the talk was BORING as predicted. lin slept through out the whole talk while i managed to remain awake to catch a few bits of it here and there though there were those times occasionally in which i sailed away briefly to slumberland. talk ended and we went straight to midvalley and then back to bangi. again, without getting lost! wow, sangatlah kagum ye dengan kebolehan navigation diri sendiri. although i was quite blur differentiating kiri and kanan at almost all times. haha. and i put the blame on the signboard. seriously
so here is what i did in points. cause i'm too malas too elaborate panjang2
+ upon arriving, ate nasi daging merah dan malam keluar p cari jalan and later makan sate kajang. sampai sangat kenyang. ni la org kata eat till you drop
+ no shopping since the paying line was damn long and i didn't have the time to queue before the movie. sangat kagum dan gembira duit tak habis

+ minum air soda ceria at nymph's little garden. weird as it sounds, the drink managed to cheer me up though. haha
+ screamed my lungs out at the music box. reminisced some old, pathetic memories during some layan, jiwang songs. yuck
+ makan nasi dagang, packed my things, bought dunkins and balik
+ the house was empty since everybody were out everywhere and i forgot to bring my damn keys. had a friend to drop me in front of my house, panjat pagar, then lepak luar for a good 30 minutes in the nice cold wind from the rain, while eating mocha frost and listening to broery marantika's jangan ada dusta di antara kita. relaxing siot..
+called a certain someone twice. dia dah ada nombor maxis. i was not sad then but am sad later and now. weirdo
sunday was spent finishing nodame cantabile and spending some time with the drop dead gorgeous chiaki senpai! hehe. but the evening was spent moping around and crying. didn't even had dinner and went to sleep early. ish. apakah ini?
~what doesn't kill you makes you stranger~
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