i love to read. dulu- dulu, when i was younger (eceh!) i started my reading habit with the sweet valley books. i remember clearly how i loved the drama of the twins, jessica and elizabeth wakefield. they were the main characters of the story. and then there was lila, the snobby rich girl. banyak lagi lah. the prices range from rm8.90, harga naik, sampailah paling mahal, it reached rm13.90 (kenapa semua harga buku kena ada that 0.90 sen kat belakang? sampai sekarang pun ada jugak, 34.90,39.90) and then there were sweet valley junior high. i read those too. sweet valley high je tak baca. because at that time, that story seemed too adult for me. i counted my collection yesterday and i have 29 of those sweet valley books. not that much but still impressive kot kan? hehe
my new collection of books sekarang pulak tak banyak pun. probably around 10+. tak kira pulak semalam. i think i have grown out of chick- lits. sudah tidak minat. tapi bacalah jugak just not on my top list anymore. and i am more into inspirational, thought provoking books now. probably because i have been through a little rough emotional patches and now looking for a way to reform myself. poyo aje but it is true and i was truly affected. also, it is kind of fun to read these kind of books. soothing too. and you tend to view things from different angles, your problems lighter and the world may seems such a brighter place. merepek sudah but that is what i really think. there are two books on top of my list now which i will get my hands on it ASAP

takpe takpe. soon
on another note, my face is now dipenuhi banyak benda asing, especially on the forehead. i don't know if it is because i'm stressed, or the fact that my dear friend is about to pay me her monthly visit. sigh.. maybe it is time to turn back to the old, reliable bedak sejuk to fix this problem kan?
and also, today is friday people! my favourite day of the week (besides saturday and sunday of course. heheh) simply because it is friday, the good day, the penghulu of segala hari and it also signals the coming of the weekend. and i saw that cute titanic boy this morning after so long. so see, it is a good day after all kan? have a good day and a great weekend people! *big smiles*
1 ur say?:
I’m a big fan of Paulo Coelho! You will love this! He’s the first best-selling
author to be distributing for free his works on his blog:
Have a nice day!
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