Pictures from last week's lepaking. Weekend with Amar is always great walaupun tiada buat apa-apa just makan-makan jalan-jalan with bloated stomach sampai sakit kaki dan lepak kedai buku :)

Nasi ganja. The one listed down as one of my favourite foods. Just look at the crowd. Ramai kan? And I have met Sharifah Amani, arwah Yasmin Ahmad, Aishah Sinclair and ada lagi tak ingat during my numerous visits here

Amar looking bercahaya, beriman, beramal. Bahaha

And me looking happy tak sabar nak makan

Sadly, no pictures of the nasi wanggey was taken since we were both so hungry and immediately digged in the food upon the mamak placing it on our table. Heh. And I bought two more books on the weekend. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and A Bend In The Road by Nicholas Sparks. The latter was bought for only RM8 at a second hand bookstore. You tell me how could I resist an 8 ringgit book?? Amar pulak was sweet enough to besabar je tunggu saya belek buku lama-lama. But I know mesti dalam hati mengomel. I seriously need to stop buying more books and finish the one I have first. Ini the current books I have tapi dah baca sikit-sikit sana-sini

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. A gift from my sis. Yet unopened and still in it's plastic wrapping

Slumdog Millionaire by Vikas Swarup. Seen the movie and need to read the book to compare. Heh

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Bought at the MPH sale

Newest addition. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

New but old. A Bend in The Road by Nicholas Sparks

Jadi, mari membaca semua! And make it our habit. It used to be mine tapi since I started working at this new place, dah kurang masa nak membaca since i was too tired from the day's hard work. Tak mengapa. Akan berusaha kembali

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