my weekend

you know how i had said on my last post about my over-spending habit and how i should really stop. well, guess what. i spent again. can't say if it was a waste but it was not necessary either. sigh.. see, i went to dynamic (a bookstore) last friday. to find some stuff for my office but ended up buying junks. haaha. while looking around, i found this really smart- looking colour pencil. all black (made of black wood it says). and i was kind of thinking of buying it. then, tetibe trase this sudden urge nak kaler2 colouring books. so this inner childish side of me went searching for those colouring for kids book and bought the colour pencil! bought the 24 pieces some more sbb tergoda dgn kaler2 tu and alang2 beli baiklah beli yang memuaskan hati terus. an impulsive decision and there goes my money again.. tsk tsk. takpelah. i'm going to use this as a therapy to soothe me when i'm in the blues. and it's working so far! i totally enjoyed, forgot everything and lost track of time when i was colouring. so see, not a bad bargain after all kan (ayat menenangkan hati dan poket)

+ the colour pencils and colouring books. barbie tuuu and u could see minnie's ribbon there. haha

+ my oh-so-smart-looking colour pencils!

on saturday, i found another means of therapy (so opposite of retail therapy. no money involved! yay!) it was basket making. a form of handicraft. using waste papers, gulung2, sambung2, twist2, anyam2 and voila! i got myself a cute basket! da-di-da.. tp lepas buat 1 terus stop. sakit siot tgn dok pulas2 kertas tu (bagus bila tgh geram. bayangkan tu tengkuk org yg korang kepak2. haha) but i mastered and got the hang of it on my 1st try *proud*

+ the basket in the making

+ ta- da. sudah siap
+from another point of view

on sunday, we were taking a friend of sis efa for a tour ride around taiping. being the old-boring taiping there was no place elsewhere to go and so we ended going up bukit larut. of course not panjat sendiri but on a jeep. the journey up was swirling and sickening! last time i went there in 2001 takdelah teruk camtu?? was in the jeep with a very nice indian guy who told me that i should chat or sing and not concentrate on the journey, then only takkan pening. so this nice fellow was trying to chat me up but too bad. i'm too pening and too busy straining my insides from coming out onto his lap. i threw up once we reached the top. kan tak plan pun nak naik bukit larut tu. pegi makan secret recipe plak just before that. habis chicken cordon bleu yang aku makan. all went to waste in the toiletbowl. but the view was breathtaking! banyak kabus. we could practically see and feel the fog moving around us. gila best. unfortunately, no tulips since it was not in the season yet

+i came back after 7 years!

+simply amazing view! see the fog?

+1036m tinggi dari paras laut ni tau

+i wanna touch the sky! tp oops. a part terpaksa disensoredkan. heehe
all in all? a tiring weekend but pretty amazing!
+de pesta buku antarabangsa kat pwtc. nak pegi.. hhhuhuhu


break a leg!

de kawan aku sorg nih, she will be having her iv this coming monday. i'm excited for her. although she's busy feeling cuak, kecut segala and having loads of butterflies in her stomach. haaha. alah kawan. don't think too much (though dont take it too easy as well!) redah je la. impossible is nothing ;p

all the luck in the world for her! jgn lupe pakai cun2 tau =)

nidji's biarlah

aku sudah berlari
mengejar yang tak pasti
mengejar kamu.. hanya dirimu..
kulantunkan hidupku
kubisikkan cintaku
hanya untukmu.. hanya untukmu...
tapi engkau terus pergi
tapi engkau terus berlari
jadi biarkanlah aku di sini
biarlah kurela
melepasmu, meninggalkan aku
berikanlah aku
kekuatan untuk lupakanmu
waktu terus bergulir
sakit tetap mengukir
jalan hidupku.. jalan hidupku..
berikanlah jiwamu
berikanlah cintamu
hanya untukku.. hanya untukku
tetapi engkau terus pergi
tapi engkau terus berlari

jadi biarkanlah aku di sini
kau jauh dariku
kau tetap menjauh dari aku

+agak jiwang. tp.. biarlah jela kan? kan?


missing arshad

rindula kat handsome boy tu. arshad solihin seorng budak yang sgt sweet. very softspoken. cute tu tak payah cakap la betapa tinggi tahap kekiutan dia. tak takut dgn org. cepat je mesra walaupn baru 1st time jpe. tak nakal. pandai behave. dengar cakap. parents dia ajar dia cakap arab+eng sket2. excited gila dia jerit fish banyak2 kali ms nmpak ikan

dia suka makan kismis. when i asked for some, ingatkan dia nak datang nak bagi je kat tangan kita. tapi dia tros nak suapkan dlm mulut kita dengan tangan kecik dia tu. skali tu sepupu aku mintak lolipop dia, dia xnak bagi tp dia ckp 'no' lembut gile sambil tgn goyang2. kalau duduk tepi kita plak, dia suka nak duduk himpit2, dtg dekat2. mak dia tgh pregnant lagi skang ni. mak dia cite kalau mak dia muntah2, arshad akan datang dan usap2 belakang badan mak dia sbb dia penah nampak bapak dia wat camtu. ain't he sweet?

rindunyeeeee.... ohohoho

+comel tak arshad nih?? comel kan? kan?

life begins at 40?

ookay. i may not be 40 yet.. but i'm talking about my blog. i had just realized i had passed my 40th post. and it was a sorry post. where i rambled on and on and apologized and apologized. and apologized some more. tak cukup jari kalau nak kira perkataan sorry yg ade dlm post tu. hhehe

so, dah sampai post yg ke 40. and i am still maintaining this. although not updated everyday, but it is still breathing right. quite an achievement. haaha. life begins at 40!

+my fav t-shirt sekarang nih. brunch time. i had always dig brunch ;p
updated 20080327:1607
aik. baru prasan. i kinda update this everyday. heee


the all american rejects' move along?

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone sins
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Go on, go on, go on, go on

When everything is wrong we move along
Go on, go on, go on, go on
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

Right back what is wrong
We move along

+a song which best suits me these past few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. yeah. move on la wei. c'mon.. you know you have to


sorry dear friend

yesterday (don't ask me how. i was blog hopping), i stumbled to an old blog of a friend of mine, a dear friend i really held close to heart. and she was penning her frustration on how a friend of her kind of neglected her after finding herself a boyfriend. let's just name my friend A and A's friend (the one with the new-found bf) B. don't know why but i got the feeling that fren B was me

the way A described B, their relationship, the timeframe, it was all like soo kena dgn me. and i asked A was that person B me? she said she can't remember but she didn't think it was me. i even asked her to swear to God that it wasn't me. but A was kind of dodging the question. which further strenghtened my suspicion that it was indeed me. i apologized if it was me, then i asked her ape salahnye be honest and pls tell me who B was. then, i felt like i'm pushing her which really was tak patot. kalo dia tak nak bgtau dah la kan. and so i apologized again

i don't know why this was bothering me so much.. i was not angry that she posted those on her blog (if it really was me) but like i said, i don't know why, i don't know what i was feeling. i was so confused that i ended up crying, hard. which alarmed my sis. dia tny 'nape hg emo sgt ni. sbb period ke'. and i was like 'i'm not emo! i'm just, i don't know'. maybe it was the throbbing headache, or the sick-of-work feeling, or missing somenone, or my pms, or guilt, or simply this, i don't know. or maybe every bit of those were all jumbled up, making me sick with emotions. needless to say, i was in quite a sour mood all night long. i badly wanted to say something but i can't let it out

so A, i'm writing this so you can read it. i know you will sooner or later. i don't know how to say what i really wanted to say thru our messages smlm. i don't really know how to explain my thoughts. heck, i can't even explain what i was feeling to myself, let alone to someone else. all i know yesterday was that i wanted to know was i B. i wanted a solid answer, yes or no. i could take whichever answer. so long as i get one. and maybe i was bothered because i felt the need to explain myself. to justify myself

if it was really me, then i am so sorry dear friend. and i really mean it. i'm so sorry i haven't been a good friend at that time. and like you said, i had reasons. this is not just an excuse to defend myself. it was true. i was contacting my current bf masa tu using digi. with only one phone and 2 simcards, i can only use one at a time. and it was usually digi yang on. sbb i contact dia 24/7. i admit masa tu i mmg banyak lost contact dgn kawan2 maxis i. in fact, i lost contact with practically all my friends. sbb semua pakai maxis, no digi tu mmg contact dgn dia je. ade jugak yang merungut. but i can't do anything. being so bodoh gila mad in love, i never realized yang maybe ade yg terasa. all because i had just 1 damn phone and one fuckin bf back then. oh God.. how ignorant i have been.. which was stupid since my friends were the one who stood true to me in the end, not him

i'm not saying this to defend myself. or to deny that i did something wrong (if that was really me). i knew i was wronged. i just felt the need to explain things. and once again, i'm so sorry. really

i guess the reason this affected me so much was that i have had bad histories with honesty in friendship. a friendship without honesty which turned really ugly. kawan yg rapat mcm isi dgn kuku, gle rapat (housemates for 1year, roomates for 1 and a half yr) can turned into total strangers. someone you wouldn't even say hi or look at when she passed you by. she moved out of our room. and she wouldn't even tell me what i did wrong. she just decided that i was not her friend anymore. which made me so sad. and even though i repeatedly said to myself that it was her loss, i could't deny the loss i felt myself. and another close friend, which friendship without honesty too, went bitching me around behind my back. which she totally didn't know i knew about that and i was sweet enough to remain friends until now. although i don't really get why she did that, but never mind. all was forgotten. though not quite, but i'm trying

back to A, i'm really sorry ya. i hope i'm forgiven (again, if it really was me) i'm sorry i wrote this here but i can't think of any other way to express myself. and since i knew you read my blog, why not here. heehe. and i sincerely hope our friendship can survive through anything no matter what. boleh ke?

and for one last time, i'm really sorry.. not just because of this (if la i bkn B. although i'm completely sure it was me!) but because of anything said or done wrong since i had known you these past, how long a? since standard 4 kot eh. that was 1994. which means nearly 14yrs of friendship. wow.. lama kan. truly madly deeply sorry ye (i know you dah forgive me because you love me right? ;p) and do know that i love you too. lots

ps. this one incident got me thinking if there were any other friends i had hurt unintentionally. i remember a few but won't mention any names. anyone reading, sori sangat2. pretty please, forgive me. yg aku memang sengaja wat sakit hati xpayah. boleh blah. i'm sure you deserved that

pss. A, you don't have to leave any comment here. but i wouldn't mind any comment through phone though. heehehe


ke mana hilangnya duitku

post ni bleh diumpamakan ala2 research paper la. di mana aku telah melakukan sedikit research menggunakan methodology berfikir utk menyiasat seterusnya memastikan ke mana hilangnya atau lesapnya duit aku.

conclusion yang aku buat adalah: the more money you have, lagi tinggi gaji, lagilah higher the tendency to spend lagi banyak. ke aku je yang camni? i had been doing some thinking and realized that sejak dah bergaji ni, aku bnyk spent duit for those, erm.. i shall call it little luxuries in life. aku ni bukanlah dari keluarga yg mewah. hidup aku nak kata miskin tak jugak. tp kaya pun tak la jugak. alhamdulillah setakat ni hidup senang dari segi financial (maybe sbb tu kot kadang2 lupa diri dan berbelanja melbeh2. huhu)

so about those so- called lil luxuries in life. contohnye gaji 1st masa keje piza dulu i bought a fossil. lately pegi beli barang2 body shop. lip balm la, perfume, scrub la. beli sunglass ade brand, minum coffee bean, baby baru, aku dah xkisah to spend more in buying gifts. awal tahun aku nyaris2 beli purse fossil 100+. tp berjaya menahan nafsu syaitan. haha. mmgla original leather, cun siot, tp... hmm.. sbnanye bnd2 tuh takdela hebat mana pun, cuma tu sume bnd2 yg aku takde wat sebelum2 ni. baju tak payah cakapla. mmg dari zaman studi dulu suka beli baju. tp sume yg sale je ok. smpai a fren's fren penah tny: mai tu anak org kaya ke. nmpk barang2 dia semua stylo and mcm branded je. haaha. ye ke?

ble dah beli semua tu, no regrets. in fact, i think it was all worth it. cuma benda tu takde pun takpe kan. i mean, bukan keperluan. nafsu semata2. tu je aku nk cakap. heeehe

semalam aku pegi ipoh tgk wayang. 27dresses+spiderwick chronicles. bestla jugak. sbb aku mmg kaki wayang (tingat balik umah tu bc paper dr sms angkasawan tu ckp 'saya tak suka tgk wayang. membazir. ceit!) then abes duit lagi. lip balm, sandal, small pouch, bday gift, makan, minyak. about 100 kot sume. which leads to the writing of this post la. ah-hah. pasni tak payahla merungut wonder ke mana hilangnya duit because sendiri tau on what you spent it. kre mcm slalu kne jawab/ cakap camni la kt diri: dey, sendiri mau ingat laa!


my jumaat

semalam hari Maulidur Rasul. lupelah nak wish dlm previous entry. tapela. wish belated pun blehla kn. so hepi belated Maulidur Rasul. bleh ke? bolehlaa kan. smlm ari cuti yg aku habiskan dgn tido. haha. ptg tu flu yg teramat trok. bersin xberenti. stok tak hengat pny. aku tdo dari kol230 smpai kol6. dasat tak? abes burn zohorku. ampunkan daku Ya Tuhan. tp ni tetap tak bleh lawan rekod tidur aku plg lama ms studi dulu. dari hari ni pas zohor sampai esoknya nak dekat asar. dasat tak? lg dasat kan. yg ni lgla burn sgale asar sampai subuh esoknye. tdo mati ke pe. mmg terbakar la aku. huhu

td pg lin tertumpahkan sup yg panas atas paha aku. dia pusing blakang pastu bleh p siku sup tu dgn sesiku L dia yg tajam tu. hehe. menjerit la aku. panas beb sup tu. rase pijar je peha aku. nk tgk melecur ke tak takkan la nk selak kain aku tgh2 kantin tu kan. tahan jela. balik opis tgk2 xsampai thp melecur lagi tp mmg merah la. tape lin. aku maapkan hg. tp lain kali jgn main2 siku lg na.

lunch break igtkn nak balik. tukar baju la konon (yg da kne tumpah sup) tp ipa plak bleh bnykla plak bnd dia nk wat. p bank. tu takpe lg. kjap je. pastu p post ofis pnyla lm. ade la nak dekat 20min. naik hangin aku tggu dlm kete. da la panas. nak psg air cond mnyk kete dia mmg thp kronik da. jarum meter da kat empty pn. aduih. sabau jela. nak hilangkn bosan ni ha. aku snap a few pix. haaha

+ni kalo tgk botl2 tulisan kecik tu bleh nmpk tulis pejabat pos taiping dan historynye. maaple tulisan kecik beno. xleh zoom g. da max power zoom tuh

+yg ni plak van pos yg parking tepi kete

+ah-ha. kantoi muka tgh nk check msuk frame ke tak. heeehe. nk snap muka cover sket tp ipa da sudah. yg ni pn jadilaaa labu

da lmbat sgt tadi mlsla nk balik umah. ipa dok ajk p giant. 'haa.. jom p giant. hg xpnah p giant kn' jwpn aku:'huh? mcmla giant tuh mnarik sgt'. mmg aku xpnah p giant pn sejak first dia wat opening dulu. padahal duk cni je tade p mana2 pn. heehe. tapela. p jela. at least pasni ble org tny da pnah p giant ke blom bolehla aku jawab dah kn. sian tol tgk giant td. tade org pon. tula. da de tesco gatai lg nk p bkak another hypermarket. nak watpe bnyk2 a? xlama lg bungkus la tu. watla jusco ke pe. panggung wayang ke. lg bagus

ni lg satu nk ckp nih. aku cukup pantang la tgk org laki melayu ISLAM xpegi smayang jumaat. da la tak pegi bleh lg p tayang muka kt tmpt public. siap makan kfc tanpa segan silu. hish. menyampah tgk muka2 xmalu dorg tu. sengal

plus tadi aku kol dia lg. no regrets. tp haish.. knapela aku kol dia ha? tgn ni gatai sungguh. da la p tny tgh watpe? pegi smayang jumaat ke tak? pastu bye. abes. adoiiiiii. gle la

on another note, mencangkir lebih baik dari mencawan. pe makna ha? aku nmpk bnd ni engraved kt mug kt bilik big boss td (bos handsome!) hehe. mug tu souvenier kawin. aku siap tny dia n dia pn tak tau pe mksud. siap bleh xprasan lg bnd tu de kat situ. hmph. thn ni pny cleo's eligible bachelor tajol masuk. cutenye la hai. dgn rambut kerintingnye. xbley blah. nas-t pn de wahida. nm btol dia nas muammar zar. sedap gak. tatau plak aku tu nm penuh dia. hmm..


the golden arches

i think i'm getting addicted to mcd's banana and apple pie. yummy siot. dlu mmg la suke makan jugak tp skang ni da cam ketagih. klo makan sejuk2 pn sedap, makan panas2 lagila marveles!

last week da makan. isnin da makan. ni ari ni rase nak makan lg. so i'm thinking of dropping by at mcd later. bayangkan kehidupan dikelilingi banana pie yg panas lagi lazat nan harum serta menyelerakan. nikmatnya hidup... wo!


james morrison's wonderful world

I've been down so low people look at me and they know,
they can tell something is wrong like I don't belong,
well, staring through a window standing outside there just too happy to care
and I wanna be like them but I'll mess it up again,
I tripped them out when God kicked outside everybody's soul.

And I know that it's a wonderful world
But I can't feel it right now,
I thought I was doing well but I just want to cry now,
Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea,
but I can only see when you're here, here with me.

Sometimes I feel so full that it just comes spilling out,
it's uncomfortable to see I give it away so easily,
but if I had someone I would do anything and never never never never let you feel alone
I wont, I wont leave u on your own,
who am I to dream, dreams are for fools, they always let you down.

And I wish that I could make it better,
I'd give anything for you to call me,
Maybe just a little letter
Oh it could start again.

I know that it's a wonderful world
but I can't feel it right now,
I've got all the right clothes to wear but I just wanna cry now,
I know that it's a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea,
But I can only see well when you're here, here with me.
And I know that it's a wonderful world
When you're with me.

+yeah, i do know la. sadly..


highlight of the day

pagi tadi otw p keje, i finally met budak kecik yg naik moto ala titanic tuh after so long. lama siot tak nampak. mish! and that sight kinda made my day *all smiles*

+wondering tu budak laki ke pompuan eh. td nampak cam pakai baju kurung?? hmm.. *puzzled*

chris brown's with you

I need you boo, I gotta see you boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
Hey! Little mama, Ooh, you're a stunner
Hot..little figure, Yes, you're a winner
And I'm so glad to be yours, You're a class all your own
And..Oh, little cutie, When..you talk to me
I swear..the whole world stops, You're my sweetheart
And I'm so glad that you are mine
You are one of a kind and..
You mean to me
What I mean to you and..Together baby,
There is nothing we won't do
'cause if I got you,I don't need money,I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my all.
And.. Oh!I'm into you,
And girl,No one else would do,
'cause with every kiss and every hug,
You make me fall in love,
And now I know I can't be the only one,
I bet there heart's all over the world tonight,
With the love of they life who feel..
Wat I feel when I'mWith you
Girl..With you
Oh girl!I don't want nobody else,
Without you, there's no one left then,
You're like Jordans on Saturday,
I gotta have you and I cannot wait now,
Hey! Little shawty, Say you care for me,
You know I care for you, You know...that I'll be true,
You know that I won't lie, You know that I would try,
To be your everything..
'cause if I got you,I don't need money,I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my all.
And.. With you
Oh..With you
And I..Will never try to deny, that you're my whole life,
'cause if you ever let me go,I would die..
So I won't front, I don't need another woman,
I just need your all and nothing,
'cause if I got that, Then I'll be straight
Baby, you're the best part of my day
I need you boo,I gotta see you boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
They need it boo, They gotta see their boo,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight,
Hearts all over the world tonight
With you
With you

+sooo sweet... ;p


monologue of an amazing spender

gosh! i am truly such an outrageously amazing spender!! duit aku terbang melayang merata alam. and i spend and spend like hell. konon the sky is the limit. uhuuhu

dialogue to self: ok mai. u hv got to stop. and learn to curb your spending. and wake up! and save some money for your future. and jgnla ikut sgt nafsu shopping yg menggila tu. ok?

ookkkaay.. maybe bleh blanje skeeettt je lg kan. kan? now all i need is a modulator and a 4g pendrive. dah. cukup. and maybe a fossil? uh- oh. how to stop????

better stop woi or you'll end up like becky bloomwood. a chronic shopaholic. then again, it is kind of nice to be her. shopping like crazy (and by crazy i mean gle hell pny crazy) plus having a gorgeouslyhandsome-charming-superrich luke brandon by my side. oh la la.. what a life!

smlm aku mimpi something really scary. not scary-horror. but scary-weird-geli-eugh! what was i thinking?? fantasies. urm.. they can be dangerous ya know ;p



+the catholic and the muslim
i was talking to a catholic priest and a young muslim man over lunch. when the waiter came by with a tray, we all helped ourselves, except the muslim, who was keeping the annual fast prescribed by the Koran.
when lunch was over, and people were leaving, one of the other guests couldn't resist saying: 'you see how fanatical these muslims are! i'm glad to see you catholics aren't like them'
'but we are,' said the priest. 'he is trying to serve God just as i am. we merely follow different laws' and he concluded: 'its a shame that people see only the differences that separate them. if you were to look with more love, you would mainly see what we have in common, then half the world's problems would be solved'
again taken from like the flowing river by paulo coelho

in the light of current political situation in our country, especially in those states which had shockingly fall to the hand of the oppositions, i wish we could all just focus on what we have in common rather than fight over our differences



i haven't been in a good mood since mornin. i know my entry before sounded all happy. but in truth i erm.. i dont know to say exactly how i feel. not too happy, more than a little sad. somewhere between happy and sad. it was like there was this switch which kept switching my happy feeling on and off. and it tends to switch off more often. guess it affected me more than i realize. and this sucks!! big time

so i decided i need some time out. alone with myself to clear my head. so i went driving without any particular destination in mind. was thinking of havin lunch but my sis already ate and i dont feel like eating alone. but i need to be alone. do you get me? so i pusing2 around town until i decided for mcd's apple pie or maybe cheeseburger. but good luck was just not on my side. just when i finally made up my mind, i couldnt find a goddamn parking! merde! see. this is why we need a drivethru here peeps. xkisahla u all kata nat town ni hilang originality ke or whatever, a drivethru is kind of like an essential here. for me la, at least. so mcd, pls2 propose another plan ya. and quick. and guess i should plead to my boss too huh. haish

when i got tired of searching, i changed to kfc's cheesy wedges. and i had to pusing the block 2times before securing a parking space. tu pun behind the block (why was this town so full of ppl all of a sudden ha?) and i had to walk quite a distance. tapelah. better than nothin. bought my lunch and brambus, again to nowhere in particular. i finally stopped at some parking space in lake garden. luckily there's plenty. or else i would hv mengamok right there and then. ate my wedges while listening to the radio. ppl passing were looking and they probably thought i look like some kind of weirdo sitting alone in the car, eating. so i took out my phone and pretended i was on a call while munching on my wedges. i pretended i tgh gado on phone. and i really shouted. to myself. haaahaa. maybe i am really a weirdo after all

so then after finishing and packing i head back to the office, feeling all down and gloomier than ever. driving had always been therapeutic for me. but not today. my driving didnt really manage to cheer me up

today sucks!!

picnin cum mini reunion

i had a mini reunion last weekend. why mini? because only 3ppl managed it. although kurang korum we had a great time nevertheless! even if i received a call which kind of dampened my spirit. damn!! but then lake garden seemed such a beauty all of a sudden, i was with my friends. what more could i asked for? and so i pushed my thoughts aside. the menu was rasamas and melted secret recipe cakes. caramel cheese, blueberry cheese, classic cheese, choc indulgence. all melted. haahaa. tu la awa. xmo dgr lg ckp wahida yg suh mkn kek tu awal ;p

anyways, it was good to catch up with old friends. i haven't met them since God knows when. so we lepak, we ate, and talked, and laughed, dropped each other, lepak some more, and of course snapped some pix. and talked about a bigger, longer getaway. bleh jadi ke ni kawan2? jgn ckp je lbeh jalannye idak. heheehe. lookin forward to our big unplanned- yet holiday!!

+the very few of us who were there+

btw, keputusan pilihanraya was kind of shocking. and a bit scary.. wonder what's next huh


election is coming..

hola peeps! esok pilihanraya. the thing ppl all over the country had been so hyped up about (bosan gle selak paper ari2 all news psl plhnraya) so go vote eh everybody

exercise your right, choose your government and then stop complaining!



more stories to share

+the missing brick
once, when i and my wife were travelling, i received a fax from my secretary.
'there's one glass brick missing for the work on the kitchen renovation' she said. 'i'm sending you the original plan as well as the plan the builder has come up with to compensate for it'
on the one hand, there was the design my wife had made: harmonious lines of bricks with an opening for ventilation. on the other, there was the plan drawn up to resolve the problem of the missing brick: a real jigsaw puzzle in which the glass squares were arranged in a higgledy- piggledy fashion that defied aesthetics.
'just buy another brick' wrote my wife. and so they did, and thus stuck to the original design.
that afternoon, i thought for a long time about what had happened; how often , for the lack of one brick, we completely distort the original plan of our lives.

+destroying and rebuilding
i am invited to go to guncan- gima, the site of a zen buddhist temple. when i get there, i'm suprised to see that the extraordinarily beautiful building, which is situated in the middle of a vast forest, is right next to a huge piece of waste ground.
i asked what the waste ground is for and the man in charge explains:
'that is where we will build the next temple. every twenty years, we destroy the temple you see before you now and rebuild it again on the site next to it. this means that the monks who have trained as carpenters, stonemasons and architects are always using their practical skills and passing them on to their apprentices. it also shows them that nothing in this life is eternal, and that even temples are in need of constant improvement'

+rome: isabella returns from nepal
i met isabella in a restaurant where we usually go because it's always empty, even though the food is excellent. she tells me that, during her trip to nepal, she spent some weeks in a monastery. one afternoon, she was walking near the monastery with one of the monks, when he opened the bag he was carrying and stood for a long time studying its contents. then he said to isabella:
' did you know that bananas can teach you the meaning of life?'
he took out a rotten banana from the bag and threw it away.
'that is the life that has been and gone, and which was not used to the full and for which it is now too late'
then he drew out another banana, which was still green. he showed it to her and put it back in the bag
'this is the life that has yet to happen, and for which we need to wait until the moment is right'
finally, he took out a ripe banana, peeled it, and shared it with isabella
'this is the present moment. learn how to gobble it up without fear or guilt'

+the tea ceremony
in japan, i took part in a tea ceremony. you go into a small room, tea is served, and that's it really, except that everything is done with so much ritual and ceremony that a banal daily event is transformed into a moment of communion with the universe
the tea master, okakura kakuzo, explains what happens:
'tea ceremony is a way of worshipping the beautiful and the simple. all one's efforts are concentrated on trying to achieve perfection through the imperfect gestures of daily life. its beauty consists in the respect with which it is performed. if a mere cup of tea can bring us closer to God, we should watch out for all the other dozens of opportunities that each ordinary day offers us'

+norma and the good things
in madrid lives norma, a very special brazilian lady. the spanish call her 'the rocking grandma'. she is over sixty and works in various places, organizing promotions, parties, and concerts.
once, at about four in the morning, when i was so tired i could barely stand, i asked norma where she got all her energy from
'i have a magic calendar. i you like, i can show it to you'
the following day, i went to her house. she picked up an old, much scribbled- upon calendar.
'right, today is the day they discovered a vaccine against polio' she said. 'we must celebrate that, because life is beautiful'
on each day of the year, norma had written down something good that had happened on that date. for her, life was always a reason to be happy.

+the funny thing about human beings
a man asked my friend jaime cohen: 'what is the human being's funniest characteristic?'
cohen said: 'our contradictoriness. we are in such a hurry to grow up, and then we long for our long lost childhood. we make ourselves ill earning money, and then spend all our money on getting well again. we think so much about the future that we neglect the present, and thus experience neither the present nor the future. we live as if we were never going to die, and die as if we had never lived'

+who would like this twenty- dollar bill?
cassan said amer tells the story of a lecturer who began a seminar by holding up a twenty- dollar bill and asking: 'who would like this twenty- dollar bill?'
several hands went up, but the lecturer said: 'before i give it to you, i have to do something'
he screwed it up into a ball and said: 'who still wants this bill?'
the hands went up again
'and what if i do this to it?'
he threw the crumpled bill at the wall, dropped it on the floor, insulted it, trampled on it, and once more showed them the bill- now all creased and dirty.he repeated the question, and the hands stayed up
'never forget this scene' he said. 'it doesn't matter what i do to this money. it is still a twenty- dollar bill. so often in our lives, we are crumpled, trampled, ill- treated, insulted, and yet, despite all that, we are still worth the same'

all taken from like the flowing river by paulo coelho. for more thoughts and reflections go get it. a must- buy!


org ketegaq

ughh.. benci gle! aku benci org yg dok ceroboh2 hak org ni

wei tlgla sedar diri sket. tu bkn brg hg. bukan harta hg. da sah trang tang tang bnda tu salah. yg hg pi gatai2 ceroboh lg pasai pe. hg dok wat macam2 satg hg jgak yg rugi. hg wat keje bodo je. ee.. manusia kurang diajar btoi

menyusahkan aku je. huh.. sengal!

advice for today; know thyself

because it has lived its life intensely
the parched grass still attracts the gaze of passers- by
the flowers merely flowers,
and they do this as well as they can
the white lily, blooming unseen in the valley,
does not need to explain itself to anyone;
it lives merely for beauty
men, however, cannot accept that 'merely'

if tomatoes wanted to be melons,
they would look completely ridiculous.
i am always amazed
that so many people are concerned
with wanting to be what they are not;
what's the point of making yourself look ridiculous?

you don't always have to pretend to be strong,
there's no need to prove all the time that everything is going well,
you shouldn't be concerned about what other people are thinking,
cry if you need to,
it's good to cry out all your tears
(because only then will you be able to smile again)




weekend trip was amazing! enough said. tatau nk cte pe. too many things happened. and lots of sweeeeet memories. lots of snapping pix, makan, laughing. my mouth did sore and i sampai completely hilang sore sbb mmg tgh demam. and also shoppping!!! which burnt a HUGE hole in my pocket. i'm practically broke! huhu. meracau aku. altho there were a few major setbacks. like shibah tbe2 xleh join! smpat smpai ipoh je n kne rushing blk bsok pg. da kurang 1 korum =( and maro plak keje ahd & isnin (maro mmg pesalah! shibah dimaafkan)

my bunch of friends. lurve them!! rinduuuu lg... how i wish the trip can never end.. =(