengang dan sunyi hari ini. hanya ada puan kanimoly yang muka dia memang selalu macam tu hari- hari, dan staff lain yang aku malaslah nak mention. nanti minus point puasa aku. ahaha. eh eh. puan kanimoly ni masuk bilik aku pulak. macam tahu2 je aku cakap pasal dia
anyway, selamat hari raya everyone! maaf zahir dan batin dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kuku kaki. sorry for anything said or done wrong. saya juga ingin mengucapkan selamat makan (mari berpesta makanan sedap!) jangan nak deny. aku tau semua orang pun raya mesti makan banyak okay. jadi, mari membuncitkan diri! =)
eid mubarak!
the day of the last day for the week
saya ada satu pengumuman hebat: hari ini hari jumaat!
my favourite day! and the day started good sebab i saw that titanic boy. sangat pelik lah. kenapa just the sight of him could really made my day? i was smiling very stupidly sorang2 dalam kereta while driving tadi
kenapa tidak terasa pun semangat raya ini? sekali lagi pelik lah. all the radios are singing raya tunes sebanyak mungkin and the tv stations too are all geared up with raya shows. and me? i feel empty. like what wahida said, aku pun lagi semangat nak bercuti dari beraya. i found a raya card on my desk tadi. my first raya card for the year. yelah. mana ada orang main dah kad raya ni. but this one is from nobody important pun. some YB. which don't even matter
what makes me happy though, is that my friends will be coming back for raya, meaning a chance for a reunion. and dapat jumpa saudara- mara pun will be exciting i guess. and the makan part will DEFINITELY be exciting! hehee
speaking of reunion, aku akan ada a mini reunion jugak dengan kawan2 university. in which something quite big will be happening to a very small friend of mine! tak ramai yang tahu. just a small, close circle of friends. can't say what, who or when yet. i have been very good at keeping this secret lah. no blurting it out to anybody consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously! =)
anyway, i am hoping that today will stay as good as how it felt this morning and that i will be blessed with these kind of happiness always. by the way, a message, a song just made my day better! thank you!
although don't be too happy and stop dreaming okay
my favourite day! and the day started good sebab i saw that titanic boy. sangat pelik lah. kenapa just the sight of him could really made my day? i was smiling very stupidly sorang2 dalam kereta while driving tadi
kenapa tidak terasa pun semangat raya ini? sekali lagi pelik lah. all the radios are singing raya tunes sebanyak mungkin and the tv stations too are all geared up with raya shows. and me? i feel empty. like what wahida said, aku pun lagi semangat nak bercuti dari beraya. i found a raya card on my desk tadi. my first raya card for the year. yelah. mana ada orang main dah kad raya ni. but this one is from nobody important pun. some YB. which don't even matter
what makes me happy though, is that my friends will be coming back for raya, meaning a chance for a reunion. and dapat jumpa saudara- mara pun will be exciting i guess. and the makan part will DEFINITELY be exciting! hehee
speaking of reunion, aku akan ada a mini reunion jugak dengan kawan2 university. in which something quite big will be happening to a very small friend of mine! tak ramai yang tahu. just a small, close circle of friends. can't say what, who or when yet. i have been very good at keeping this secret lah. no blurting it out to anybody consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously! =)
anyway, i am hoping that today will stay as good as how it felt this morning and that i will be blessed with these kind of happiness always. by the way, a message, a song just made my day better! thank you!
although don't be too happy and stop dreaming okay
the day i finally feel the raya spirit
well, not really. but kind of. this morning, while driving to work, i finally listened to a full lagu raya. dengan kehendak sendiri. sebelum ni, i haven't listened to a single lagu raya dari awal sampai habis. kalau dengar sambil jalan- jalan kat tesco tu ada la. but that was it. kalau keluar kat radio, selalunya aku cepat- cepat tukar station lain
tapi pagi tadi teringin pulak nak dengar. so the first song i listened to full- heartedly this raya was a song from dayangku intan on hot fm. entah tajuk apa. tapi yang lirik 'maafkan daku kerana tak dapat bersamamu sayang di hari raya. da di da'. kesian. pompuan ni kena keje kot masa hari raya. hahaa. so, adalah sikit terasa semangat raya. and terlintas 'waah.. next week raya lah'
speaking of work, i'll be working until the day before raya. big boss approved cuti gua hanya selepas raya which will be on friday (3rd Oct) and monday (6 Oct). takpelah. aku dah cakap kat big boss:
'boss, nanti hari selasa saya bawak satu pendrive penuh dengan lagu raya. lepas tu kita pasang kat office kuat- kuat ok?'
he just laughed. haha
tapi pagi tadi teringin pulak nak dengar. so the first song i listened to full- heartedly this raya was a song from dayangku intan on hot fm. entah tajuk apa. tapi yang lirik 'maafkan daku kerana tak dapat bersamamu sayang di hari raya. da di da'. kesian. pompuan ni kena keje kot masa hari raya. hahaa. so, adalah sikit terasa semangat raya. and terlintas 'waah.. next week raya lah'
speaking of work, i'll be working until the day before raya. big boss approved cuti gua hanya selepas raya which will be on friday (3rd Oct) and monday (6 Oct). takpelah. aku dah cakap kat big boss:
'boss, nanti hari selasa saya bawak satu pendrive penuh dengan lagu raya. lepas tu kita pasang kat office kuat- kuat ok?'
he just laughed. haha
the day i love forever even more!
nak cakap satu benda saja:
video clip forever from chris brown SANGAT COOL!!
ah well, kalau dah minat tu, semua benda berkaitan pun akan jadi suka dan kelihatan cool kan? =)
cakaplah apa pun, walau apa pun, video clip itu masih tetap sangat cool. hehe
video clip forever from chris brown SANGAT COOL!!
ah well, kalau dah minat tu, semua benda berkaitan pun akan jadi suka dan kelihatan cool kan? =)
cakaplah apa pun, walau apa pun, video clip itu masih tetap sangat cool. hehe
the day i survived!
of course lah i survived. haha. it was not anything major pun. sebenarnya cerita ni macam dah basi tapi since i promised to spill it out jugak, so here goes nothing
ape nak cerita eh? i went there, changed into one of those hideous hospital gowns, waited a little while which felt a lot longer back then, went in, and was out after about 40 minutes. tak sakit pun since dah bius. i just could feel the doctor poking my hand here and there. the doctor, nurses, attendants were all super nice. and throughout the operation, they listened to this radio station. so, here were the few songs i listened to and kind of layan jugak la while i was laying there
i. a ricky martin song i can't recall the title
ii. all rise by blue
iii. a rock song kot tak tau apa tajuk tp macam from bands the likes of lifehouse
iv. pocketful of sunshine by natasha bedingfield
v. one soothing oldies. pun tak tau apa tajuk
then, i went home (dapat MC 5 hari! lalu saya menjadi seperti ular sawa melepak di rumah selepas itu) ate the medicines given, painkiller and ubat 'bunuh kuman' (antibiotik la amoi. you ingat i tak cukup educated ke untuk tau term tu) and went to sleep. woke up, unable to open my eyes and i thought mungkin sebab terlampau banyak tidur, okay takpe, kita tambah lagi masa tidur. but woke up again later in front of the mirror, still unable to open my eyes and see HORROR!
haha. turns out i was allergic to those medications. straight away went to the emergency that night bila bengkak tu tak surut. i got a shot, balik rumah, sambung lagi tidur
sekianlah cerita bertajuk diari saya pada 12 September 2008
ape nak cerita eh? i went there, changed into one of those hideous hospital gowns, waited a little while which felt a lot longer back then, went in, and was out after about 40 minutes. tak sakit pun since dah bius. i just could feel the doctor poking my hand here and there. the doctor, nurses, attendants were all super nice. and throughout the operation, they listened to this radio station. so, here were the few songs i listened to and kind of layan jugak la while i was laying there
i. a ricky martin song i can't recall the title
ii. all rise by blue
iii. a rock song kot tak tau apa tajuk tp macam from bands the likes of lifehouse
iv. pocketful of sunshine by natasha bedingfield
v. one soothing oldies. pun tak tau apa tajuk
then, i went home (dapat MC 5 hari! lalu saya menjadi seperti ular sawa melepak di rumah selepas itu) ate the medicines given, painkiller and ubat 'bunuh kuman' (antibiotik la amoi. you ingat i tak cukup educated ke untuk tau term tu) and went to sleep. woke up, unable to open my eyes and i thought mungkin sebab terlampau banyak tidur, okay takpe, kita tambah lagi masa tidur. but woke up again later in front of the mirror, still unable to open my eyes and see HORROR!
haha. turns out i was allergic to those medications. straight away went to the emergency that night bila bengkak tu tak surut. i got a shot, balik rumah, sambung lagi tidur
sekianlah cerita bertajuk diari saya pada 12 September 2008
the day guess i'm wishing my life away with these things i'll never say..
I’m tugging at my hair
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I’m staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head
I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you’re worth it
You’re worth it
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
It don’t do me any good
It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you
What’s on my mind
If it ain’t coming out
We’re not going anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care
What’s wrong with my tongue
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble
Like I’ve got nothing to say
+ i am a damn downright chicken
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I’m staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head
I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you’re worth it
You’re worth it
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
It don’t do me any good
It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you
What’s on my mind
If it ain’t coming out
We’re not going anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care
What’s wrong with my tongue
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble
Like I’ve got nothing to say
+ i am a damn downright chicken
the day of the damned
yesterday was one sweet day. but today is one hell of a day! starting with the hospital, the stupid MA, tangan yang sakit, sudden meeting, the sight of dockets bertimbun(tak start satu pun lagi!), workloads: they are all making me crazy! and the clock is ticking damn fast today. tengok ni jam dah 1620 and i still have loads to be done. and the fact that i just had a long 6 days holiday lalu terasa sangat malas nak kembali bekerja hari ini is not helping at all. tapi boleh blogging pulak korang tanya? ah well, nak release stress. kasi can boleh?
i want to blog about my hand thing but no time lah. later *promise*
i am not the kind that blogs about politics. but that doesn't mean that i don't care atau tak ambil tahu. aku ambil tahu okay? just tak nak menyesakkan blog or join the never- ending list of anti- government blogs, people yang complain tak sudah2 about the government, etc. tapi, apalah nak jadi dengan malaysia?? what the hell will happen to our country? muak dengan semua pasal politics. sudahlah people. can't we just unite?
okay. should stop now. my hand hurts pulak from typing. damn it
i want to blog about my hand thing but no time lah. later *promise*
i am not the kind that blogs about politics. but that doesn't mean that i don't care atau tak ambil tahu. aku ambil tahu okay? just tak nak menyesakkan blog or join the never- ending list of anti- government blogs, people yang complain tak sudah2 about the government, etc. tapi, apalah nak jadi dengan malaysia?? what the hell will happen to our country? muak dengan semua pasal politics. sudahlah people. can't we just unite?
okay. should stop now. my hand hurts pulak from typing. damn it
the day before THE day
wowow. it is the day before THE day. fuhu. feels like it was only just yesterday that i went to see the doctor. padahal dah sebulan lepas. the nervousness is back. and i am shaking. lagi worse, tomorrow confirm i will be shaking to the bones. i have been waiting since morning for the call from the nurse who kononlah said want to call me. since lambat sangat, i called myself and confirmed kan sendiri. so, it will be tomorrow peeps. insya- Allah. wish me luck ya!
ps. tadi aku and lin selamba je went and bought our lunch at the mcDonalds. the cashiers were all smiling. alah. perempuan tak puasa tu benda normal lah (okay, maybe pergi beli burger in the middle of the day dengan muka tak malu tu tidak normal) but if he had asked, i would have replied dengan tak kisah: ye encik, saya tak puasa. sekian, terima kasih di atas burger ini
ei. jangan lupa pray sedikit for me tau people! i know it is only a minor thing, but some little prayers won't hurt kan =)
ps. tadi aku and lin selamba je went and bought our lunch at the mcDonalds. the cashiers were all smiling. alah. perempuan tak puasa tu benda normal lah (okay, maybe pergi beli burger in the middle of the day dengan muka tak malu tu tidak normal) but if he had asked, i would have replied dengan tak kisah: ye encik, saya tak puasa. sekian, terima kasih di atas burger ini
ei. jangan lupa pray sedikit for me tau people! i know it is only a minor thing, but some little prayers won't hurt kan =)
the day of hoping
i am feeling a little bit better. this shall pass. and hopefully things will be better and i will feel lesser. i am hoping against hope
the day =(
i don't know to say how i exactly feel this instant. 2 questions:
sob2. takpe. mesti ada hikmahnya. but still..
=( =( =(
sob2. takpe. mesti ada hikmahnya. but still..
=( =( =(
the day i'm moving at the speed of light into eternity
It's you and me moving
At the speed of light into eternity,
Tonight is the night to join me in the middle of ecstasy.
Feel the melody in the rhythm of the music around you, around you
I'm ma take you there, I'm ma take you there
So don't be scared
I'm right here baby
We can go anywhere, go anywhere
But first here's your chance,
Take my hand come with me
It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night
It's gonna be me you and the dance floor
'cause we only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun and dance
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever girl forever
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever on the dance floor
Feels like we're on another level
Feels like our loves intertwined,
We can be two rebels breaking the rules
me and you, you and I
All you got to do is watch me
Look what I can do with my feet
Baby feel the beat inside,
I'm driving you can take the front seat
Just need you to trust me
It's like!
It's a long way down,
We're so high off the ground,
Sending for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl, where did you come from?
Got me so undone,
Gazing in your eyes got me singing what a beautiful lady
No "if"s, "and"s or "maybe"s
I'm releasing my heart and it's feeling amazing
There's no one else that matters
you love me and I won't let you fall girl
Let you fall girl
I won't let you fall, let you fall
Let you fall
It's Like!
+ forever by chris brown. what a feel good song! brilliant lah this guy. got me repeating it endlessly, dancing alone macam gila in the car and humming it day and night. do try and have a listen people! (or better, have a trillion listens!)
At the speed of light into eternity,
Tonight is the night to join me in the middle of ecstasy.
Feel the melody in the rhythm of the music around you, around you
I'm ma take you there, I'm ma take you there
So don't be scared
I'm right here baby
We can go anywhere, go anywhere
But first here's your chance,
Take my hand come with me
It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night
It's gonna be me you and the dance floor
'cause we only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun and dance
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever girl forever
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever on the dance floor
Feels like we're on another level
Feels like our loves intertwined,
We can be two rebels breaking the rules
me and you, you and I
All you got to do is watch me
Look what I can do with my feet
Baby feel the beat inside,
I'm driving you can take the front seat
Just need you to trust me
It's like!
It's a long way down,
We're so high off the ground,
Sending for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl, where did you come from?
Got me so undone,
Gazing in your eyes got me singing what a beautiful lady
No "if"s, "and"s or "maybe"s
I'm releasing my heart and it's feeling amazing
There's no one else that matters
you love me and I won't let you fall girl
Let you fall girl
I won't let you fall, let you fall
Let you fall
It's Like!
+ forever by chris brown. what a feel good song! brilliant lah this guy. got me repeating it endlessly, dancing alone macam gila in the car and humming it day and night. do try and have a listen people! (or better, have a trillion listens!)
the day he earned my respect a long time ago
suka lah my boss. since my first day here lagi. and not suka in any weird, creepy kind of way okay.
tapi respect. pure respect
tapi respect. pure respect
the day things i don't like
things i don't like/ despise/ tak suka je, bukan benci (okay, maybe a little bit):
THE WAY some people write on the web or sms with aLtErNaTe capital and small letters and exaggerated spelling
eg. hElL0, aKu oRaNg pAlInG b0$aN dAlAm DuNiA (gila haram susah nak taip)
eg. itew makanan gilew dap. dier pown ma fwen (oho. susahnya nak fikir ayat)
but this does not mean i don't like the person. just THE WAY okay. macam stupidly childish. apalah menyusahkan diri macam ni. and apa punya stail ni?
bOleH PeRgI mAmP0$ (writing style tu)
yeah, i know. eleh. suka hati kau orang la kan nak tulis macam mana pun. tapi suka hati aku jugak la kan nak merasa tak suka. kan?
this is not an emo post by the way. hehe (gelak untuk buktikan aku tak emo) sesiapa yang nak tulis macam itu teruskan jela. aku saja nak say it out loud after having kind of a hard time reading those kind of writings. macam geli lah mata baca. sheesh
ps. this is my 123th post. cantiklah nombor. nIcE nUmBeR kAn? menyampah. heheh
THE WAY some people write on the web or sms with aLtErNaTe capital and small letters and exaggerated spelling
eg. hElL0, aKu oRaNg pAlInG b0$aN dAlAm DuNiA (gila haram susah nak taip)
eg. itew makanan gilew dap. dier pown ma fwen (oho. susahnya nak fikir ayat)
but this does not mean i don't like the person. just THE WAY okay. macam stupidly childish. apalah menyusahkan diri macam ni. and apa punya stail ni?
bOleH PeRgI mAmP0$ (writing style tu)
yeah, i know. eleh. suka hati kau orang la kan nak tulis macam mana pun. tapi suka hati aku jugak la kan nak merasa tak suka. kan?
this is not an emo post by the way. hehe (gelak untuk buktikan aku tak emo) sesiapa yang nak tulis macam itu teruskan jela. aku saja nak say it out loud after having kind of a hard time reading those kind of writings. macam geli lah mata baca. sheesh
ps. this is my 123th post. cantiklah nombor. nIcE nUmBeR kAn? menyampah. heheh
the day the 8th day of Ramadhan
today is the 8th day of Ramadhan. 8 days of fasting, meaning already 8 days of tarawih (excluding malam nanti punya). and proudly to say i had only missed 1 day of tarawih! and that was only because i came back late from work. reached home at 2000+. nak maghrib pun terkejar- kejar. bukan nak berlagak. (although i am praising myself. eheh) just motivating untuk cuba cukupkan tarawih bagi full tahun ni. sebab tak pernah sekali pun dapat full seumur hidup ni. boleh?
tips: jangan start ponteng sekali. once dah start ponteng, for sure lepas tu jadi makin malas. this applies to me lah
actually aku tak puasa pun hari ni. but for acceptable reason. heheh. tapi macam puasa jugak lah. beecause i can't eat anything in the office. pintu bilik aku half wood, half glass. orang dekat luar nampak aku dekat dalam. how to gobble anything? i packed a bottle of plain water tadi but left it on the shoe rack at the front door. ceyh. puasa je lah. since i already woke up at 0610 tadi for sahur (early breakfast actually bila teringat i won't be able to eat anything later)
the tarawih i mentioned earlier (yang baru tertinggal sehari tu) is for the days before aku tak puasa lah ye
tips: jangan start ponteng sekali. once dah start ponteng, for sure lepas tu jadi makin malas. this applies to me lah
actually aku tak puasa pun hari ni. but for acceptable reason. heheh. tapi macam puasa jugak lah. beecause i can't eat anything in the office. pintu bilik aku half wood, half glass. orang dekat luar nampak aku dekat dalam. how to gobble anything? i packed a bottle of plain water tadi but left it on the shoe rack at the front door. ceyh. puasa je lah. since i already woke up at 0610 tadi for sahur (early breakfast actually bila teringat i won't be able to eat anything later)
the tarawih i mentioned earlier (yang baru tertinggal sehari tu) is for the days before aku tak puasa lah ye
the day like the flowing river
i totally LOVE this book. a brilliant piece of work from paulo coelho. i had read it thoroughly twice and numerous times had read a few chosen stories. i haven't touched the book for long and so it just lay there on my desk (it was actually my sister's copy tapi aku buat macam harta sendiri) but yesterday, after berbuka puasa (while waiting for the jumble of food i stuffed down my stomach to settle down) i picked the book, started reading, and fell in love with it all over again. suka lah. i learned a lot from this particular book and still learning. i'm going to get a copy lah for my keep sometime later. you readers go get a copy too tau. owh, get tuesdays with morrie (mitch albom) too. mesti tak menyesal punya lah
i love to read. dulu- dulu, when i was younger (eceh!) i started my reading habit with the sweet valley books. i remember clearly how i loved the drama of the twins, jessica and elizabeth wakefield. they were the main characters of the story. and then there was lila, the snobby rich girl. banyak lagi lah. the prices range from rm8.90, harga naik, sampailah paling mahal, it reached rm13.90 (kenapa semua harga buku kena ada that 0.90 sen kat belakang? sampai sekarang pun ada jugak, 34.90,39.90) and then there were sweet valley junior high. i read those too. sweet valley high je tak baca. because at that time, that story seemed too adult for me. i counted my collection yesterday and i have 29 of those sweet valley books. not that much but still impressive kot kan? hehe
my new collection of books sekarang pulak tak banyak pun. probably around 10+. tak kira pulak semalam. i think i have grown out of chick- lits. sudah tidak minat. tapi bacalah jugak just not on my top list anymore. and i am more into inspirational, thought provoking books now. probably because i have been through a little rough emotional patches and now looking for a way to reform myself. poyo aje but it is true and i was truly affected. also, it is kind of fun to read these kind of books. soothing too. and you tend to view things from different angles, your problems lighter and the world may seems such a brighter place. merepek sudah but that is what i really think. there are two books on top of my list now which i will get my hands on it ASAP
manual of the warrior of light (paulo coelho)- dah pernah jumpa. ada only one copy tapi copy tu tak cantik. and i like my books to be pretty =)
the secret (rhonda byrne)- ni pun dah jumpa tapi that time not enough cash in wallet. dang it
takpe takpe. soon
on another note, my face is now dipenuhi banyak benda asing, especially on the forehead. i don't know if it is because i'm stressed, or the fact that my dear friend is about to pay me her monthly visit. sigh.. maybe it is time to turn back to the old, reliable bedak sejuk to fix this problem kan?
and also, today is friday people! my favourite day of the week (besides saturday and sunday of course. heheh) simply because it is friday, the good day, the penghulu of segala hari and it also signals the coming of the weekend. and i saw that cute titanic boy this morning after so long. so see, it is a good day after all kan? have a good day and a great weekend people! *big smiles*
i love to read. dulu- dulu, when i was younger (eceh!) i started my reading habit with the sweet valley books. i remember clearly how i loved the drama of the twins, jessica and elizabeth wakefield. they were the main characters of the story. and then there was lila, the snobby rich girl. banyak lagi lah. the prices range from rm8.90, harga naik, sampailah paling mahal, it reached rm13.90 (kenapa semua harga buku kena ada that 0.90 sen kat belakang? sampai sekarang pun ada jugak, 34.90,39.90) and then there were sweet valley junior high. i read those too. sweet valley high je tak baca. because at that time, that story seemed too adult for me. i counted my collection yesterday and i have 29 of those sweet valley books. not that much but still impressive kot kan? hehe
my new collection of books sekarang pulak tak banyak pun. probably around 10+. tak kira pulak semalam. i think i have grown out of chick- lits. sudah tidak minat. tapi bacalah jugak just not on my top list anymore. and i am more into inspirational, thought provoking books now. probably because i have been through a little rough emotional patches and now looking for a way to reform myself. poyo aje but it is true and i was truly affected. also, it is kind of fun to read these kind of books. soothing too. and you tend to view things from different angles, your problems lighter and the world may seems such a brighter place. merepek sudah but that is what i really think. there are two books on top of my list now which i will get my hands on it ASAP
manual of the warrior of light (paulo coelho)- dah pernah jumpa. ada only one copy tapi copy tu tak cantik. and i like my books to be pretty =)
the secret (rhonda byrne)- ni pun dah jumpa tapi that time not enough cash in wallet. dang it
takpe takpe. soon
on another note, my face is now dipenuhi banyak benda asing, especially on the forehead. i don't know if it is because i'm stressed, or the fact that my dear friend is about to pay me her monthly visit. sigh.. maybe it is time to turn back to the old, reliable bedak sejuk to fix this problem kan?
and also, today is friday people! my favourite day of the week (besides saturday and sunday of course. heheh) simply because it is friday, the good day, the penghulu of segala hari and it also signals the coming of the weekend. and i saw that cute titanic boy this morning after so long. so see, it is a good day after all kan? have a good day and a great weekend people! *big smiles*
the day i'm remembering the warmth of days gone by (or was it the cold? hehe)
my 2 days 2 nights trip to genting was extremely fun, fun, FUN! (although duit habis merata) cakap banyak pun tak guna, so i will let the pictures do the talking ya. and owh boy, this is going to be one heavy-ladden-with-pictures post!
1st day: night: with the damned train
malas nak tulis panjang- panjang. kesimpulan: it was one damn amazing trip!
1st day: night: with the damned train
upon arriving, sangat semangat
talking to ayah. comel kan my ayah? ;P
writing my complaints tapi tak pos lagi. siap kau ktm
o240 baru train sampai? sepatutnya pukul 12 wei!!
EMO. 0340 baru nak jalan??? after dah tunggu for 2 hours and 40 minutes, you people add another freaking hour??
damn ktm punya pasal, we finally arrived at kl sentral at 1000 thus missing our 0900 bus. went up in a cab instead. terbang rm80
trying to be puppets? ;P
lompatan tak menjadi. adoyay
the flower was actually spinning tau. tp tak dapat capture pulak
before our first ride for the day
i know i shouldn't be laughing tapi the boy in the orange sweatshirt was shouting damn loud and being damn funny. hehe
the fog was quite thick at times
i don't know why i did that
gorgeous, amazing, real flowers
semua orang kagum dengan solero spaceshot! (or maybe scared to death!)
bersama kakak- kakak yang lebih tua
the famous london bus!
pakai gelang dulu before anything ya
corkscrew, the roller coaster. twice
genting skyway, the cable car. of course lah twice. going up and down
buaian pusing. thrice
flying coaster! twice. gila best!! terima kasih abang 5 ringgit!
solero spaceshot. twice
solero spaceshot
carousel. ini naik sekali sudahlah. untuk amik gambar je. hehe
fuhu. i want another ride!
mak budak ni memang mengamalkan just do it!
watching 4d movie: alice in wonderland
before waking up. sejuuk
my wristband
our hotel room, 19628
showing off my gelang la, what else? hehe
dalam elevator
breakfast yang sangat mengenyangkan
si pencuri wei!
while waiting for my sis who was looking for her friend yang asyik shopping lalu missing in action
the cultural village
seriously cold!
dalam toilet, sempat lagi?
weee. we are somewhere in a place full with fake snows!
snow world: again, fake snows
mau balik sudah
bye bye kota keriangan =(
turun genting terus jadi mak haji. haha
while waiting for the bus. thank God kali ni on time and tak miss
otw balik. opah wahida, tangan wahida, kereta wahida and the beautiful sunset
talking to ayah. comel kan my ayah? ;P
writing my complaints tapi tak pos lagi. siap kau ktm
o240 baru train sampai? sepatutnya pukul 12 wei!!
EMO. 0340 baru nak jalan??? after dah tunggu for 2 hours and 40 minutes, you people add another freaking hour??
2nd day: siang: crazy pictures (pictures are in random orders sebab malas nak susun)
damn ktm punya pasal, we finally arrived at kl sentral at 1000 thus missing our 0900 bus. went up in a cab instead. terbang rm80
trying to be puppets? ;P
lompatan tak menjadi. adoyay
the flower was actually spinning tau. tp tak dapat capture pulak
before our first ride for the day
i know i shouldn't be laughing tapi the boy in the orange sweatshirt was shouting damn loud and being damn funny. hehe
the fog was quite thick at times
i don't know why i did that
gorgeous, amazing, real flowers
semua orang kagum dengan solero spaceshot! (or maybe scared to death!)
bersama kakak- kakak yang lebih tua
the famous london bus!
pakai gelang dulu before anything ya
2nd day: the rides: fun, fun, FUN!
go- kart. sekali je. bosan yang amatcorkscrew, the roller coaster. twice
genting skyway, the cable car. of course lah twice. going up and down
buaian pusing. thrice
flying coaster! twice. gila best!! terima kasih abang 5 ringgit!
solero spaceshot. twice
solero spaceshot
carousel. ini naik sekali sudahlah. untuk amik gambar je. hehe
there were other rides as well. cyclone, space lab and ape ntah lagi but no pictures
2nd day: night: some more fun
my first real food for the day. marrybrown je lah. sebab paling murah up there. everybody was being a cheapskatefuhu. i want another ride!
mak budak ni memang mengamalkan just do it!
watching 4d movie: alice in wonderland
3rd day: funtime again. and wasting some more money. heheh
my wristband
our hotel room, 19628
showing off my gelang la, what else? hehe
dalam elevator
breakfast yang sangat mengenyangkan
si pencuri wei!
while waiting for my sis who was looking for her friend yang asyik shopping lalu missing in action
the cultural village
seriously cold!
dalam toilet, sempat lagi?
weee. we are somewhere in a place full with fake snows!
snow world: again, fake snows
mau balik sudah
bye bye kota keriangan =(
turun genting terus jadi mak haji. haha
while waiting for the bus. thank God kali ni on time and tak miss
otw balik. opah wahida, tangan wahida, kereta wahida and the beautiful sunset
malas nak tulis panjang- panjang. kesimpulan: it was one damn amazing trip!
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