work and going nuts. hey! they match! huhu

work is driving me nuts. well, not really. haha. probably just because i'm not used to this kind of environment. sebelum ini just lazying around like a hyppo. now, running around like a fast- charging cheetah. cheetah kan haiwan yang lari paling laju tu? or is it leopard? tak kisah la. i think you get my point

anyway, remember in my previous post i was saying saya nak job satisfaction? well.. i don't really know if i got it this time. workload memang ada la. nah.. amik kau semua kerja ni. huhu. kerja memang banyak until i lost track of time. in fact, there is never enough time. sedar- sedar je dah 5pm and sepatutnya time to go home. tapi tak boleh balik lagi!! uwaaa.. so was this the right decision that i made? i kept thinking about it the whole time and whining to amar who listened patiently (thank you sayang.. though i think at some point you were bored and annoyed with my constant whining. hehe)or maybe not yet kan? i just need some time to get used to it and for all this to sink in. kan? that is what i keep hoping. and let's just continue to hope so.

the only highlight of working here is i think being much nearer to amar. though it is not like i can see him on daily basis, but ini dah cukup baik i think. kalau malam after work teringin rasa nak jumpa boleh lagi la nak rush along the distance between us. although i prefer to be much nearer la kan. i mean, who doesn't? apa nak buat. manusia memang tak pernah bersyukur kan? huhu

later i'll blab some more okeyh. need to gear up for meeting petang ni

2 ur say?:

r3dl0v3r said...

ini bermakna anda jadi berpindah ke tempat yg dimaksudkan. wah, makin ringan la u nanti ek. banyak masa di habiskan ngan keje saje. bila makan plak, de tukang nak perabih makanan. ehehe.. this sat i'll be in ipoh. tetiba je terasa nak gitau kat u. hiksss...


selamat maju jaya di work place baru..

mysenoir said...

heh. work is driving me nuts!! hahaa. makin ringan tu no komen. hehe. watpe kat ipoh? kan kenduri noraini sabtu ni?