sedihnya macam ni kan? macam so pathetic. and i wouldn't want a life like this. i want a life where i enjoy my work and i'm doing it whole- heartedly because i love it and not doing it just for the sake of the money i can earn from it. hopefully i can achieve that soon. let's just pray eh?

2 ur say?:

r3dl0v3r said...

uhhh... tu cam i je tuh. menunggu hari sabtu or cuti adalah satu nikmat. hubungan hanya ngan pc. cakap pun berterabur bila kena komunikasi secara berdepan ngan manusia. kalau menaip memang lancar la. arghhh... tekanan. tapi tak nak meneruskan perjalanan kehidupan yg masih panjang dengan situasi sebegitu. uhhh...

mysenoir said...

menuggu weekend tu mmg mcm benda wajib kot. hehe. its okay darling.. ade masa lagi to move on. chaiyok!