Tengok ticker tepi nun.
1 month until our Big Day!
One month!! Kiki.. :)
Haven't been updating for quite some time. Yeah, I know I started my almost every post with that sentence or something similar. Heheh. Ape nak buat. I'm a lazy bum and I admit it.
The only reason I am writing this right now is because I'm sooo sleepy sampai tengah menulis deraf surat boleh terpejam mata. That is weird sebab pagi tadi aku tak mengantuk langsung. Terjadi mengantuk lepas brunch tadi. I think the makcik mi kicap terbubuh banyak ajinomoto lah dalam sup dia hari ni. So, I'm hoping by writing this, mata boleh kembali segar dan boleh sambung kerja.
You know, I have been meaning to talk about Maher Zain for quite some time now after seeing all the hype and news about him everywhere. Even in the office hari-hari berkumandang lagu Maher Zain. So, let me tell you the story of Maher and I (ewah ewah macam kisah cinta pulak).
I got to know Maher I think when he was not yet a name in Malaysia, somewhere around March this year. Maybe he was known to some people back then but not really a household name yet. My sister (I'm not sure from where she heard about him) was the one who introduced me to Maher Zain. An avid listener, she downloaded most of his song and she had been pestering me to have a listen! Masa tu aku rasa "ee.. pengacau betul la dia nih". Haha. So, one day after dia membebel-bebel lagi, I finally listened to him. Masa tu aku tengah surfing Internet pinjam her laptop and I asked my sister to play him in the background.
My first thought was "Not bad". I was never really a heavy fan of nasyid. Dengar tapi gitu-gitu jela. But as you all probably already know by now, Maher's nasyid is different. There is a little something there. So, I asked my sister to burn a cd for me. And, one day while I was waiting for Ashton to warm up, she slipped a cd inside the car's player without me knowing. Then, as I was just leaving, she messaged me saying "Cd Maher Zain ada dalam kereta hang". And so, I listened to Maher all along my journey to Ipoh over and over again.
Since then, cd tu tak pernah keluar lagi dari player tu and selalu jugak la terpasang. Hehe.
Among all the songs, I personally like Thank You Allah. Simply because of the simple message and how touching the song and lyrics are.
When my sister went to his showcase, she called me during Ya Nabi Salam Mualaika, For The Rest of My Life and Barakallah so that I can listen too. But too bad, he did not sang my favourite song. Hmm.. takpelah. Lain kali dia buat concert nak cuba pergi.
I wonder bila pulak Sami Yusuf akan glamour di Malaysia?
The only reason I am writing this right now is because I'm sooo sleepy sampai tengah menulis deraf surat boleh terpejam mata. That is weird sebab pagi tadi aku tak mengantuk langsung. Terjadi mengantuk lepas brunch tadi. I think the makcik mi kicap terbubuh banyak ajinomoto lah dalam sup dia hari ni. So, I'm hoping by writing this, mata boleh kembali segar dan boleh sambung kerja.
You know, I have been meaning to talk about Maher Zain for quite some time now after seeing all the hype and news about him everywhere. Even in the office hari-hari berkumandang lagu Maher Zain. So, let me tell you the story of Maher and I (ewah ewah macam kisah cinta pulak).
I got to know Maher I think when he was not yet a name in Malaysia, somewhere around March this year. Maybe he was known to some people back then but not really a household name yet. My sister (I'm not sure from where she heard about him) was the one who introduced me to Maher Zain. An avid listener, she downloaded most of his song and she had been pestering me to have a listen! Masa tu aku rasa "ee.. pengacau betul la dia nih". Haha. So, one day after dia membebel-bebel lagi, I finally listened to him. Masa tu aku tengah surfing Internet pinjam her laptop and I asked my sister to play him in the background.
My first thought was "Not bad". I was never really a heavy fan of nasyid. Dengar tapi gitu-gitu jela. But as you all probably already know by now, Maher's nasyid is different. There is a little something there. So, I asked my sister to burn a cd for me. And, one day while I was waiting for Ashton to warm up, she slipped a cd inside the car's player without me knowing. Then, as I was just leaving, she messaged me saying "Cd Maher Zain ada dalam kereta hang". And so, I listened to Maher all along my journey to Ipoh over and over again.
Since then, cd tu tak pernah keluar lagi dari player tu and selalu jugak la terpasang. Hehe.
Among all the songs, I personally like Thank You Allah. Simply because of the simple message and how touching the song and lyrics are.
When my sister went to his showcase, she called me during Ya Nabi Salam Mualaika, For The Rest of My Life and Barakallah so that I can listen too. But too bad, he did not sang my favourite song. Hmm.. takpelah. Lain kali dia buat concert nak cuba pergi.
I wonder bila pulak Sami Yusuf akan glamour di Malaysia?
My sister is getting married in 3 days. Like 3 days! 3 hari okeh. Macam tinggal 3 hari je lagi untuk dia bergelar anak dara. Omaigod. Haha. Time flew so fast kan? It seems like only yesterday that we played camping with upturned sofa yang diselimutkan dengan selimut untuk jadi khemah! Hehe.
I don't know how I feel. I feel excited though. Can't wait nak start cuti sebab nak balik rumah tolong kemas-kemas, tolong buat hantaran, tolong menyibuk dan jadi buruh kasar. Can't wait nak pakai baju lace purple baru!!
Things will surely change a lot lepas ni kan? Dia akan ada rumah baru, extra family, other commitments. Nanti I balik Tepeng every weekend mesti dia takde kat rumah dah kan? Hmm.. nak gaduh dengan sape nanti? Raya nanti camne? I will be married too by then.. How's mak and ayah's raya's gonna be nanti? Hoho.
My sister, I never once called her kakak. I referred her as 'kakak aku' when talking to others about her but never once I called her kakak. Never. Mak pernah sound kenapa tak panggil kakak. But it was never practised since never. So, how suddenly in these older years nak start panggil kakak? But she is my only kakak in the true kakak sense even though I have 2 kakak. (Ape ni banyak sungguh perkataan kakak??). Those who knew my family well will know what I meant. Let's just say I am the middle sister in the family. Ada sorang kakak dan seorang 'adik' :)
To my dear kakak, I wish you the most beautiful wedding and may you be blessed with lots of happiness and children (aku nak jadi makcik!!). And perkahwinan ni aku doakan kekal sampai akhir hayat. I hope you will love the present I got you!! Hihi.
Kepada Fazrul (or abang Fazrul?? hehe), sila jaga kakak saya baik-baik. Jangan bagi saya menyesal ajar dia mengorat awak dulu. Hehheh.
I don't know how I feel. I feel excited though. Can't wait nak start cuti sebab nak balik rumah tolong kemas-kemas, tolong buat hantaran, tolong menyibuk dan jadi buruh kasar. Can't wait nak pakai baju lace purple baru!!
Things will surely change a lot lepas ni kan? Dia akan ada rumah baru, extra family, other commitments. Nanti I balik Tepeng every weekend mesti dia takde kat rumah dah kan? Hmm.. nak gaduh dengan sape nanti? Raya nanti camne? I will be married too by then.. How's mak and ayah's raya's gonna be nanti? Hoho.
My sister, I never once called her kakak. I referred her as 'kakak aku' when talking to others about her but never once I called her kakak. Never. Mak pernah sound kenapa tak panggil kakak. But it was never practised since never. So, how suddenly in these older years nak start panggil kakak? But she is my only kakak in the true kakak sense even though I have 2 kakak. (Ape ni banyak sungguh perkataan kakak??). Those who knew my family well will know what I meant. Let's just say I am the middle sister in the family. Ada sorang kakak dan seorang 'adik' :)
To my dear kakak, I wish you the most beautiful wedding and may you be blessed with lots of happiness and children (aku nak jadi makcik!!). And perkahwinan ni aku doakan kekal sampai akhir hayat. I hope you will love the present I got you!! Hihi.
Kepada Fazrul (or abang Fazrul?? hehe), sila jaga kakak saya baik-baik. Jangan bagi saya menyesal ajar dia mengorat awak dulu. Hehheh.
The only picture I could find in my PC :)
I am still in the office. Bukan rajin bekerja tapi ada bukak pose free nanti. Makan free kenapa nak tolak kan? Stayback sebab rasa nak buat kerja. Tapi sekarang rasa takde moodnya nak buat kerja. Effect cuti panjang sangat?
Tak baik tau macam tu. Dah kena sound dengan Amar "B ni tak baik tau camtu. Dah la dapat 500". Owh, suci murninya dia ni. Huhu.
A friend's mom meninggal dunia recently. Aku rasa sedih.. And I kept thinking about that ever since. Kenapa ye? Lately, there have been a lot of things running in my mind. And I think most of them are inappropriate. Perkara yang tak patut difikirkan. Kalau fikir jugak memang akan menyusahkan aku satu hari nanti.
Whatever. Sorry, aku bosan dan rasa menyampah.
Tak baik tau macam tu. Dah kena sound dengan Amar "B ni tak baik tau camtu. Dah la dapat 500". Owh, suci murninya dia ni. Huhu.
A friend's mom meninggal dunia recently. Aku rasa sedih.. And I kept thinking about that ever since. Kenapa ye? Lately, there have been a lot of things running in my mind. And I think most of them are inappropriate. Perkara yang tak patut difikirkan. Kalau fikir jugak memang akan menyusahkan aku satu hari nanti.
Whatever. Sorry, aku bosan dan rasa menyampah.
Hari tu aku rasa macam dah terjumpa tudung nikah. Yang ini sama kes dengan baju (love at first sight!). Hihi. Bila tengok je terus suka. Dalam hati fikir kalau tak pakai untuk nikah pun nanti nak pakai untuk hari-hari biasa. Sebab tudung tu nampak suci, simple, comel, cute, putih bersih dan segala macam lagilah kata-kata pujian yang ada.
Dia adalah sejenis tudung Syria. Tunjuk kat Amar dia cakap okay cun! (dengan tanda seru skali). Tapi bila tunjuk kat mak dan kakak mereka cakap macam tudung Indon. Haha. Tapi Amar cakap memangla fashion from Indon. Kan ke tudung Ariani tu pun amik nama sempena Ibu Ariani yang cerita ape tu eh? Mutiara Hati kalau tak silap. I was thinking of getting tudung awning untuk majlis nanti. So, kalau nikah pakai this type and sanding tudung awning taklah nampak sama sangat kan since both themes will be white (tula degil sangat nak buat kaler putih semua)
Berikut adalah tudung yang diperkatakan. Indon tak? (Abaikan muka bulat comot tu)

Tapi kenapa saya rasa tudung ni sangat sweet?
Dia adalah sejenis tudung Syria. Tunjuk kat Amar dia cakap okay cun! (dengan tanda seru skali). Tapi bila tunjuk kat mak dan kakak mereka cakap macam tudung Indon. Haha. Tapi Amar cakap memangla fashion from Indon. Kan ke tudung Ariani tu pun amik nama sempena Ibu Ariani yang cerita ape tu eh? Mutiara Hati kalau tak silap. I was thinking of getting tudung awning untuk majlis nanti. So, kalau nikah pakai this type and sanding tudung awning taklah nampak sama sangat kan since both themes will be white (tula degil sangat nak buat kaler putih semua)
Berikut adalah tudung yang diperkatakan. Indon tak? (Abaikan muka bulat comot tu)

Tapi kenapa saya rasa tudung ni sangat sweet?
Dewan semakin hampir. Bermakna masa durjana yakni episod menggelapkan dalam sejarah kerjaya bakal datang. Ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, masa susah tak pernah berakhir.
Minta nyatakan..
Ingin menanya kepada tott..
Menanya kepada tott..
Menanya menanya menanya.. Satu dunia meh weh tanya meh.
Mood terus hilang bila dapat tau petang ni kena stayback. Kacau plan betul. Di saat aku selalu rela hati stayback kat office tak pernah plak ada arahan kena stayback kan. Bila ada plan tu, time tu la dapat wahyu, memo, buku fotostat kulit biru setebal buku teks sejarah sekolah bagai (dah nipis sket sebab fotostat both sides).
Nak jawapan hari Khamis. What the eff?? Bestnyaaaaa.. Wo wee best best beeeest! Kenapa tak mintak jawapan tu semalam aje kan kan?
By the way kawan-kawan, Alhamdulillah Izan dah selamat bersalin baby boy seberat 3.25 kg (wow! besar kan?) jam 1.45 petang tadi. Bolehla sume pi lawat dia kat Hospital Pantai okay.
Minta nyatakan..
Ingin menanya kepada tott..
Menanya kepada tott..
Menanya menanya menanya.. Satu dunia meh weh tanya meh.
Mood terus hilang bila dapat tau petang ni kena stayback. Kacau plan betul. Di saat aku selalu rela hati stayback kat office tak pernah plak ada arahan kena stayback kan. Bila ada plan tu, time tu la dapat wahyu, memo, buku fotostat kulit biru setebal buku teks sejarah sekolah bagai (dah nipis sket sebab fotostat both sides).
Nak jawapan hari Khamis. What the eff?? Bestnyaaaaa.. Wo wee best best beeeest! Kenapa tak mintak jawapan tu semalam aje kan kan?
By the way kawan-kawan, Alhamdulillah Izan dah selamat bersalin baby boy seberat 3.25 kg (wow! besar kan?) jam 1.45 petang tadi. Bolehla sume pi lawat dia kat Hospital Pantai okay.
I am feeling low and down today. Kejadian semalam plus I don't know what other things affect me more than I thought it would. Yeah, I'm easily affected that way.
Hari ni aku tak keluar lunch. Duduk office settling my work. Miracle. Kadang-kadang bosan dengan kerja aku bukak Internet. Makan tengah hari pun tak. Walaupun ada orang offer belanja saya Sushi King! Oh God, why in the world did I ever refuse that? Like I said, miracle.
I don't know how to say what is on my mind. Just numb. And I have like this hate feeling. Hate? Nah, maybe that's too strong. I just wanna lie down and curl in my bed. I feel sick. Even when Amar called just now, I was talking half-heartedly. He was just trying to help.. I'm bad. Aku gila. Whatever.
I have a feeling I'm going to be really really hungry in 30 minutes. The mi kicap effect dah nak hilang =(
Hari ni aku tak keluar lunch. Duduk office settling my work. Miracle. Kadang-kadang bosan dengan kerja aku bukak Internet. Makan tengah hari pun tak. Walaupun ada orang offer belanja saya Sushi King! Oh God, why in the world did I ever refuse that? Like I said, miracle.
I don't know how to say what is on my mind. Just numb. And I have like this hate feeling. Hate? Nah, maybe that's too strong. I just wanna lie down and curl in my bed. I feel sick. Even when Amar called just now, I was talking half-heartedly. He was just trying to help.. I'm bad. Aku gila. Whatever.
I have a feeling I'm going to be really really hungry in 30 minutes. The mi kicap effect dah nak hilang =(
Kalau orang tak buat kerja, patut ke kita pulak yang buat kerja dia? Tak patut kan? Patutnya kita marah la dia, paksa dia buat kerja.
Wei, buat kerja la wei. Buat!
Kerja sendiri dah cukup banyak kenapa kena tanggung kerja orang lain pulak. That's shit.
Wei, buat kerja la wei. Buat!
Kerja sendiri dah cukup banyak kenapa kena tanggung kerja orang lain pulak. That's shit.
Puan X: Cik Mai kenapa tak approve friend request saya kat Facebook? Kita nak tengok gambar dia
Cik Mai: Aaa? Urm.. Ar.. tunggula nanti kalau saya dapat hidayah atau ilham dalam mimpi baru saya approve. Hihi
Haha. Maaf. Polisi saya tak approve friend request dari rakan kerja seangkatan. Saya dan Anne yang memang baik kamceng tu pun dah sama sefahaman tak mo jadi kawan each other dalam Facebook. Berkawan dalam dunia sebenar sudah. Sebab ape ye? Entah. It feels weird and I personally think, I will feel restricted and no longer feel free in the Facebook world! Haha.
In fact, I no longer approve friend request from strangers. Walaupun privacy policy Facebook sekarang ni dah meragukan dan tak terjamin, kita buat jelah apa yang termampu kan nak protect kita punya account. Was thinking on doing a spring cleaning on my friend list, buang semua yang tak kenal tapi main approve je dulu tapi belum berkesempatan. Maybe later.
Cik Mai: Aaa? Urm.. Ar.. tunggula nanti kalau saya dapat hidayah atau ilham dalam mimpi baru saya approve. Hihi
Haha. Maaf. Polisi saya tak approve friend request dari rakan kerja seangkatan. Saya dan Anne yang memang baik kamceng tu pun dah sama sefahaman tak mo jadi kawan each other dalam Facebook. Berkawan dalam dunia sebenar sudah. Sebab ape ye? Entah. It feels weird and I personally think, I will feel restricted and no longer feel free in the Facebook world! Haha.
In fact, I no longer approve friend request from strangers. Walaupun privacy policy Facebook sekarang ni dah meragukan dan tak terjamin, kita buat jelah apa yang termampu kan nak protect kita punya account. Was thinking on doing a spring cleaning on my friend list, buang semua yang tak kenal tapi main approve je dulu tapi belum berkesempatan. Maybe later.
Saya floooo hari ini dari pagi sampai petang tak kering-kering lagi air hidung aku ni hoi. Jadi I'm so not in the mood to work since 4.00 pm resulting in me surfing information for wedding preparation. Sorry bosses and all. Saya tahu saya tidak integriti petang ini.
So, my kad kahwin vendor dah reply my emails. Sangat cepat bekerja dan senang betul. Let's hope yang proses design and everything lepas ni akan senang jugak. And hope jugak the colour we chose will turn out okay! :)
Photographer pun ada a few yang dah balas my emails. Dah dapat quotations and now it is time for decisions decisions. Tapi kan I actually already have this one photographer in mind. Dari awal masa thinking about photographer and after my sister suggested aku macam dah nekad nak ambik dia ni. Kenapa ye? Ntah. Dia macam kes first love dengan baju tu la kot. Atau sebenarnya dah malas nak survey!! Haha. Besides harga yang photographer lain kasi macam a bit pricey for my budget. I can afford to pay but I don't think I can afford paying that much just for photography. Yes, I know pictures are worth a thousand words, believe me, I know and I value the importance (pernah gaduh dengan Amar ok pasal ni sebab awal-awal dulu dia tak nak amik wedding photographer! Horror gile!!). So, aku ingat nak book je tarikh dia ni and nanti call untuk nego the package and all.
Aku perasan yang cara bekerja aku dalam prepare wedding ni macam tak kisah sangat and just nak things settle cepat. Macam get it done and over with. Tangkap muat. Boleh camtu? Haha
So, my kad kahwin vendor dah reply my emails. Sangat cepat bekerja dan senang betul. Let's hope yang proses design and everything lepas ni akan senang jugak. And hope jugak the colour we chose will turn out okay! :)
Photographer pun ada a few yang dah balas my emails. Dah dapat quotations and now it is time for decisions decisions. Tapi kan I actually already have this one photographer in mind. Dari awal masa thinking about photographer and after my sister suggested aku macam dah nekad nak ambik dia ni. Kenapa ye? Ntah. Dia macam kes first love dengan baju tu la kot. Atau sebenarnya dah malas nak survey!! Haha. Besides harga yang photographer lain kasi macam a bit pricey for my budget. I can afford to pay but I don't think I can afford paying that much just for photography. Yes, I know pictures are worth a thousand words, believe me, I know and I value the importance (pernah gaduh dengan Amar ok pasal ni sebab awal-awal dulu dia tak nak amik wedding photographer! Horror gile!!). So, aku ingat nak book je tarikh dia ni and nanti call untuk nego the package and all.
Aku perasan yang cara bekerja aku dalam prepare wedding ni macam tak kisah sangat and just nak things settle cepat. Macam get it done and over with. Tangkap muat. Boleh camtu? Haha
Eclipse is better than New Moon and at par with Twilight.
Sebaris ayat ulasan sahaja sebab malas nak review movie. Hehe.
Sebaris ayat ulasan sahaja sebab malas nak review movie. Hehe.
Misi hujung minggu sukses!! Oleh itu, tak mengapalah kalau aku terpaksa melepaskan peluang white water rafting kat Gopeng sedangkan aku dah lama teringin mengigau benda tu. Huhu
Misi itu sebenarnya misi wedding preparation. Hehe. Let's see what have I done so far.
Kad kahwin : Ordered. Tunggu feedback from the vendor.
Baju reception Taiping : Booked!! Finally after much consideration and hesitation aku ambil jugak the 1st baju yang aku suka dalam banyak-banyak baju yang disurvey. Ini kira macam baju 1st love. Bila tengok yang ni dah suka and terus tengok baju lain walau cantik jugak tapi takde hati. The only problem tak ambil awal-awal is because it's a wee bit pricey. Tapi Amar yang bantu aku buat keputusan. Mungkin sebab dah bosan tengok aku duduk muka buntu merenung baju tu lama-lama. Haha. I guess he knew I badly wanted it and terus cakap "Ok encik. Ambik jelah baju ni sekarang book". Dalam hati mesti kata "Ei.. pompuan ni. Kalo dah suka tu ambik jelaaa". Haha. Harga? Itu tolak belakang. Huhu.
Baju nikah : Dah hantar kat tailor dan dia kata akan siapkan before raya. Hopefuly cantik nanti. Risau harga je pulak ni. Hehe
Photographer : Still looking
Hantaran : Halfway done. Paling penting akan dapat jugak bag idaman hati!!
Pelamin, meja makan etc. : Akan book nanti. Dah tau mana yang nak. Tinggal nak book je
Phew. Macam dah banyak je aku buat kan kan? Yang lain kita kayuh pelan-pelan k. Bulan 12 macam lambat lagi kan? :)
Misi itu sebenarnya misi wedding preparation. Hehe. Let's see what have I done so far.
Kad kahwin : Ordered. Tunggu feedback from the vendor.
Baju reception Taiping : Booked!! Finally after much consideration and hesitation aku ambil jugak the 1st baju yang aku suka dalam banyak-banyak baju yang disurvey. Ini kira macam baju 1st love. Bila tengok yang ni dah suka and terus tengok baju lain walau cantik jugak tapi takde hati. The only problem tak ambil awal-awal is because it's a wee bit pricey. Tapi Amar yang bantu aku buat keputusan. Mungkin sebab dah bosan tengok aku duduk muka buntu merenung baju tu lama-lama. Haha. I guess he knew I badly wanted it and terus cakap "Ok encik. Ambik jelah baju ni sekarang book". Dalam hati mesti kata "Ei.. pompuan ni. Kalo dah suka tu ambik jelaaa". Haha. Harga? Itu tolak belakang. Huhu.
Baju nikah : Dah hantar kat tailor dan dia kata akan siapkan before raya. Hopefuly cantik nanti. Risau harga je pulak ni. Hehe
Photographer : Still looking
Hantaran : Halfway done. Paling penting akan dapat jugak bag idaman hati!!
Pelamin, meja makan etc. : Akan book nanti. Dah tau mana yang nak. Tinggal nak book je
Phew. Macam dah banyak je aku buat kan kan? Yang lain kita kayuh pelan-pelan k. Bulan 12 macam lambat lagi kan? :)
Isnin : 7.57
Selasa : 7.57
Rabu : 8.02
Khamis : 7.59
Jumaat : 8.04
Jadual punch card saya untuk minggu ini. Malang tak berbau sebab selalu terbabas tido menyebabkan lambat dan driving sambil marah kereta depan yang bawak slow.
Hari Khamis aku pakai tudung bawal okay je sampai ofis sipi-sipi. Hari ni aku pakai shawl kenapa lewat 4 minit sedangkan aku bangun pagi tadi 6.40?? Sebenarnya salah sendiri. Jangan cuba salahkan tudung bawal. Sekian.
Saya sedang mengalami sindrom petang Jumaat (iaitu perasaan malas tak minat nak buat apa-apa hanya mahu tunggu jam 5.oo petang).
Selasa : 7.57
Rabu : 8.02
Khamis : 7.59
Jumaat : 8.04
Jadual punch card saya untuk minggu ini. Malang tak berbau sebab selalu terbabas tido menyebabkan lambat dan driving sambil marah kereta depan yang bawak slow.
Hari Khamis aku pakai tudung bawal okay je sampai ofis sipi-sipi. Hari ni aku pakai shawl kenapa lewat 4 minit sedangkan aku bangun pagi tadi 6.40?? Sebenarnya salah sendiri. Jangan cuba salahkan tudung bawal. Sekian.
Saya sedang mengalami sindrom petang Jumaat (iaitu perasaan malas tak minat nak buat apa-apa hanya mahu tunggu jam 5.oo petang).
Sejak aku berjinak-jinak pakai tudung jenis shawl ni, kalau try nak pakai tudung bawal/tudung biasa jenis kotak segiempat sama (iaitu tudung selain shawl panjang la) mesti jadi susah. Susah tu maksudnya nanti saje jela kan tudung tu tak boleh shape la, dah tak reti nak susun baki tudung kat depan tu dan lain-lain hal lagi.
Aku memang suka pakai shawl ni sebab tak payah nak pike tudung tak shape ke hape. Letak je kat kepala tu nah amik ko melekat tros. Tak kisah la orang kata muka aku bulat ke bujur ke petak tepak sireh ke janji senang. Kadang2 tudung tak payah gosok pun. Capai je boleh tros lilit. Everything in life should be as simple as that kan? Lagi satu kalo angin bertiup sekencang ribut taufan el-nina mesti tudung aku mantain statik takkan terbang punyalah. Dahlah design cantik2 menawan harganya semurah RM10 satu. Murah kan kan? Kan? Memang durjana penipu harga RM10 tu sebab dia memang mendorong aku borong banyak dalam sekali beli. Sebab dalam minda pike "Ala.. 10ringgit je pun kan? what de hal". Memang what the $%^#.
Staff ofis ade yang kata tak payah la pakai tudung bawal. Nampak pelik muka aku. Kat ofis ni aku je yang pakai shawl nih setakat ni. Trendsetter ke?? Haha. Except ada sorang dua budak praktikal ni. Yang lain glamour dengan tudung sinetron (awning kat depan) yang aku still belum ada minat nak apply konsep tu dalam pemakaian tudung aku. Tapi dah berangan nikah kahwin nanti nak pakai. Hehe. Ada jugak yang tanya2 camne Cik Mai lilit tudung ni? Susah ke? Siap ade yang cakap "alaa.. dah habis. tak sempat" bila time dia masuk surau aku dah siap pakai tudung (Dia tak sempat nak belajar. Wow! Layakkah aku jadi cikgu? Murid2 sekalian. Haip haip. Lilit betul2). Tahukah kakak2 sekalian, aku main pusing ikut sedap je benda ni. Hehe.
Sekarang ni ade plak fashion anak tudung syria. Macam-macam kaler, macam-macam lapis sampai lima sepuluh lapis. Aku baru nak mula kumpul. Dulu tak nak pakai sebab rasa muka macam lagi bulat bila pakai tapi then kakak aku kata "Hang ingat pakai shawl tu muka hang tak bulat ke?" Dasss.. kena satu ayat pedas. Heheh. Fine, aku tau muka aku memang bulat.
Kesimpulannya? Pakai je apa ko nak. Yang penting confident! :)
Entry ini tercipta sebab hari ni aku pakai tudung bawal. Dia tak shape. Dia bersepah kat depan walaupun dah cuba pin se'neat' mungkin. Dia membuatkan aku lambat keluar rumah, tekan minyak kereta macam madness dan sampai ofis cun2 kol8. Fuh. Patutkah aku say babai to bawal?
Aku memang suka pakai shawl ni sebab tak payah nak pike tudung tak shape ke hape. Letak je kat kepala tu nah amik ko melekat tros. Tak kisah la orang kata muka aku bulat ke bujur ke petak tepak sireh ke janji senang. Kadang2 tudung tak payah gosok pun. Capai je boleh tros lilit. Everything in life should be as simple as that kan? Lagi satu kalo angin bertiup sekencang ribut taufan el-nina mesti tudung aku mantain statik takkan terbang punyalah. Dahlah design cantik2 menawan harganya semurah RM10 satu. Murah kan kan? Kan? Memang durjana penipu harga RM10 tu sebab dia memang mendorong aku borong banyak dalam sekali beli. Sebab dalam minda pike "Ala.. 10ringgit je pun kan? what de hal". Memang what the $%^#.
Staff ofis ade yang kata tak payah la pakai tudung bawal. Nampak pelik muka aku. Kat ofis ni aku je yang pakai shawl nih setakat ni. Trendsetter ke?? Haha. Except ada sorang dua budak praktikal ni. Yang lain glamour dengan tudung sinetron (awning kat depan) yang aku still belum ada minat nak apply konsep tu dalam pemakaian tudung aku. Tapi dah berangan nikah kahwin nanti nak pakai. Hehe. Ada jugak yang tanya2 camne Cik Mai lilit tudung ni? Susah ke? Siap ade yang cakap "alaa.. dah habis. tak sempat" bila time dia masuk surau aku dah siap pakai tudung (Dia tak sempat nak belajar. Wow! Layakkah aku jadi cikgu? Murid2 sekalian. Haip haip. Lilit betul2). Tahukah kakak2 sekalian, aku main pusing ikut sedap je benda ni. Hehe.
Sekarang ni ade plak fashion anak tudung syria. Macam-macam kaler, macam-macam lapis sampai lima sepuluh lapis. Aku baru nak mula kumpul. Dulu tak nak pakai sebab rasa muka macam lagi bulat bila pakai tapi then kakak aku kata "Hang ingat pakai shawl tu muka hang tak bulat ke?" Dasss.. kena satu ayat pedas. Heheh. Fine, aku tau muka aku memang bulat.
Kesimpulannya? Pakai je apa ko nak. Yang penting confident! :)
Entry ini tercipta sebab hari ni aku pakai tudung bawal. Dia tak shape. Dia bersepah kat depan walaupun dah cuba pin se'neat' mungkin. Dia membuatkan aku lambat keluar rumah, tekan minyak kereta macam madness dan sampai ofis cun2 kol8. Fuh. Patutkah aku say babai to bawal?
I hate my work sometimes. And I hate the people working around me sometimes. If only masing-masing buat kerja masing-masing properly, things would be easier. But then, manusia ni macam-macam perangai.
I'm not asking much. Aku hanya suruh kau buat kerja ko sendiri, yang memang k0 dibayar gaji untuk buat benda tu. Susah ke?
Lagi satu, gatal tangan pi amik benda atas meja aku tu nape? Lain yang aku suruh amik, lain yg ko angkat sekali. Sekarang dah hilang or misplaced or whatever lah atas meja ko yang serabut tu tahun bila pulak baru nak jumpa tu? Sheesh.
I'm not asking much. Aku hanya suruh kau buat kerja ko sendiri, yang memang k0 dibayar gaji untuk buat benda tu. Susah ke?
Lagi satu, gatal tangan pi amik benda atas meja aku tu nape? Lain yang aku suruh amik, lain yg ko angkat sekali. Sekarang dah hilang or misplaced or whatever lah atas meja ko yang serabut tu tahun bila pulak baru nak jumpa tu? Sheesh.
Some people just dream too big. Or just good in taking advantages perhaps?
Kau sebagai company yang nak membangunkan something. Kau janjikan macam-macam masa nak sign agreement. Lepas tu satu pun tak berjalan. Then kau harapkan seed money untuk kick off projek kau. Kalau camtu then why la kau propose in the 1st place?
Lepas tu bila deal dengan orang takde hitam putih. Bak kata bos aku surat taik cicak. Kau pulak cerita sana sini kata-kata kosong tu. Mana surat buktinya tuan oi...
Kalau bagi kau duit 10 juta pun kau mampu ke nak bangunkan projek tu? Business plan pun tak bagus. Bila mintak lagi ade ke kau nak hantar je yang lama. Lepas tu ada hati nak suruh jual pasir kat sana duit bagi kat kau? Ohohoho.
Kau sebagai company yang nak membangunkan something. Kau janjikan macam-macam masa nak sign agreement. Lepas tu satu pun tak berjalan. Then kau harapkan seed money untuk kick off projek kau. Kalau camtu then why la kau propose in the 1st place?
Lepas tu bila deal dengan orang takde hitam putih. Bak kata bos aku surat taik cicak. Kau pulak cerita sana sini kata-kata kosong tu. Mana surat buktinya tuan oi...
Kalau bagi kau duit 10 juta pun kau mampu ke nak bangunkan projek tu? Business plan pun tak bagus. Bila mintak lagi ade ke kau nak hantar je yang lama. Lepas tu ada hati nak suruh jual pasir kat sana duit bagi kat kau? Ohohoho.
Ada hari-hari yang kerja memang macam gampang. Macam kalau orang free hair dikatakan bad hair day. Orang yang pakai tudung macam aku pulak mungkin boleh panggil bad tudung day. Whatever it is, kerja memang kadang-kadang macam 'tutt'.
Politicians made me go blergh.
Numbers made me feel sick.
And you? You just made me go bla bla bla..
Yang penting, Lin Kampo dah ada blog y'all! You can go cekidaut here. Heheh. Cayalah kampo! Siap quote ayat pemalas aku lagi tuh.
Politicians made me go blergh.
Numbers made me feel sick.
And you? You just made me go bla bla bla..
Yang penting, Lin Kampo dah ada blog y'all! You can go cekidaut here. Heheh. Cayalah kampo! Siap quote ayat pemalas aku lagi tuh.
Setiap kali update mesti mulakan dengan ayat dah lama tak update. Haha. Orang pemalas memang macam ni. Sometimes when I am alone, I could think of thousand things to say on blog, but it all seems to just evaporate into thin air everytime I logged in. Sindrome writer's block? I am not that much of a writer anyway.
But I used to be. I used to write religiously in this cute book of mine. I'm a sucker for cute notebooks so I am always buying loads and ended up not using them. My diary is just one of those notebooks. No specific page for specific dates so I could just write in anytime I want. It usually took me about 1 year plus to finish one book since my writing is so small. Dulu bila sedih especially about my broken heart, the diary was where I pour everything out. There was no one that I was comfortable enough to share wholly everything with back then hence the diary.
But the diary I'm still using now is dated way back from 2008. Tak habis pakai lagi sebab dah malas menulis. Probably because I have a living diary now aka Amar. I tell him everything until it bores the hell out of him. Haha. Sori sayang you have to listen to all my babblings.
I also used to read a lot. I could finish a book in a day. If it is interesting enough. I finished the last Harry Potter book in just a day with lack of sleep, eat, mandi dan segala macam keperluan asas manusia, you name it. What matters most was to finish the book. Hehe. Sekarang ni, I have loads of books yang tak habis baca. Eat, Pray, Love, The Secret, The Witch of Portobello, The Last Lecture, The Host, Alice In Wonderland, yada yada. Baca a bit, put it down, pick up another book, tidur, bangun, pergi kerja, tidur, bangun, pergi kerja. Daily routine which is starting to bore me.
Kenapa dah tak membaca? Kenapa dah tak menulis? Patutlah minda pun lambat je sekarang ni. No stimulation whatsoever. I miss my favourite pastimes. Should try harder.
But I used to be. I used to write religiously in this cute book of mine. I'm a sucker for cute notebooks so I am always buying loads and ended up not using them. My diary is just one of those notebooks. No specific page for specific dates so I could just write in anytime I want. It usually took me about 1 year plus to finish one book since my writing is so small. Dulu bila sedih especially about my broken heart, the diary was where I pour everything out. There was no one that I was comfortable enough to share wholly everything with back then hence the diary.
But the diary I'm still using now is dated way back from 2008. Tak habis pakai lagi sebab dah malas menulis. Probably because I have a living diary now aka Amar. I tell him everything until it bores the hell out of him. Haha. Sori sayang you have to listen to all my babblings.
I also used to read a lot. I could finish a book in a day. If it is interesting enough. I finished the last Harry Potter book in just a day with lack of sleep, eat, mandi dan segala macam keperluan asas manusia, you name it. What matters most was to finish the book. Hehe. Sekarang ni, I have loads of books yang tak habis baca. Eat, Pray, Love, The Secret, The Witch of Portobello, The Last Lecture, The Host, Alice In Wonderland, yada yada. Baca a bit, put it down, pick up another book, tidur, bangun, pergi kerja, tidur, bangun, pergi kerja. Daily routine which is starting to bore me.
Kenapa dah tak membaca? Kenapa dah tak menulis? Patutlah minda pun lambat je sekarang ni. No stimulation whatsoever. I miss my favourite pastimes. Should try harder.
Lama tak menulis. Almost a month. Lotsa stories but no feel, no mood, no anything hence the long silence. I was even thinking of terminating this blog since macam dah tiada kegunaan. Thinking too of turning this into one of those wedding blogs but I know I will be too lazy plus superbusy to update anything later on. So let's just forget that idea. Besides, I haven't prepared anything except jotting down some things here and there. No planning, no whatsoever.
Am I really getting married? Haha.
This weekend is no weekend for me. Tomorrow, I will be joining the Inno-Race, something involving running and answering questions. Sunday akan masuk hutan. Kenapa aktif fizikal sangat ni? I know, so not me (saya pemalas). I can hardly believe I am signing up for camping! Oh God, I thought the days for camping were over once I finished DPA. Even Amar pun cakap "Tak payahla. Parut pacat dulu pun tak hilang lagi".
But then, work is work. And you gotta do what you gotta do. Shucks.
Am I really getting married? Haha.
This weekend is no weekend for me. Tomorrow, I will be joining the Inno-Race, something involving running and answering questions. Sunday akan masuk hutan. Kenapa aktif fizikal sangat ni? I know, so not me (saya pemalas). I can hardly believe I am signing up for camping! Oh God, I thought the days for camping were over once I finished DPA. Even Amar pun cakap "Tak payahla. Parut pacat dulu pun tak hilang lagi".
But then, work is work. And you gotta do what you gotta do. Shucks.
It's you and me moving at the speed of light into eternity

Where are you Chris Brown? Aside from Crawl, I haven't heard anything from you at all. And I once heard Richard Reed dissing you on the Hitz morning crew. Lepas tu takde story dah. Kesian you as I think you are super talented. It just shows how one single mistake can cost you a whole lot. Forever is definitely my all time favourite tune from you. I was spending my past hour over YouTube watching your various live performances of Forever. Best sangat. You sure can do many things with your feet Chris.
In the office. Saturday and office is really just not a good combination. Trying to have fun here anyway. Laughing on the silly things and silly spelling mistakes. Plan nak balik kampung setakat ini masih tergendala. I am mildly wondering why the hell are we the dumping ground for everything. Shucks.
Pictures from my recent trip to Kuala Lumpur. Percutian 3 hari 2 malam. Heheh. Awesome!

Pepper Lunch Espress. Just please please try this in Midvalley's foodcourt. Loves!

The highest happiness on earth is marriage
~William Lyon Phelps

Btol ke Mas? Masao is married! One happy occasion which served also as a reunion port for us Family of Hell. Love love love my friends to death. Unfortunately, I had to rush back early sebab I ada appointment. Heheh. Gambar sikit je sebab aku tak bawak camera and that picture above of her in her bilik pengantin was the only decent picture I managed to capture sebab dia sibuk nak bercakap masa aku nak snap. Gambar berdua pun lupa nak tangkap. Probably sebab terlalu banyak bercakap.
Too many stories, so many things to say, so little time. I miss my friends so much..
A close friend of mine, Siti Masayu aka Masao Pemanah Terhebat is getting married tomorrow. Omaigod, from all of my friends, she is the least I thought would marry first. Even anggota Family of Hell pun terkejut gile masa tau Masao nak kahwin. Like, what?? Biar betul. Sebab dulu dia gaya paling "I don't care about love". Gaya jela, tapi dalam hati? Dalam hati ada taman.. What with Rangga la, and sape lagi ntah skandal pujaan hati dia dulu.
Anyway, the picture above was one of those nights where we hang out dengan rakan-rakan. Kalau tak salah dengan Munir and the gang. Pergi mandi sungai and main bowling. Those times when we were young and gila wayang. I remember both of us used to go out every Wednesday (tiket murah) to Medan Pelita and see all the movies possible, cramming it in one night. Selalu pinjam motor Fariza dan merempit all the way to Kuching. Those were the days.. Rindu sungguh.
Congratulations to her. Masao, I am soo happy for you and please say goodbye to your singlehood. Gila ah hang nak kahwin dah. Omaigod omaigod. Tunggu sikit lagi aku join hang ye. Mmuahs!

A day at Lata Kinjang.
We got the chance to hangout when I had to attend a workshop last Sunday at Kampar. The day was fun fun fun! The water was cooling and the atmosphere was just so serene even though ada ramai orang tengah bermandi-manda. Sadly, we tak mandi pun since the trip was unplanned and we went there unprepared. Just duduk-duduk atas batu dipping our feets in the soothing water, chit chatting about plans and stuffs. Simply a therapy for both our tired minds :)
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting.
~ William Arthur Ward
"I got a dear friend of mine back". That was my Facebook shoutout today. Today was the sweetest ever. We parted ways back in 2006. Almost 4 years of silence after 3 years of close friendship.
The case was someone bad mouthed me to her and she decided to just believe without confronting me. Bahaya tau mulut orang ni. Akhirnya, she found out the truth. Orang takde buat salah tau. Sob sob. I was living in guilty conscience all this while when I thought of her sometimes. Betulkah salah aku? But I was not mad at her, at least not anymore. What's past is past. It is better to look forward to the future than to mourn over the past.
Again, mulut orang memang bahaya. Aku terkena lagi recently. I have learnt my lesson to be careful of what I say, to who I say it, and in what context do I say it. Cause we'll never know if orang akan misinterpret what we say or totally twist it or ada orang yang terlalu naive tak sedar apa yang they say is totally wrong. Salah wei!!
Anyway, glad to have her back in my book. Friendship forever I hope.
I was blog hopping to many many many bridezilla's blog after Izan sugested to me a few and started to panic a lil'. My oh my, the preparation they all did for their wedding was like so intense, so detailed out to each and every tiny bit of little things. Ada yang sub kon semua to orang lain, ada yang semua pun buat sendiri (tabah!). Banyak sungguh kerja untuk kahwin ni.
And yet Mai, you are still doing nothing? Haha. By panic a lil', I really meant a teeny weeny little bit aje. Haha. Sekejap je panic, lepas tu seronok betol tengok these blogs one by one. Dah mula berangan macam-macam juga!
So, bila nak buat persiapan ni Mai?
The house was being expanded by ayah and mak. Mungkinkah persiapan sambut menantu? Hark hark. Menantu pertama sudah semestinya kakak aku dulu okay. Tidaklah hamba ini melangkah banyak beno bendul akhirnya :) But what was really unexpected is that ayah and mak are also expanding my room (sikit aje)! And also adding a bathroom with two entry points each from mine and my sister's room. Wallah! Kita ada bilik mandi sendiri nanti sayang.. Heeee. But then, dah takdela nanti moments berebut bilik mandi dengan ayah? Owh.. tak best la macam tu. Mungkin terpaksa sengaja sibuk nak tumpang mandi bilik mandi ayah nanti bila nampak je ayah nak mandi.
So, the house are really stuffy these days since semua tingkap pintu tak digalakkan dibuka untuk mengelakkan habuk-habuk kerja masuk dalam rumah. Tambah dengan fenomena El-Nino sekarang ni, omaigod panasnya dunia!!
And yet Mai, you are still doing nothing? Haha. By panic a lil', I really meant a teeny weeny little bit aje. Haha. Sekejap je panic, lepas tu seronok betol tengok these blogs one by one. Dah mula berangan macam-macam juga!
So, bila nak buat persiapan ni Mai?
The house was being expanded by ayah and mak. Mungkinkah persiapan sambut menantu? Hark hark. Menantu pertama sudah semestinya kakak aku dulu okay. Tidaklah hamba ini melangkah banyak beno bendul akhirnya :) But what was really unexpected is that ayah and mak are also expanding my room (sikit aje)! And also adding a bathroom with two entry points each from mine and my sister's room. Wallah! Kita ada bilik mandi sendiri nanti sayang.. Heeee. But then, dah takdela nanti moments berebut bilik mandi dengan ayah? Owh.. tak best la macam tu. Mungkin terpaksa sengaja sibuk nak tumpang mandi bilik mandi ayah nanti bila nampak je ayah nak mandi.
So, the house are really stuffy these days since semua tingkap pintu tak digalakkan dibuka untuk mengelakkan habuk-habuk kerja masuk dalam rumah. Tambah dengan fenomena El-Nino sekarang ni, omaigod panasnya dunia!!
Am now waiting for my flight to sabah. Killing the boredom by writing this. Finally, the day untuk pergi Sabah. God knows the ordeals I have been through in order to set this trip in such a short time.Maybe benda senang je, but I don't know what makes this soo hard. I mean, apekah yang susah sangat kalau pakai travel agent kan? Sigh.. Can't wait for this trip to be over. Then maybe I can get to my kerja hakiki yang dah menimbun kat ofis tu.
I can't sleep last night and so listened to Amar's MP3 and tadi dalam meeting just thought of how much I love the song Kerna Kamu by Faizal Tahir. Comel amat.
Turut turut turut turut. Wow wow yeah.
Lyrics like:
And the way he sang macam laju-laju. Lagi satu:
Too cute kan? Loves.
Turut turut turut turut. Wow wow yeah.
Lyrics like:
Dan aku ada hanyalah kamu
Itu saja yang ku mahu
Dari sejuta yang ku tahu
And the way he sang macam laju-laju. Lagi satu:
Kamu ada di dalam aku
Aku di dalam rindu
Sedang ingatkan kamu
Too cute kan? Loves.
every second counts on a clock that's ticking
gotta live like we're dying
I have been doing my work religiously since morning. Dedicated sangat I tell you. Kerana kerja setambun yang I hate you for putting me in this mess! Memang aku pangkah kau la. Or in other words memang aku takkan pangkah kau okay.
Anyway, CNY holidays were spent doing nothing. Except that I went to Huda's reception yang sangat best since I met a whole lot of long-lost friends. My family were supposed to go to Melaka for the holidays but it was postponed since ayah was not feeling well. But then, dari postponed terus cancel. Kesian ayah sakit, takkan nak paksa jalan-jalan lagi pulak.
On last Friday, I took an emergency leave because my cousin died from an accident at his work place. Such a tragedy yang I don't intend to repeat here. Sedih sangat. I just hope Kak Rozie will be strong for her 4 kids. She has been through a lot so I hope she will make it through. Allah takkan menguji hambaNya melainkan Dia tahu hambaNya itu mampu menghadapi ujian dan dugaan yang diberikanNya.
Al- Fatihah untuk arwah.
Speaking of accidents, this morning on my way to work, passed through one fatal accident on the highway. Nampak ada tangan underneath the black plastic bag and a car and a motorcycle damaged beyond repair. Owh.. ngerinya. Begitu cepatnya kalau Tuhan nak tarik nyawa kita, just with the blink of an eye pun boleh.
Al- Fatihah juga untuk arwah (kalau dia Islam)
Which reminds me betapa amalan aku tak cukup lagi dekat dunia ni :( Still mencuba.
And also reminds me of how I should not be complaining that my leave for today was cancelled by the boss, but instead be grateful for another second, another minute, another hour, another day to live and love.
And taking cue from Kris Allen's/The Script's:
we only got 86,400 seconds in a day
to turn it all around or throw it all away
gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say
gotta live like we're dying
~ mak,ayah,kakak-kakak,family of hell,kawan-kawan,everyone alive and not forgetting sayang, I love you guys..
Ahad lalu telah pergi shopping. Got what I wanted and even more! Hehe.
Dark grey khakis dah dapat.
Ada juga dapat sesuatu yang lain!
Almari je belum jumpa lagi. Penat sungguh pusing Ipoh cari almari. Almari memang banyak tapi nak cari yang warna putih kenapa susah sangat? Semua tak menepati citarasa. Amar pun so sweet dengan baiknya went in and out of all those stores with me looking for my almari. Sebab dah banyak sangat kedai kitorang pergi, he even went into a few stores alone and told me to wait in the car je while he went to cekidaut. Baik kan? Heheeeeee. Anyone have an inkling where i could find one sweet, nice, simple, value-for-money white almari?
Dark grey khakis dah dapat.
Ada juga dapat sesuatu yang lain!
Almari je belum jumpa lagi. Penat sungguh pusing Ipoh cari almari. Almari memang banyak tapi nak cari yang warna putih kenapa susah sangat? Semua tak menepati citarasa. Amar pun so sweet dengan baiknya went in and out of all those stores with me looking for my almari. Sebab dah banyak sangat kedai kitorang pergi, he even went into a few stores alone and told me to wait in the car je while he went to cekidaut. Baik kan? Heheeeeee. Anyone have an inkling where i could find one sweet, nice, simple, value-for-money white almari?
Work sucks. It is really killing me to the point yang aku memang rasa nak baling semua fail-fail dalam bilik ni atau mungkin masukkan je dalam shredder semua surat-surat atas meja dan dalam tray In aku ni. I don't cope well with stress. Tsk tsk
I want to shop badly.. Naaaak..

I want to shop badly.. Naaaak..

I want a white wardrobe.. Putih, suci dan berseri je..
Heh. Ini kerja kau masa cuti Mai? Tukar template blog? Kerja ofis yang ko bawak balik banyak-banyak tu bila nak buat? Hahahaaaa.
I was blog hopping tadi. Sekarang ni cukup malas nak update blog. Tapi melompat ke blog orang agak rajin la. Padahal blog sape-sape je entah. Tapi bila ingat what I read bila blog hopping tu rasa teringin nak cakap kat sini.
Selalu je baca kat blog orang statement yang berbunyi lebih kurang macam ni:
1. Don't judge a book by it's cover
2. I am my own self. Don't judge me if you don't know me
Lepas tu nanti adala jugak perkataan-perkataan tak baik. Kira maksud semua ayat di atas macam blogger tu nak kata macam ni la:
"Saya adalah diri saya. Jangan pandai-pandai nak judge saya kalau tak kenal saya. Sape ko nak judge aku?"
Selalunya yang post macam ni yang budak-budak muda la. Maybe masih tercari-cari identiti sendiri. Lepas tu orang kata buruk sikit dah gelabah. Heh.
Hmm.. tapi kalau la betul, banyak jugak orang yang pendengki kat dunia ni kan?
Selalu je baca kat blog orang statement yang berbunyi lebih kurang macam ni:
1. Don't judge a book by it's cover
2. I am my own self. Don't judge me if you don't know me
Lepas tu nanti adala jugak perkataan-perkataan tak baik. Kira maksud semua ayat di atas macam blogger tu nak kata macam ni la:
"Saya adalah diri saya. Jangan pandai-pandai nak judge saya kalau tak kenal saya. Sape ko nak judge aku?"
Selalunya yang post macam ni yang budak-budak muda la. Maybe masih tercari-cari identiti sendiri. Lepas tu orang kata buruk sikit dah gelabah. Heh.
Hmm.. tapi kalau la betul, banyak jugak orang yang pendengki kat dunia ni kan?
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