different people do different things for different reasons. yeah, yeah, i get that. but this person, doing this thing? and may i spit this out loud; for whatever f***ing reason you scum?
i'm gonna put this in a metaphor (kind of)
you had a dog A. you loved it dearly and vice versa. or at least you thought so. until one day, it suddenly bit you hard, leaving a wound so deep until you boleh dikatakan menderita kerana penyakit anjing gila for years after. and you parted ways. you gave it up to an animal shelter or something, though you went there willingly occasionally to pat it. some time later, dog A came back with a dog B and dog B suddenly wanted to make nice to you, for no obvious reasons. nak ke be nice?
i don't get it. why nak make friends? ke aku yang lembab when i say i don't get this? and why so ignorant? knowing something and yet..
si gila, stupid asshole, #$%@##@!#$
sometimes you feel like a fake. talking nice to the face but bitching behind his back. but you couldn't help it. you would so love to spit everything out, to pour out all of your dissatisfaction and hurt straight to the dog. like 'oi! why you bite me a?'. but you just can't. you don't know if it is because you couldn't or you wouldn't. couldn't because doing that means admitting that you still yearns for the dog which will make the dog prouder than ever. and wouldn't because you do not have the heart nor the courage to do it for the sake of past love. and for fear of losing the you-dog friendship. although it had not bring any good whatsoever, it is still THE friendship, something you NEED to keep though the reason is oblivious even to you. did that made you sound like a cowardice?
i don't know who's more stupid here
(a) dog A for always being so ignorant and had the nerve to bring dog A to make nice
(b) dog B for wanting to make nice. i mean, what the hell were you thinking?
(c) you for continuing to pat the dog even though it had shitted on you many times before. owh, and you can expect more to come in the future too
dumb, dumber, dumbest. take your pick readers
to the dog: i wish you could mean what you say. walk the talk, you dog! and sorry for the dog reference. no pun intended. well okaay, maybe just a little. but i just couldn't think of any other metaphors right now okay