happy saturday people! spending my weekend at home sweet home this time. just got back from servicing my car which cost me a whooping RM 351.65. sob.. sob.. i can't help thinking of many more ways i could spend that amount of money.. tetapi tidak mengapalah demi my precious baby itu (sorry aku dah calarkan kau lagi)

apa nak buat ha weekend ni? normally bila balik rumah all i ever do were sleeping, watching tv, buat kerja sikit kalau bawak balik (this time pun bawak balik tapi masih malas), eating mak's cookings, just moping around doing nothing..

kalaula amar ada..

speaking of that boy, saya rindulaaa.. kenapa dia kena pergi terengganu? tapi bagus jugak kot a little time away from each other kot eh? i don't mean it feels great to be away from him. tapi maybe bagus in the sense that aku boleh balik jumpa mak and ayah. kesian diorang minggu ni tinggal berdua je since my two sisters were off to sarawak. ke sebenarnya aku dah mengacau their private- cosy-just the two of us time together? hehee

ala.. rindula gomok ni

In the hope to meet
Shortly again, and make our absence sweet.
~Ben Jonson

3 ur say?:

~maiefa said...

haah, kaco je mak nak dating2 dgn ayah..hehe..mak wat ns ayam kan sempena hang blk? damn, i missed it=p

mysenoir said...

oo.. tu sempena aku balik ke? heheh. sedap. aku dapat makan extra ayam sebab korang takde! yessss!

~maiefa said...

takpe2..jumaat ni mak nk wat lg..nyum2..anda balik kah?tak payah la..hehe