tag (yg dah basi i think) haha

this tag is courtesy of wahida. i have been reading her blog. gile lama aku tak visit blog hang wahida. sorry babe. internet ni tak termasuk dalam kamus hidup aku kat intan tu. huhu. so, here goes nothing..

1. Do you think you’re hot?
nope. hot babe definitely not. terasa panas pun tak sebab sekarang ni aku dalam bilik ada aircond. haha

2. Upload your favorite picture(s) of you




3. Why do you like that picture?
(1) the start of everything
(2) i think i looked happy and blessed
(3) close circle of friends. i could not ask for more
(4) kawan- kawan perak. friends for life
(5) we were having soo much fun and it shows!
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
domino's pizza. tak ingat bile laa
5. The last song you listen to?
i kissed a girl from katy perry
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
dengar ipod and buat report csr (konon2)
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
nope. bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. eceh!
People to tag :
amar (yang takde blog) haha
my sis
8. Who is number one?
ehehe. guess who..
9. Number three is having a relationship with?
takde no 3
10. Say something about number 4.
lagi laaa takde
11. Who is number two?
my big sister
+macam leceh je buat mende tag nih. hehe

selamat pagi dunia!

harlow everyone..kita berjumpa lagi setelah sekian lama. kan? my last post was on october 26th, 2008. dah about 4 bulan weih! hehe

takde masa. been busy with that dpa thingie. adelah masa if nak online but i think those free times are better spent for sleeping. and i think sume worang dalam itu dpa pun setuju sama saya.

anyway, nothing to say. just thought that i'd like to say hi. so here goes


and daaa.. till next time ya =)