Lama tak menulis. Almost a month. Lotsa stories but no feel, no mood, no anything hence the long silence. I was even thinking of terminating this blog since macam dah tiada kegunaan. Thinking too of turning this into one of those wedding blogs but I know I will be too lazy plus superbusy to update anything later on. So let's just forget that idea. Besides, I haven't prepared anything except jotting down some things here and there. No planning, no whatsoever.

Am I really getting married? Haha.

This weekend is no weekend for me. Tomorrow, I will be joining the Inno-Race, something involving running and answering questions. Sunday akan masuk hutan. Kenapa aktif fizikal sangat ni? I know, so not me (saya pemalas). I can hardly believe I am signing up for camping! Oh God, I thought the days for camping were over once I finished DPA. Even Amar pun cakap "Tak payahla. Parut pacat dulu pun tak hilang lagi".

But then, work is work. And you gotta do what you gotta do. Shucks.

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