on holidaay mode. selamat tinggal dunia! (pekerjaan). i'll be back for ambang merdeka tho. sheesh. and happy 51st merdeka and selamat menyambut ramadan al-mubarak 1429H. it's a double celebration la. so, happy fasting and detoxing everyone!! =)
this is my friendster shoutout. no time and too lazy to write a post. so, copy and paste je (perkara yang selalu dibuat masa study). i'm coming down with a flu dan ada jugak sedikit perasaan macam nak demam. uh- oh. go away!
but anyway, have a grand thursday, friday, weekend, merdeka and ramadan people!
the day i'm just crapping
hurm.. rasa macam dah lama sangat je tak blog something. tapi turns out baru 4 hari je. i have got a meeting at 9am. semua dah settled. apa nak bawak, apa nak bincang. that is why i'm stealing some time to crap here
i have been feeling quite happy these days. continuously. which i think is a miracle, since i haven't been feeling a happy feeling stretched for this long. bagusnya this feeling. tapi takut it won't last for long. and i wonder if this happy feeling is caused by my coming- soon trip on wednesday. a holidaaaaaay! benda yang aku sangat suka. happy sebabnya ada something for me to wait up, to looked up for. sebab selalu macam tu. bila dah abis holiday sangat down. and tak happy dan tak bersemangat
or.. maybe i'm happy sebab this one blog
sangat kelakar ok. THE funniest blog ever. EVER. sangat menceriakan hari aku. kalau baca sorang2 mesti gelak sorang2 macam orang gila depan skrin komputer. kalau baca dengan lin gelak terbahak- bahak bersama- sama. kalau baca kali kedua, ketiga atau ke 17 kali, still boleh gelak dan tersenyum kambing sorang2. macam orang gila juga. jadi, sila pergi baca. recommended as a laughing therapy!
i have been feeling quite happy these days. continuously. which i think is a miracle, since i haven't been feeling a happy feeling stretched for this long. bagusnya this feeling. tapi takut it won't last for long. and i wonder if this happy feeling is caused by my coming- soon trip on wednesday. a holidaaaaaay! benda yang aku sangat suka. happy sebabnya ada something for me to wait up, to looked up for. sebab selalu macam tu. bila dah abis holiday sangat down. and tak happy dan tak bersemangat
or.. maybe i'm happy sebab this one blog
sangat kelakar ok. THE funniest blog ever. EVER. sangat menceriakan hari aku. kalau baca sorang2 mesti gelak sorang2 macam orang gila depan skrin komputer. kalau baca dengan lin gelak terbahak- bahak bersama- sama. kalau baca kali kedua, ketiga atau ke 17 kali, still boleh gelak dan tersenyum kambing sorang2. macam orang gila juga. jadi, sila pergi baca. recommended as a laughing therapy!
the day kenapa kerja banyak sangat nih??
the big boss gave out lots of work today. and the datelines are not helping. satu nak isnin depan and another petang ni! the big boss pulak pergi kenduri kat penang. he should be leaving by now with his daughter, who is totally cute by the way!
eh eh. apa ni. kerja banyak pun still boleh blogging? the truth is, aku penat. terkejar2 ke sana sini. berapa kali ulang alik masuk bilik the big boss. bersembang pun banyak. haha. uh- oh. better get to work. burn la lunch break aku macam ni
edited at 1528
kerja yang deadline petang ni dah siap! now waiting for the big boss to come back from penang, edit it (sure kaw2 kena edit punya) and approve. compile dengan the plan and then settled! hmm.. pukul berapa nak sampai ni big boss?? lapar. ada bawak balik nasi minyak tak untuk saya?
eh eh. apa ni. kerja banyak pun still boleh blogging? the truth is, aku penat. terkejar2 ke sana sini. berapa kali ulang alik masuk bilik the big boss. bersembang pun banyak. haha. uh- oh. better get to work. burn la lunch break aku macam ni
edited at 1528
kerja yang deadline petang ni dah siap! now waiting for the big boss to come back from penang, edit it (sure kaw2 kena edit punya) and approve. compile dengan the plan and then settled! hmm.. pukul berapa nak sampai ni big boss?? lapar. ada bawak balik nasi minyak tak untuk saya?
the day i'm counting the days
just got back from buying the train tickets which leaves me excited because that means the trip is really confirmed and it will happen! apekah. padahal memang dah plan dan memang sendiri tau confirm nak pergi pun. hehee. pardon me for feeling this mega excitement/ teruja
so, super- fun trip! here i come!
*counting the days.. da di da*
so, super- fun trip! here i come!
*counting the days.. da di da*
the day yay! i get to keep the cenderahati!
you know the event thing i had to go last sunday, as the wakil to the big big boss. so i went, sat there patiently throughout the event (sambil merungut bosan dalam hati), yada yada, makan roti jala sama kari, lepas tu blah. and they gave me this paperbag with some stuff in it. untuk kelihatan cool dan tidak menampakkan aku sangat eager, i did not check out pun the contents there and then. cuma nampak a yellow box and another box in a pink wrapper
tetapi, sejurus selepas sampai rumah, i got changed, opened the yellow box and ripped open the wrapper (ripped ye. so much for the not eager thing. heheh) dalam yellow box ada tie bearing the organization's name. and.. in the wrapped box was a watch! (note: i'm a watch- crazy person) both items were definitely barangan lelaki and it suddenly striked me
"woi! ko wakil big big boss la. apehal ko nak bukak barang yang orang bagi kat dia??"
huhu. panicked. so, i immediately ran to ayah and asked
"kalau (insert nama panggilan aku kat rumah di sini) jadi wakil big big boss, dapat hadiah kena pass kat dia ke?"
ayah jawab kena. sob2. tapi takpe. aku buat keputusan nak tanya big boss. so just now i asked. and big boss kata
"ala.. tak payah nak pass kat big big boss. hang simpan je. bagi kat ayah hang. ataupun kalau ada birthday boyfriend boleh bagi"
ish boss ni. ada ke ke situ pulak boss (tersenyum gelak besar). hmm.. nak bagi kat ayah ke a? nak bagi kat boyfriend is out of the question. anyway, until i decide, i can consider that i got myself a brand new watch! biarlah jam tu lagi terang dan nyata jam lelaki. biarlah walaupun jenama jam itu ialah adem bartani. but i got myself a new watch! jadi kalau nampak jam berciri maskulin kat wrist aku in the near time, tolong jangan beri komen berunsur lelaki. terima kasih encik big boss. anda sangat cool dan memahami. have i told you guys how much i looked up to him? tapi tadi he was talking about quitting his job.. sob2 =(
tetapi, sejurus selepas sampai rumah, i got changed, opened the yellow box and ripped open the wrapper (ripped ye. so much for the not eager thing. heheh) dalam yellow box ada tie bearing the organization's name. and.. in the wrapped box was a watch! (note: i'm a watch- crazy person) both items were definitely barangan lelaki and it suddenly striked me
"woi! ko wakil big big boss la. apehal ko nak bukak barang yang orang bagi kat dia??"
huhu. panicked. so, i immediately ran to ayah and asked
"kalau (insert nama panggilan aku kat rumah di sini) jadi wakil big big boss, dapat hadiah kena pass kat dia ke?"
ayah jawab kena. sob2. tapi takpe. aku buat keputusan nak tanya big boss. so just now i asked. and big boss kata
"ala.. tak payah nak pass kat big big boss. hang simpan je. bagi kat ayah hang. ataupun kalau ada birthday boyfriend boleh bagi"
ish boss ni. ada ke ke situ pulak boss (tersenyum gelak besar). hmm.. nak bagi kat ayah ke a? nak bagi kat boyfriend is out of the question. anyway, until i decide, i can consider that i got myself a brand new watch! biarlah jam tu lagi terang dan nyata jam lelaki. biarlah walaupun jenama jam itu ialah adem bartani. but i got myself a new watch! jadi kalau nampak jam berciri maskulin kat wrist aku in the near time, tolong jangan beri komen berunsur lelaki. terima kasih encik big boss. anda sangat cool dan memahami. have i told you guys how much i looked up to him? tapi tadi he was talking about quitting his job.. sob2 =(
the day i'm searching for my SO tapi kenapa susah sangat nak jumpa ni wei!
susahnya nak jumpa. busy mengalahkan YB. okay, i know their job requires them to always turun site, spending time outdoors, which could be the bestest reason to mengular. tapi kalau keluar betul2 settlekan file takpelah
i have finished typing the letters and they should be on their way to the recipients now. senarai semak pun dah quite completed. just need to be adjusted here and there. in which i realized, 'eh. kerja untuk aku takde ke?'. my job, buat meeting, planning, make decisions, then delegate to orang lain, call for second meeting, pantau perkembangan etc. macam sangat senang? ah well, that is the quality of good leaders kan. pandai delegate (perasan. heheh)
anyway, pakcik cobbler semalam cakap suruh guna gam gajah la pulak. apparently, his glue will not be strong enough to hold the button in place. baik! saya akan ikut cakap pakcik cobbler dan akan gam sendiri nanti
the big boss is back in the office today. lin pun dah ada balik. after being alone, hari ini terasa.. erm, bukanlah pelik (tapi sebenarnya agak pelik jugak la sebab dah dua hari berlagak jadi big boss! haha) tapi lega. tak payahla semua public di refer to me. okay. kerja dah settled. nak pergi brunch. jom people!
i have finished typing the letters and they should be on their way to the recipients now. senarai semak pun dah quite completed. just need to be adjusted here and there. in which i realized, 'eh. kerja untuk aku takde ke?'. my job, buat meeting, planning, make decisions, then delegate to orang lain, call for second meeting, pantau perkembangan etc. macam sangat senang? ah well, that is the quality of good leaders kan. pandai delegate (perasan. heheh)
anyway, pakcik cobbler semalam cakap suruh guna gam gajah la pulak. apparently, his glue will not be strong enough to hold the button in place. baik! saya akan ikut cakap pakcik cobbler dan akan gam sendiri nanti
the big boss is back in the office today. lin pun dah ada balik. after being alone, hari ini terasa.. erm, bukanlah pelik (tapi sebenarnya agak pelik jugak la sebab dah dua hari berlagak jadi big boss! haha) tapi lega. tak payahla semua public di refer to me. okay. kerja dah settled. nak pergi brunch. jom people!
the day aku bosan jadi marilah merepek!
bosan menaip surat so tiba- tiba rasa nak tulis blog. hehe
yesterday, i went butang- hunting. yeah, you read that right. butang, as in buttons. sebabnya, my favourite pair of shoes, sebelah je dah tercabut ribbon kat atasnya. and tak tahu jatuh kat mana. sedar2 je dah hilang. damn. kasut takdelah baru tapi baru dipakai mungkin tidak sampai 5 kali. sayang dan kasihan kasut tu dok terperuk je dalam almari. so i decided to find buttons in similar colour so that boleh tampal atas kasut tu (kreatif tak?) hehe. so dah jumpa this adorable rose- shaped button and petang nanti after work nak hantar kat pakcik cobbler. mesti pesan: pakcik, sila pakai gam yang maha hebat lagi kuat sehingga butang itu tidak mungkin tercabut lagi
anyway, dah merepek. cerita sebenarnya is dekat kedai butang tu (bazar tsen long, kalau tak salah ejaan camni) ada seorang bai roti tengah jual roti kat luar. yang pakai motorcycle tu. hehe. i was soo excited. it had been so long since i bought breads from any bai roti. it kind of reminisced old memories. dulu kat rumah lama (kuarters JKR kot) kalau nak beli roti malam2 bukak lampu kat porch (tanda nak beli roti) and bai roti akan stop. pastu beli roti panjang2 yang ada krim kat dalam (yang slalu jual lima roti in a pack. ada perasa chocolate or vanila). then bukak lapisan roti tu, sapu krim rata2, pastu baru makan. last skali, tiup plastik bag tu bagi kembung and letupkan with a damn loud bang! haha. best sangat
so, semalam we bought that chocolate cream bread. makan dalam kereta sebab excited sangat (sebenarnya lapar gila!) and tiup angin lalu letupkan plastik tu with the same damn loud bang! fuhu! terasa macam jadi kanak2 semula. memories!
i told my sister masa tengah ingat balik cerita dulu2 that aku selalu bukak roti tu dulu to check and chose yang mana banyak cream kat dalam. and she went "oooo. jahat". haha. manelah aku tau. ingatkan semua orang pun buat. so semalam as i was the driver, masa aku mintak roti tu from her she was like "kejap. nak cari yang tak banyak cream. cover balik all those cream dulu2 yang hang makan banyak" ceit! ada ke patut?
eh. dah kol5+. time to drive the baby home. the thing i've been waiting since i punched in pagi tadi (tak bagus dan pemalasnya cik mai!) jom balik people!
ps. SO ni semua hilang. cari dari kol2 tak jumpa seorang pun. macam tau2 je aku nak bagi kerja. huh
yesterday, i went butang- hunting. yeah, you read that right. butang, as in buttons. sebabnya, my favourite pair of shoes, sebelah je dah tercabut ribbon kat atasnya. and tak tahu jatuh kat mana. sedar2 je dah hilang. damn. kasut takdelah baru tapi baru dipakai mungkin tidak sampai 5 kali. sayang dan kasihan kasut tu dok terperuk je dalam almari. so i decided to find buttons in similar colour so that boleh tampal atas kasut tu (kreatif tak?) hehe. so dah jumpa this adorable rose- shaped button and petang nanti after work nak hantar kat pakcik cobbler. mesti pesan: pakcik, sila pakai gam yang maha hebat lagi kuat sehingga butang itu tidak mungkin tercabut lagi
anyway, dah merepek. cerita sebenarnya is dekat kedai butang tu (bazar tsen long, kalau tak salah ejaan camni) ada seorang bai roti tengah jual roti kat luar. yang pakai motorcycle tu. hehe. i was soo excited. it had been so long since i bought breads from any bai roti. it kind of reminisced old memories. dulu kat rumah lama (kuarters JKR kot) kalau nak beli roti malam2 bukak lampu kat porch (tanda nak beli roti) and bai roti akan stop. pastu beli roti panjang2 yang ada krim kat dalam (yang slalu jual lima roti in a pack. ada perasa chocolate or vanila). then bukak lapisan roti tu, sapu krim rata2, pastu baru makan. last skali, tiup plastik bag tu bagi kembung and letupkan with a damn loud bang! haha. best sangat
so, semalam we bought that chocolate cream bread. makan dalam kereta sebab excited sangat (sebenarnya lapar gila!) and tiup angin lalu letupkan plastik tu with the same damn loud bang! fuhu! terasa macam jadi kanak2 semula. memories!
i told my sister masa tengah ingat balik cerita dulu2 that aku selalu bukak roti tu dulu to check and chose yang mana banyak cream kat dalam. and she went "oooo. jahat". haha. manelah aku tau. ingatkan semua orang pun buat. so semalam as i was the driver, masa aku mintak roti tu from her she was like "kejap. nak cari yang tak banyak cream. cover balik all those cream dulu2 yang hang makan banyak" ceit! ada ke patut?
eh. dah kol5+. time to drive the baby home. the thing i've been waiting since i punched in pagi tadi (tak bagus dan pemalasnya cik mai!) jom balik people!
ps. SO ni semua hilang. cari dari kol2 tak jumpa seorang pun. macam tau2 je aku nak bagi kerja. huh
the day my poor hand is suffering
phew. i have been signing and signing, signed some more since morning. my hand ni terasa macam nak patah. dah sore. i must have signed off more than 500 times kot. tak campur dengan public. i have finished 12 books alone this morning and that, times 50 sheets equals to 600 signatures. and still more to come. kalau betul la nak pakai 120000 sheets maknanya 120000 kali sign. divide that by two and the average is 60000! uhuk2. tolonglah buat cop sign untuk aku!!
so now, i'm giving myself a break. nak keluar pergi beli tiket train pun dah rasa malas. although talking about that puts me in the mood! excited nya! but more on that later because my over-worked hands are soo aching and too tired to continue typing. but i'm still in THE great mood. good sign, eh? later peeps!
so now, i'm giving myself a break. nak keluar pergi beli tiket train pun dah rasa malas. although talking about that puts me in the mood! excited nya! but more on that later because my over-worked hands are soo aching and too tired to continue typing. but i'm still in THE great mood. good sign, eh? later peeps!
the day i saw that cute titanic boy and the sight totally made my day!
i'm feeling great. because i saw that cute lil boy! in a blue t- shirt and a striking red short, looking happy and excited dapat main dengan penyepit kuih. haha. bestnye kalau dapat cubit pipi dia!
anyway, i slept early last night so that i could wake up later to watch the reruns of grey's anatomy which i missed last saturday. and well, it was worth waking up for. that show had never even once failed to amaze me. and scared me. hehe. can't say how much i have cringed while watching. i am not a big fan of needles, blood, or the way torres twist an elbow or the sight of bailey's scalpel cutting through skins. i guess it is the drama, or maybe it's mcdreamy. haha. though agak geram with the way meredith's toying with him. drama je lebih. tapi tetap kagumlah. dan sangat suka
work will be boring and tiring, no doubt about that. but i'm wishing this great feeling will last throughout the day!
anyway, i slept early last night so that i could wake up later to watch the reruns of grey's anatomy which i missed last saturday. and well, it was worth waking up for. that show had never even once failed to amaze me. and scared me. hehe. can't say how much i have cringed while watching. i am not a big fan of needles, blood, or the way torres twist an elbow or the sight of bailey's scalpel cutting through skins. i guess it is the drama, or maybe it's mcdreamy. haha. though agak geram with the way meredith's toying with him. drama je lebih. tapi tetap kagumlah. dan sangat suka
work will be boring and tiring, no doubt about that. but i'm wishing this great feeling will last throughout the day!
the day i'm tired of thinking
kenapa thoughts about guys sekarang ni hanya menyesakkan fikiran. buatkan otak aku jammed. kepala pun sakit. felt bored, confused, tak paham and tiring. thinking too much which langsung tak membawa faedah. damn
the day dapat silver pun jadi laa kan
the most talked about topic today sudah semestinya is how lee chong wei did not manage to bag the gold thus missing the whooping 1 million and pencen 5k a month seumur hidup promised by the government. sigh..
bangga jugak tapi quite disappointed pun jugak. chong wei pun can't be blamed. lin dan was really at his best yesterday. lompat punyalah tinggi macam ada spring kat kasut dia. and punyalah bertenaga sampai we suspected dia amik dadah. cepat2! buat the doping test to him! hehe. but it was so obvious that chong wei macam da give up after he lost the first game. takde fight langsung. macam budak kena buli je dia main. tapi ayah aku cakap mungkin dia frust sebab setiap pukulan dia semua lin dan boleh amik. habis keluar semua ilmu tapi tak berjaya. point yang dia dapat pun semua sebab lin dan buat silap, bukan atas usaha dia main. dah tak boleh buat apa2. yela2
masa dapat medal pun, sedih sangat je aku tengok muka chong wei. asyik sniffing macam baru lepas menangis je. takpela. silver pun jadi la. ingat senang ke? tp dang! dah dekat sangat dengan gold kan. still, i think nak jugak lah buat shoutout; MALAYSIA BOLEH! hehe
ps. double frustration semalam. double dang! =(
bangga jugak tapi quite disappointed pun jugak. chong wei pun can't be blamed. lin dan was really at his best yesterday. lompat punyalah tinggi macam ada spring kat kasut dia. and punyalah bertenaga sampai we suspected dia amik dadah. cepat2! buat the doping test to him! hehe. but it was so obvious that chong wei macam da give up after he lost the first game. takde fight langsung. macam budak kena buli je dia main. tapi ayah aku cakap mungkin dia frust sebab setiap pukulan dia semua lin dan boleh amik. habis keluar semua ilmu tapi tak berjaya. point yang dia dapat pun semua sebab lin dan buat silap, bukan atas usaha dia main. dah tak boleh buat apa2. yela2
masa dapat medal pun, sedih sangat je aku tengok muka chong wei. asyik sniffing macam baru lepas menangis je. takpela. silver pun jadi la. ingat senang ke? tp dang! dah dekat sangat dengan gold kan. still, i think nak jugak lah buat shoutout; MALAYSIA BOLEH! hehe
ps. double frustration semalam. double dang! =(
the day taiping got traffic jam. eh?
taiping jam? ye ke? yeah right. mampu ke taiping ada traffic jam. hahaha. at least that was what i thought just now when i was stuck for about 20 minutes at the penjara traffic light and saw a long queue of cars lining the road of bukit drummond. taiping or better and lovely known as tepeng mana ada jam wei. just ada accident tadi. right on the peak of the bukit drummond road. and typical malaysians. i bet every car slowed down to see the accident. being prihatin lah konon. padahal nak tengok the details so that nanti boleh cerita and kecoh2 kat orang lain. kan? if the road is big, then bolehla you all nak stop tepi gawping and admiring the car involved. ini jalan kecik. dah lah peak hour, time orang balik kerja. jalan terus je la
anyway, it took me a good 30 minutes to reach home. kalau tak 10 minutes je dah boleh sampai. tapi takpe lah. because i was enjoying the ride. listened to a few cool songs on the radio. and sempatlah jugak dengar i'm the lucky one 3 kali =). upon reaching home, grabbed the paper, put my music player on repeat mode and dengar another 4 times. what is it about this song that i can't seem to get enough of it? hmm..
tadi, i read wahida's blog. she was always saying of how she does not like the way taiping is evolving. she likes the conventional taiping, the old town. taiping memang terkenal as the pensioner's town. aku pun suka the old taiping, serene and peaceful. tapi janganlah anti- pembangunan. like i said, ada tempat yang di preserve, ada tempat yang dibangunkan. ada equal shares of everything. and apart from all the pembangunan, taiping will still be the same old town we all loved
lagipun, in taiping, there is a circle of place (i'm not sure of the boundaries) yang tidak dibenarkan buat buildings lebih dari 4 tingkat. mpt punya planning. it is called zon bandar warisan if i'm not mistaken. bet you don't know that kan wahida? hehe. see, it is not that bad kan. semua orang pun nak taiping stays the way it is, but a lil bit of changes won't hurt. another thing, takkan la nak buat drive- thru mcd pun dikira akan mengubah imej taiping? huhu. pity la some of us (me) living in taiping, yang masih boleh dikatakan berjiwa muda remaja. nak makan mcd sedap selalu dengan cara terpantas (tak payah cari parking). nak hiburan sekali sekala. in which zoo taiping (apparently THE most famous place here) tak dikira sebagai hiburan ye
typical conversation:
A: aku from tepeng
B: o.. dekat dgn zoo tepeng ke *laughing sorang2*
A: *eyes rolling* (dalam hati: typical nya remark. tak kelakar langsung. huh. bosan)
and oh peeps, today is friday. and tomorrow will be the weekend! my favourite part of the week. berbanding last friday when i was emo to the max, perasaan hari ini adalah sangat bagus. and it is because of nothing much except the fact that today is friday! alangkah bagus kalau hari- hari berperasaan macam ni. life seems so much brighter you know, when you are feeling this happy. kalau boleh biarlah the 2 days yang weekend tu jadi weekdays and the 5 days of the weekdays jadi weekend pulak instead. waaah.. bestnye. can a?
edited at 1640
damn! boss suruh pergi this event pulak. wakil big big boss. tak suka nya. not only the thought of working on sunday is unacceptable, it is also the fact yang i hate this type of events. bergaul dengan orang besar2. i don't know how to mingle with these people. siapalah aku yang kecil dan tak significant ini. tp boss cakap kena belajar. uh- oh. this sucks. tapi lucky tidak menjejaskan perasaan happy aku. takpelah. still got saturday free kan. huhu
anyway, it took me a good 30 minutes to reach home. kalau tak 10 minutes je dah boleh sampai. tapi takpe lah. because i was enjoying the ride. listened to a few cool songs on the radio. and sempatlah jugak dengar i'm the lucky one 3 kali =). upon reaching home, grabbed the paper, put my music player on repeat mode and dengar another 4 times. what is it about this song that i can't seem to get enough of it? hmm..
tadi, i read wahida's blog. she was always saying of how she does not like the way taiping is evolving. she likes the conventional taiping, the old town. taiping memang terkenal as the pensioner's town. aku pun suka the old taiping, serene and peaceful. tapi janganlah anti- pembangunan. like i said, ada tempat yang di preserve, ada tempat yang dibangunkan. ada equal shares of everything. and apart from all the pembangunan, taiping will still be the same old town we all loved
lagipun, in taiping, there is a circle of place (i'm not sure of the boundaries) yang tidak dibenarkan buat buildings lebih dari 4 tingkat. mpt punya planning. it is called zon bandar warisan if i'm not mistaken. bet you don't know that kan wahida? hehe. see, it is not that bad kan. semua orang pun nak taiping stays the way it is, but a lil bit of changes won't hurt. another thing, takkan la nak buat drive- thru mcd pun dikira akan mengubah imej taiping? huhu. pity la some of us (me) living in taiping, yang masih boleh dikatakan berjiwa muda remaja. nak makan mcd sedap selalu dengan cara terpantas (tak payah cari parking). nak hiburan sekali sekala. in which zoo taiping (apparently THE most famous place here) tak dikira sebagai hiburan ye
typical conversation:
A: aku from tepeng
B: o.. dekat dgn zoo tepeng ke *laughing sorang2*
A: *eyes rolling* (dalam hati: typical nya remark. tak kelakar langsung. huh. bosan)
and oh peeps, today is friday. and tomorrow will be the weekend! my favourite part of the week. berbanding last friday when i was emo to the max, perasaan hari ini adalah sangat bagus. and it is because of nothing much except the fact that today is friday! alangkah bagus kalau hari- hari berperasaan macam ni. life seems so much brighter you know, when you are feeling this happy. kalau boleh biarlah the 2 days yang weekend tu jadi weekdays and the 5 days of the weekdays jadi weekend pulak instead. waaah.. bestnye. can a?
edited at 1640
damn! boss suruh pergi this event pulak. wakil big big boss. tak suka nya. not only the thought of working on sunday is unacceptable, it is also the fact yang i hate this type of events. bergaul dengan orang besar2. i don't know how to mingle with these people. siapalah aku yang kecil dan tak significant ini. tp boss cakap kena belajar. uh- oh. this sucks. tapi lucky tidak menjejaskan perasaan happy aku. takpelah. still got saturday free kan. huhu
the day i helped the mole (accidentally!) merde!
we were going to bust off some people on wednesday. on my way out, while waiting for the others, i ran into my boss who was with A. and the boss asked where i was going and so i explained bla bla. it turned out, i leaked out some information enough for A to warn the people we were supposed to ambush! hoho. stupid stupid. damn! how was i supposed to know that otai was the leak. so the operation that day was kind of tidak berjaya. tapi boleh la. tu pun nasib baik sebab ada staff yang lain interfered before i could say more. adoyay cik mai. lepas ni kena lebih jaga your big mouth. huh. now that i know, no chance la korang lepas ni ok
then a staff had told me some stories about some people in the office. kenapa nak talam dua muka? you tell me la. how to work efficiently if there is always someone who will undo your work. it's like you already covered a hole, and then someone go and dig it back. sangat tak cool ok
on another note, a new friend of mine had been sharing her problems with me. her office problems. she is facing office bullies (won't go into the details tapi geramnya!!) and yesterday i found out that rupa- rupanya kat rumah pun ada orang buli dia! argh!! geram geram! i could not do anything to help her except offering words of advice. which makes me feels so helpless. geram geram GERAM GERAM
beb, how am i supposed to help you if every advice i gave, ada je your reason to jawab balik (again, GERAM) and you are not even trying. i know it is really hard for you. and i know that things like this are often easier said than done. but that is the only solution there is. you will have to stand up sooner or later. so why not now? nak tunggu apa? takkan selamanya ko nak diam?
anyway beb, be strong and i will always pray for your happiness and well- being ya
then a staff had told me some stories about some people in the office. kenapa nak talam dua muka? you tell me la. how to work efficiently if there is always someone who will undo your work. it's like you already covered a hole, and then someone go and dig it back. sangat tak cool ok
on another note, a new friend of mine had been sharing her problems with me. her office problems. she is facing office bullies (won't go into the details tapi geramnya!!) and yesterday i found out that rupa- rupanya kat rumah pun ada orang buli dia! argh!! geram geram! i could not do anything to help her except offering words of advice. which makes me feels so helpless. geram geram GERAM GERAM
beb, how am i supposed to help you if every advice i gave, ada je your reason to jawab balik (again, GERAM) and you are not even trying. i know it is really hard for you. and i know that things like this are often easier said than done. but that is the only solution there is. you will have to stand up sooner or later. so why not now? nak tunggu apa? takkan selamanya ko nak diam?
anyway beb, be strong and i will always pray for your happiness and well- being ya
the day i have no say over other people's bloody talking mouth
i have been meaning to post this yesterday but it had been a really hectic day until i did not get the chance to even online
yesterday, a friend in the office told me that someone saw me with a guy in ipoh last sunday when i was actually only roaming around taiping with my sister. this is the second time i've heard stories like this. the first one was true, although telah di exaggerated oleh tukang penglipurlara itu. tapi cerita yang baru ni is so not true. which makes me kind of annoyed
i don't get it. so you saw me (which you actually don't). so what? was it necessary to kecoh2 about that to other people? you want to tell my colleagues that you saw cik mai? ok, fine. but perlu ke tokok tambah cerita? konon nak added some spice lah? 2 theories:
1. you saw someone who looks like me and assume it was me
2. you heard the previous story (which happened ages ago) and decided to spread it out to other people pulak
so? pegi mampus! tak sangka budak muda, lelaki pulak tu boleh penyebok macam lu. go and mind your own business la people
yesterday, a friend in the office told me that someone saw me with a guy in ipoh last sunday when i was actually only roaming around taiping with my sister. this is the second time i've heard stories like this. the first one was true, although telah di exaggerated oleh tukang penglipurlara itu. tapi cerita yang baru ni is so not true. which makes me kind of annoyed
i don't get it. so you saw me (which you actually don't). so what? was it necessary to kecoh2 about that to other people? you want to tell my colleagues that you saw cik mai? ok, fine. but perlu ke tokok tambah cerita? konon nak added some spice lah? 2 theories:
1. you saw someone who looks like me and assume it was me
2. you heard the previous story (which happened ages ago) and decided to spread it out to other people pulak
so? pegi mampus! tak sangka budak muda, lelaki pulak tu boleh penyebok macam lu. go and mind your own business la people
the day aku layan anuar zain 24/7
Ku persembahkan satu citaku
Setulus hati hanyalah untukmu
Dan ku lakukan semampu aku
'Tuk menyayangimu
Hingga kau merasa jadi pujaanku
Meski bercinta kadang tak indah
Tapi 'tuk buktikan kau yang terindah
Dan ku pastikan
I'm the lucky one
Nikmati cinta
Lebih dari segalanya
Jiwaku dulu yang tak tersentuh
Kini terasa sejak bersamamu
Berikan hangat hingga ku tak mampu
'Tuk jauh darimu
Kerna kau yang bisa buatku bahagia
Caramu membuatku tak berdaya
Mata hatiku pun ikut terjaga
Kau ubah hidupku ini
Jadi sempurna
+i'm the lucky one, a beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL ballad!
Setulus hati hanyalah untukmu
Dan ku lakukan semampu aku
'Tuk menyayangimu
Hingga kau merasa jadi pujaanku
Meski bercinta kadang tak indah
Tapi 'tuk buktikan kau yang terindah
Dan ku pastikan
I'm the lucky one
Nikmati cinta
Lebih dari segalanya
Jiwaku dulu yang tak tersentuh
Kini terasa sejak bersamamu
Berikan hangat hingga ku tak mampu
'Tuk jauh darimu
Kerna kau yang bisa buatku bahagia
Caramu membuatku tak berdaya
Mata hatiku pun ikut terjaga
Kau ubah hidupku ini
Jadi sempurna
+i'm the lucky one, a beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL ballad!
the day i'm not fond of hospitals
just got back from the hospital. tak suka lah. i have never really liked hospitals. first and foremost reason is the damn long waiting. padahal nak jumpa doctornye kejap je. but i don't blame the hospital people. nak kata hospital kerajaan lembab pun is not fair sebab patient memang sangat ramai. i never thought that each day ada je orang yang ada masalah dengan tulang. ramai pulak tu. i was at the orthopedic clinic just now
hospitals always give me that uneasy, kind of depressed feeling. it is the waiting plus the patients. like just now, i was sitting beside this aunty for like 10 minutes and never realized that she had on a prosthetic leg knee- down, until her number was called and she got up to the counter. and a boy next to my right whom i don't know what his problem is but i overheard his mother talking about his past operation and he showed the scars and all. yikes! i hate those sights. rasa kesian sangat. and i have nothing in my power to help them. tu yang buat i felt worse. tak suka
menyesal tadi bodoh sangat tak bawak any books to read. or earphones nak layan mp3 pun can do. tapi terlupa la. buang masa je. tapi takpelah. because i settled the thing i need to. nervous tadi dah hilang but it will surely come back in a month's time. uh- oh
ps. but the doctors in grey's anatomy sure make it seems like kind of fun to work in the hospitals! hehe. anyway, tabiklah to all the medical practitioners tak kira la doktor pakar, doctor biasa, nurse or ma *winks* for the ordeals they have to go through every freaking day
hospitals always give me that uneasy, kind of depressed feeling. it is the waiting plus the patients. like just now, i was sitting beside this aunty for like 10 minutes and never realized that she had on a prosthetic leg knee- down, until her number was called and she got up to the counter. and a boy next to my right whom i don't know what his problem is but i overheard his mother talking about his past operation and he showed the scars and all. yikes! i hate those sights. rasa kesian sangat. and i have nothing in my power to help them. tu yang buat i felt worse. tak suka
menyesal tadi bodoh sangat tak bawak any books to read. or earphones nak layan mp3 pun can do. tapi terlupa la. buang masa je. tapi takpelah. because i settled the thing i need to. nervous tadi dah hilang but it will surely come back in a month's time. uh- oh
ps. but the doctors in grey's anatomy sure make it seems like kind of fun to work in the hospitals! hehe. anyway, tabiklah to all the medical practitioners tak kira la doktor pakar, doctor biasa, nurse or ma *winks* for the ordeals they have to go through every freaking day
the day i'm feeling a lil bit nervous. erm...
upon reaching office, the first thing i had in mind was to have a bar of snickers. rindu lah the taste. weekend tak makan, semalam puasa pulak. hehe. speaking of that, my supply of snickers is running out. ada 3 bar je lagi. yang belum tentu akan bertahan untuk 3 ari since i had once eaten 3 bars in a day. makcik cleaner mesti pelik sebab my tong sampah jarang ada sampah but bila ada it is full with snickers' and all sorts of chocolate's wrappers. budak ni dah la makan banyak, tak ajak makcik pulak tu. hehe. anyway, takde kah sesiapa yang bermurah hati nak sponsor me a fresh, huge loads of snickers? ;P
by the way, is it possible to feel like you have lost something even though you never even have it in the first place? i have been wondering since i have been feeling that for the last couple of weeks. things change. and again, that change is not making me feel good. merde! but changes are the only thing constant in life kan? i must say, i hate changes. sigh..
by the way, is it possible to feel like you have lost something even though you never even have it in the first place? i have been wondering since i have been feeling that for the last couple of weeks. things change. and again, that change is not making me feel good. merde! but changes are the only thing constant in life kan? i must say, i hate changes. sigh..
the day i'm thinking where was i on 080808?
i was blog hopping and stumbled across a few bloggers who posted about their whereabouts on 080808. nice number kan? and it will only come again in another 1000 years in which i will probably be dead by then. dunia pun belum tentu ada lagi. who knows if doomsday is just around the corner, right? (which reminds me of how i haven't done enough prayers to the Merciful God or any good to the world!)
so.. where was i on 080808? hmm.. i must say that i was down to the very bottom pit of the deepest hole ever that day (refer to my previous emo post) right now i feel so stupid for being THAT emo. and for making myself THAT transparent (not literally lah) on the world wide web (not that ramai orang baca pun) but still, this was the exact reason why i stop updating my friendster blog. because i ended up exposing too much and malu sendiri bila baca. how stupid. dan sangat tidak menarik. i hope i will never have to go through that kind of day again or ever feeling that kind of feeling again. ever. so, let's just hope against hope ok my dear self?
ps. things would have been loads better if i had never even gotten myself involved in the first place. so, let's take the cue from kelly clarkson's because of you:
so that you will never again cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing
so.. where was i on 080808? hmm.. i must say that i was down to the very bottom pit of the deepest hole ever that day (refer to my previous emo post) right now i feel so stupid for being THAT emo. and for making myself THAT transparent (not literally lah) on the world wide web (not that ramai orang baca pun) but still, this was the exact reason why i stop updating my friendster blog. because i ended up exposing too much and malu sendiri bila baca. how stupid. dan sangat tidak menarik. i hope i will never have to go through that kind of day again or ever feeling that kind of feeling again. ever. so, let's just hope against hope ok my dear self?
ps. things would have been loads better if i had never even gotten myself involved in the first place. so, let's take the cue from kelly clarkson's because of you:
1. never stray too far from the sidewalk
2. learn to play on the safe side so that you won't get hurt
3. don't trust people around you THAT easily ever again
4.have a little fear ie. be cautious
2. learn to play on the safe side so that you won't get hurt
3. don't trust people around you THAT easily ever again
4.have a little fear ie. be cautious
so that you will never again cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing
the day i'm bouncing back and hoping i'll bounce higher!
the weekend was spent in a blur. bengang over someone and the emo from all the other things happening around me hit me with a full force that i spent my friday night and my saturday sulking and moping around the house like a zombie. with my hair piled up high and my fringe pinned back. macam orang dalam pantang. talking to no one and only opening my mouth whenever necessary like 'ayah, mana spray ubat nyamuk?' or 'mak, mlm ni makan ape. lapar'. i felt like i was a candle, burning and melting slowly, wasting myself away. unwanted. i know too, that i was being childish and also extremely rude but i can't help it. i hate it when i was being pushed, being forced to do things i don't want to. and you just got me at the wrong time
but the good thing that came out of it was that i cleaned my room a little bit. kemas meja, vaccumed the floor, cuci kipas
and i spent some time reading. a thing that i haven't done in quite a while. so i read this book about a woman who felt that her life was empty. she became a restless person, taking up many activities like dancing, calligraphy, went to courses, read one book after another to fill up her time. just as a way to avoid those blank, empty spaces, the moments when she felt nothing was happening and she felt absolute emptiness, in which no love existed. quite similar to how i felt. maybe i can learn something here. but i haven't finish reading yet. so i can't tell you what's next. nanti dah habis baca i'll update
anyway, i decided to snap out of this mood. it is getting me nowhere. and i know no one can help me but my own self. nak wallow in sadness kadang2 tu boleh la. tapi takkan selamanya nak macam ni kan? why waste myself lama2 for something yang totally tidak mendatangkan faedah? i can be better, feel better. only i have the power to control how i feel, how i should behave. and i don't know if i can do this. but i can try, and i certainly will. so cheers people!
ps. wah.. positivenye?? let's just hope i can keep this up for long! =)
but the good thing that came out of it was that i cleaned my room a little bit. kemas meja, vaccumed the floor, cuci kipas
and i spent some time reading. a thing that i haven't done in quite a while. so i read this book about a woman who felt that her life was empty. she became a restless person, taking up many activities like dancing, calligraphy, went to courses, read one book after another to fill up her time. just as a way to avoid those blank, empty spaces, the moments when she felt nothing was happening and she felt absolute emptiness, in which no love existed. quite similar to how i felt. maybe i can learn something here. but i haven't finish reading yet. so i can't tell you what's next. nanti dah habis baca i'll update
anyway, i decided to snap out of this mood. it is getting me nowhere. and i know no one can help me but my own self. nak wallow in sadness kadang2 tu boleh la. tapi takkan selamanya nak macam ni kan? why waste myself lama2 for something yang totally tidak mendatangkan faedah? i can be better, feel better. only i have the power to control how i feel, how i should behave. and i don't know if i can do this. but i can try, and i certainly will. so cheers people!
ps. wah.. positivenye?? let's just hope i can keep this up for long! =)
there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and mesires. on such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us
~ julius caesar
~ julius caesar
the day aku jiwa kacau to the max!
forgive sounds good
forget i'm not sure i could
they say time heals everything
but i'm still waiting
~ not ready to make nice, dixie chicks
i told you yesterday that i have been feeling really low. and today i sank lower than ever. just because of one sight. mula2 hapi, excited, but then, my mood snapped in just one blink. i hate this. i hate this feeling. hate what i saw. i hate changes. merde! @#$%$#
i'm going to find something to do this weekend. to get my mind off things. mesti buat something, anything. wish me well peeps
the day ......
dapat menerangkan hati yang telah dicelar
bagai ku lumpuh tak mampu berdiri
aku tetap begini
takkan berubah kerna aku tetap aku
dan alur hidupmu bukanlah aku
bagai ku lumpuh tak mampu berdiri
aku tetap begini
takkan berubah kerna aku tetap aku
dan alur hidupmu bukanlah aku

hanya boneka yang sering engkau mainkan
yang dikawal oleh jari- jarimu
ku punya hati dan perasaan
pernahkah engkau fikirkan
cukup cukuplah oh cukuplah
i have been feeling really low these days. a thing or two had been bugging my mind constantly. thinking and thinking. sinking and sinking. i need a push. or a lift. i need to wake up. fast
the day i'm hungry hungry!
i had teh tarik for breakfast. then went for brunch as usual with lin and a certain very special companion yang membuatkan aku sangat ceria (really eh?) ko mesti bangga gila kalo ko baca statement tu kan. but fortunately, aku confirm 100%+ that you will never gonna read this ever. that's why it is safe to say that here. hehe
anyway bihun sup tadi tawar. even a huge emount of sambal kicap was not enough to improve the taste. kak nora lupa letak garam dalam sup tu ye? so i didn't finish even half of it. i know, i know, ramai yang kebuluran tak cukup makan in other parts of the world tp betul2 tak lalu lah tadi. maaf ye sebab aku dah melakukan pembaziran
that's why la now i'm dead hungry. starving. that's why la i'm eating snickers now. and now feeling thirsty tapi terlupe plak bawak air masak sbb rushing pagi tadi. damn. uh- oh. laparnye..
anyway bihun sup tadi tawar. even a huge emount of sambal kicap was not enough to improve the taste. kak nora lupa letak garam dalam sup tu ye? so i didn't finish even half of it. i know, i know, ramai yang kebuluran tak cukup makan in other parts of the world tp betul2 tak lalu lah tadi. maaf ye sebab aku dah melakukan pembaziran
that's why la now i'm dead hungry. starving. that's why la i'm eating snickers now. and now feeling thirsty tapi terlupe plak bawak air masak sbb rushing pagi tadi. damn. uh- oh. laparnye..
the day of the 1st of august

memori kau membuka luka lama
yang ingin ku lupa
memori tolong daku pergi jauh
janji takkan kembali memori
~ memori, ruth sahanaya
yang ingin ku lupa
memori tolong daku pergi jauh
janji takkan kembali memori
~ memori, ruth sahanaya
it's the 1st day of august. the month which i highly anticipated back on 2006. because it was my convocation and this was when the greatest 2 weeks of my life happened. the 'when and when and when' i quoted in the 'who i want to meet' space on my friendster page. i still remember it, though sometimes i wish i could forget. but no. i think i don't ever want to forget. i still want to remember, keeping it as the sweetest memory ever. so, please don't make things hard ya

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