you know how i had said on my last post about my over-spending habit and how i should really stop. well, guess what. i spent again. can't say if it was a waste but it was not necessary either. sigh.. see, i went to dynamic (a bookstore) last friday. to find some stuff for my office but ended up buying junks. haaha. while looking around, i found this really smart- looking colour pencil. all black (made of black wood it says). and i was kind of thinking of buying it. then, tetibe trase this sudden urge nak kaler2 colouring books. so this inner childish side of me went searching for those colouring for kids book and bought the colour pencil! bought the 24 pieces some more sbb tergoda dgn kaler2 tu and alang2 beli baiklah beli yang memuaskan hati terus. an impulsive decision and there goes my money again.. tsk tsk. takpelah. i'm going to use this as a therapy to soothe me when i'm in the blues. and it's working so far! i totally enjoyed, forgot everything and lost track of time when i was colouring. so see, not a bad bargain after all kan (ayat menenangkan hati dan poket)
+ the colour pencils and colouring books. barbie tuuu and u could see minnie's ribbon there. haha
+ my oh-so-smart-looking colour pencils!
on saturday, i found another means of therapy (so opposite of retail therapy. no money involved! yay!) it was basket making. a form of handicraft. using waste papers, gulung2, sambung2, twist2, anyam2 and voila! i got myself a cute basket! da-di-da.. tp lepas buat 1 terus stop. sakit siot tgn dok pulas2 kertas tu (bagus bila tgh geram. bayangkan tu tengkuk org yg korang kepak2. haha) but i mastered and got the hang of it on my 1st try *proud*
+ the basket in the making
+ ta- da. sudah siap
+from another point of view
on sunday, we were taking a friend of sis efa for a tour ride around taiping. being the old-boring taiping there was no place elsewhere to go and so we ended going up bukit larut. of course not panjat sendiri but on a jeep. the journey up was swirling and sickening! last time i went there in 2001 takdelah teruk camtu?? was in the jeep with a very nice indian guy who told me that i should chat or sing and not concentrate on the journey, then only takkan pening. so this nice fellow was trying to chat me up but too bad. i'm too pening and too busy straining my insides from coming out onto his lap. i threw up once we reached the top. kan tak plan pun nak naik bukit larut tu. pegi makan secret recipe plak just before that. habis chicken cordon bleu yang aku makan. all went to waste in the toiletbowl. but the view was breathtaking! banyak kabus. we could practically see and feel the fog moving around us. gila best. unfortunately, no tulips since it was not in the season yet
+i came back after 7 years!

simply amazing view! see the fog?
1036m tinggi dari paras laut ni tau
+i wanna touch the sky! tp oops. a part terpaksa disensoredkan. heehe
all in all? a tiring weekend but pretty amazing!
+de pesta buku antarabangsa kat pwtc. nak pegi.. hhhuhuhu
4 ur say?:
ehehehe.. comey je therapy mu itew.. sy pun nak mencuba. but i prefer to do puzzle. jig saw puzzle. but if u can't complete d puzzle lagi plak rs stress. tp klu dpt complete, mesti rs senang hati. hmmm...
weih, i've never been to maxwell hill. tunggu de tulips, kt gi ek?? during d inv jz now, i told them that i wanno work in tepeng. ahaks.. altho i noe there no chnce for me, but i jz want 2 let u know. eheheh...
jom2. tulip de bln7 kot.
prepare bawak barfing bag eh. senang nak muntah nanti. haaha
kita jgn la mkn SR sblom nek ats tuh nnti. insyaAllah tak muntahnye (^_-)
***i hv a swit memory bout d chcken gourdon blu. huhuhuhu...
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