memori kau membuka luka lama
yang ingin ku lupa
memori tolong daku pergi jauh
janji takkan kembali memori
~ memori, ruth sahanaya
yang ingin ku lupa
memori tolong daku pergi jauh
janji takkan kembali memori
~ memori, ruth sahanaya
it's the 1st day of august. the month which i highly anticipated back on 2006. because it was my convocation and this was when the greatest 2 weeks of my life happened. the 'when and when and when' i quoted in the 'who i want to meet' space on my friendster page. i still remember it, though sometimes i wish i could forget. but no. i think i don't ever want to forget. i still want to remember, keeping it as the sweetest memory ever. so, please don't make things hard ya

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