the day of the damned

yesterday was one sweet day. but today is one hell of a day! starting with the hospital, the stupid MA, tangan yang sakit, sudden meeting, the sight of dockets bertimbun(tak start satu pun lagi!), workloads: they are all making me crazy! and the clock is ticking damn fast today. tengok ni jam dah 1620 and i still have loads to be done. and the fact that i just had a long 6 days holiday lalu terasa sangat malas nak kembali bekerja hari ini is not helping at all. tapi boleh blogging pulak korang tanya? ah well, nak release stress. kasi can boleh?

i want to blog about my hand thing but no time lah. later *promise*

i am not the kind that blogs about politics. but that doesn't mean that i don't care atau tak ambil tahu. aku ambil tahu okay? just tak nak menyesakkan blog or join the never- ending list of anti- government blogs, people yang complain tak sudah2 about the government, etc. tapi, apalah nak jadi dengan malaysia?? what the hell will happen to our country? muak dengan semua pasal politics. sudahlah people. can't we just unite?

okay. should stop now. my hand hurts pulak from typing. damn it

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

hikss.. dah tau tgn sakit, pi blogging lagik wat pe?? sign doket yg bertimbun tu je dah le. ehehehe..

aah... dah rasa malas & busan ngan hal ehwal politik skang. nak bc paper pun masal. bc tajuk je. tu yg tau pasal pembyrn gji & bonus tu. ehehehe..

gji sendiri tak mo jaga. dok sibuk jg gji orang lain je.

selamat maju jaya menyiapkan tonnes of work tu before raya. kang boss tak bagi plak u cuti. aja2 fighting...

mysenoir said...

Can u blieve i'm typing this fr my phone?hehe.sje je bosan2 smbl baring2 tggu brbuka,i try bkak app opera mini.aaand here i am!waah.rase macam sgt maju!haha.klo nk pke keje mmg xkn pnah abes.wat bodoh je boleh?hehee

Anonymous said...


sangat kagumnya. bley online thru fon. uhh.. tetiba terasa bangat yg i really need a new phone. huhuhu.. but not in my budget yet. kena banyak bersabar je la. uhh.. sabar lagik.. semalam i tried to open yahoo mail thru gprs. bapak r lembab. tensen je. nak opera mini jugak la.