
lee seon gyeon
my newest uppa! haahha =)


the time now is 1144. in about another 30min it'll be lunch break. then another 5hrs i'll be off for the much anticipated weekend trip. weeeee.... gle excited!

its been so long since i last met them. and rinduuuu gile2. plus i need a vacation. i need some time out. specifically, i need my friends to bring the craziness back out of me. coz i've been stuck here with no friends, no time to socialize. i'm becoming such a good kid. in other words mandom la. spending everyday at work from 8 to 5. then klo rajin p jalan2 perabes duit jap after 5. mlm dok umah tgk tv. weekend also was spent lepaking with family at home or go and perabes what's left of my money somewhere in ipoh. or mph or secret recipe. huuhhu. event tho shibah de je kt tepeng ni tp kitorg xpenah jpe. other friends tu ade la jgak bpe kerat. but after work i was either too worn out or too malas to go out again. haaah

about this trip, i dont mind if we dont go anywhere. even if we just lepak around ipoh. as long as i'm with my bunch of friends. i just want to talk, gossip, joke around until my mouth is sore from too many laughs. the point is, i just want to see my friends. and catch up on life. hee

so, can't wait! jarum jam, cepatla bergerak ye.

anyways, to those celebrating their birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! many2 happy returns of the day. to those who haven't noticed, today is rather a special day seeming it only comes once in every 4yrs. it's leap year ppl! so, those yg berkenaan, dont forget to celebrate extravagantly. and in style to cover up for the 4yrs you had been missing to celebrate. and then wait patiently for your next bday another 4yrs ya ;p



td aku p ikot lin p skool yg dia akn jd ktm. sekolah rendah. kiut gile tgk bdk kecik2 lari sana sini. kebetulan ms ktorg smpai tu tgh time rehat. mmg la bdk2 ni serbu kantin. pastu makan sume sememeh. abes sos tumpah2 kt baju. ble aku tegur cane makan ni smpai baju kotor2 dorg sengih2 je. cute. tgk dorg main aci tiang. hahaa

then tgk meja2 dorg yg kecik2. xlepas lutut pn klo aku duduk. de kaler pensil dlm laci. tingat dlu sume blumba kaler pencil sape lg hebat. yg kotak besar ke. xpon yg 1pensil de 2kaler. slalu brand yg famous luna la. yg klako pengetua skolah tu td (laki yg agk berusia. 40+ kot) ringtone hp dia pencinta wanita. hikhik. polis yg ikot skali plak td lgu kekasih gelap (ni boleh dimaapkn sbb dia cm muda sket)

watching all this triggered the memories ms aku skolah dulu. rindduuuuu sgt. time skolah rendah, menengah, matrix, uni. ni la org kata ms skolah xsabar nk abes. nk klua. nk keje. da keje nk balik blaja plak. tu la manusia... xpenah puas dgn apa yg ada.. always wanting more. and too often the thing we want most is the one we can't have.


yes or no?

i haven't advertised my blog to anyone. except wahida (dia ckp aku berdosa klo xbg add kt dia. ceit!)

should i? bkn pe. mcm rs semacam plak klo org bc post2 mrepek aku nih. bc thoughts aku. lg plak post yg aku tbe2 emo outburst

so, should i? or not?


can't think of a title

i finished off two books last week. both about love and dying. how depressing. the 1st was about a dead husband leaving his wife letters for a year (one for each month) to help her through her grieving process. and another was about how a spoiled youngster fell in love with the sweetest girl ever, who changed him, only to realize later that she was suffering from leukimia and she died eventually. nice, bittersweet tales. both stories didn't made me cry. just sad and i have to admit a little teary- eyed. but i did cry the night i finished the 2nd book. not because of it, but because of my past. my own story. yeah, pathetic, i know. hah. loser

i had once thought of how if i don't hv him, then he's better off dead. did that sound right? no. let me rephrase it. i'm not that twisted i think. if i don't hv him, then i prefer not having him because he's dead. i'd rather hv him dead knowing he loved me than having him alive knowing there's really no love for me anymore. paham ke pe yg aku merepek nih. and was that still twisted? haish

it was such a small portion of my past but turned out to be bigger than i expected. the thing that happened left me mourning at times. funny what a fool love can make out of you. there were times when i was having better days, where i could bring myself to say wow, i feel great. i'm doing well. i'm coping. i'm ok. but then, after a while it hit. smacked me right in the face, between my eyeballs. and i came back down. oh, those things i said earlier were really just hopes. things i wish i could really feel. sure, i felt it for the moment. but that was all there is. just for the fleeting moment.

i know that what i'm dealing with was minor. there were ppl far worse than me, with bigger life-impact problems. like those whose countries are at wars. no idea what the future holds, heck, they don't even know if they will survive the day. ppl living in poverty. ppl xcukup makan. i do know that mine was nothing. i do know that i'm lucky to be living my life. and i'm not trying to be dramatic. it's just that... things get hard sometimes and i sooo wish it could be better. i wish i could change how i feel. i wish i could wake up and realize. i wish i could do better. i wish i could get over this. i wish upon wishes that one day i could finally say i'm ok and really mean it

and no.. i wouldn't want him dead no matter how much i cursed him. i want him to live a happy life. a long, happy, prosperous life. full of laughter. no pain. just pure happiness. really. oh, this sucks



that single word above my friend, is the piece of advice for me today

a while ago, i bought this thing called the 'inspirational scroll' (poyo). it was actually just a piece of paper, with a box written 'this is my life' for you to paste your pic on it, some rules and lots of advice written in some kind of checkered boxes. so here are the rules

1. close your eyes (no cheating!)
2. point your finger to one of the boxes and follow the advice written on the box your finger lands on

i hang the scroll on my closet's door but hv never actually point my finger there or follow anything before. just pagi ni trase nk pint point. so, forgive huh? hmph. nak forgive sape ni. altho there is this one person i thought i've forgiven but on another thought, maybe not. okkaayyy. i'll go and think of someone to forgive or go find someone to forgive. sape yg da wat dosa ngn aku, come come find me today coz i am all up to forgive u. the offer stands open for 24hrs je ok. so, quick!



hp aku da bengong. hp tu sndrik da bengong. memory kad pn da bengong. tatau bpe kali format da. uhuk2. jgn arr camni syg... aku tade duit g nk bli hp baru. act bengong2 pn bleh pakai lg. tp time dia bengong tu wat aku gle geram. nk je cmpk dan2 tu pastu beli baru

i vowed pasni klo aku de hp baru (tah ble la) aku akan jg elok2
1. aku xkan lg letak ko dlm helmet ms jln2 window shopg pastu slamber agkt helmet nk pakai smpai ko jatuh bedebuk ats jalan tar dan terkikis kulit bdn ko
2. aku xkan lg campak ko atas katil sampai ko tergolek jatuh atas lantai keras tu
3. aku xkan lg terlepas ko ms aku tgh berdiri. sian ko. mesti skt kn jatuh
4. aku xkan lg biar sis mai terpijak ko pasai aku letak ko mrate2 atas lantai hall
5. aku xkan lg tindih ko ms tdo or letak ko tepi bantal smpai ko jatuh lg ats lantai keras tu
6. aku xkan lg wat mcm2 bnd lain yg dianggap menganiaya ko. huhu

ampun syg. jgn la wat hal yek. behave!!

a number of stories

slalunye on the way aku g keje stiap pg mesti akn selisih dgn sorg budak kecik ni naik moto ngn sorg pkcik. ayah dia kot. budak tu akan berdiri kt dlm raga dpn moto tu, tgn letak atas handle dan menikmati angin dgn gya ala2 titanic. the look on his face was so happy. happy gle. mcm pure satisfaction dpt wat mornin rounds ngn ayh dia tu. which brings a smile on my face every morning. kids. even the littlest thing is enough to make them happy. made me wonder what it's like to see the world thru his eyes. children's eyes. nak je jadik budak balik. tp pg td frust jgak. aku xjpe budak kecik tu sbb aku klua umah awal since my sis n i were trying out this new longer route. hehe

another story, last monday lin, ofismate aku dpt 1 bunga ros delivery. she was lepaking at my room that time ble sorg staf ni msuk n ckp 'cayalah lin. dpt bunga'. lin ni mmg tercengang la. aku pun ikut trcengang. ye lah. aku xpnah tgk dpn bjik mata aku sndri org dpt delivery bunga or aku sndri pn xpnah dpt delivery. except ms konvo la. that day was her birthday. it was her female friend yg sj nk anta. act bnd tu biasa je. tp tau2la opis aku ni. staf sume stok makcik2 so sume pn panjang tengkokla nk tgk. lin malu gle. she was saying 'malunye aku. bleh tak aku nk balik skg' haha. aku mmg gelak kaw2 pny. sok plak dia emergency leave. tros sume org ckp dia dpt pinangan mengejut. termasuk big bos aku. da la diperkuatkn lg dgn the fact yg dia dpt bunga smlm. huahua

yesterday plak, i was in the longest meeting ever kt ptg. fr 9-1.30pm. gle panjang. awal2 bleh lg aku digest info2 tu. da ujung2 melalut plak. udahnye last2 aku sneaked out kol1 p jpe mkck aku yg keje kt building tu jgak. then pesan kt krani aku soh kol klo da abes. haha. mintak maap. aku bosan dalam tu



weird. the sight of something earlier today kinda made me happy. kind of confused why. weird

uh- oh. what's happening



why ppl quit on each other?
why say something if it's not there?
why make things so hard?

all these endless whys. and no answers

G: sori.. my bad
A: countless sorries. tp ble ckp tu do u mean it?
G: mestilah
A: tp lepas tu bnd sm jugak. so pe point sori tu
G: xtau nk ckp ape.. i'm guilty

senangnye kan. you know when some ppl find it hard to say sorry. to apologize. ego too big ke pe. well some ppl find it easy. way too easy. probably because they didn't even mean it. it meant nothing. just a word. sorry. fuck (pardon me. terasa nk mencarut) sorry and i meant it. both the sorry and the fuck


give some love!

my saturday last weekend was spent at ipoh with 2 big sis. meant to catch a movie and lepak at mph. kitorang btol2 mengidam buku baru. and boy this trip sure burned a huge hole in my pocket. damn!

gas was on me. wayang on sis ipa. lunch on me (prosperity foldover. xsdap. tobat xmakan da. prefer burger version).

sampai je kitorg tros g tmpt wayang. and the ticket lady i talked to the day before was such a moron coz she booked my ticket for friday night whereas it should be on saturday noon. gle blur. pdhl dia sndri yg ulang pe aku da book tu. luckily we got there an hour early (nak amik tket yg da book la konon) so pggung xpenuh lg n dptla seat blakang2. tp dunia baru was awesome! lawak gle. de sorg pakcik tua yg sgt comel mnyanyi lgu alam sekitar pe ntah ats basikal (comel gle!!) and tajul was so cute too! hehe. rambut dia mmg respek a. suke aku tgk. i was laughing my head off gle kuat kdg2 smpai my sis ketuk paha aku sound jgn gelak kuat sgt. time tu tingat mas (kwn kaki wayang aku time uni dulu). klo ngn dia aku xyah riso aku gelak kuat2 coz konfim gelak dia akn lg kuat dr aku. kuat maha hebat tmbh2 klo tgk cite cina yg klako mrepek. besnye zaman tu. miss u masao!!

then p mph. i've had this 1 title in mind for a long time da. a book yg aku da bc about a quarter ms lepak kino dulu. and i meant to get somethin for a friend too. yes, you know who you are, and what i'm getting you, so you can save yourselves the trouble looking for it eh ;p fortunately, i found my book but unfortunately not my friend's which soo unfortunately resulted in me buying another 2. huhu. abes about 100 for 3books. tula. da amek 1 gatai mata p usha2 lg. once i picked the other 2 books, rse xsmpai ati nk letak balik coz i sooo badly wanted to read them. ketaq jgak a ms nk bayar tu. but come to think of it, aku penah je paid 90 for 1 book. potter mania pny pasal. tp ni 100 for 3books. ok la kn. and last book i bought was last yr. bln11 klo xsilap. so da 3bln xbeli buku baru. so lets just assume ni 1 buku=1bulan (psycho diri sendiri utk menenangkan ati) tp lpas tu rse heppiiii sgt. couldn't wait to get home and read it!

then, tros nk blk da. duit aku klua cm air mngalir je. mmg kne blk. but on the way out, we passed coffee bean (dlm db jd kopidin. hehe) and i saw this ad which really made my mouth watered. i was nvr a fan of coffee bean, starbucks or tmpt2 camtu. ms student kt srwk dlu kt sn tade bnd2 ni. and even klo ade pon, aku takkan beli. ms blaja mnela ade duit sgt. da keje ni pon aku xbeli. bkn la sbb kedekut. tp let's just say my money hv other priorities. hehe. so ms tu da kua pintu pon tp msuk balik sbb ipa kt klo nak, beli. klo x nat tingat2. and so i made one last purchase. ice blended lychee. aku mmg suka laici. tagline ad tu 'give some love' (its new, special for v day promo) and sdap gle! aku minum smpai thp bunyi slurp2 tu (sbb da abes tp nk lg) hahhaha. slurrrrpppp.. go and hv a taste ppl!

you know how i was always complaining npe tade mph or kino or borders or pape lg bookstores yg hebat2 la kt tpg ni. now im thinking tade pon takpe. klo x, mau beratus duit aku terbang mlayang tiap2 bulan or tiap2 mggu or worse tiap2 ari! hhuhhu. the things i'd do for books..



wargh! frust btol ngn finale tara2 semlm! geramnye ngn rovilson!!! mind you, they were already in the lead and just because of one simple roadblock (which ro failed to complete fast enough) they ended up last. uhuhu. kebengangan yg aku rse xleh digambarkn dgn kata2. emo. emo. emo. EMO

sian tgk mark tggu rovilson siapkan bndera2. could realy see the frustration on his face. sbb he knew all those flags and seeing his team mate running around like an idiot with no clue must hv really been frustrating. tp mcm kt mark, even though he was frustrated, he knew it must hv been more frustrating for rovilson himself. sigh.. tp dia xmara pon. ble ro ckp sorry buddy, dia just reply relax. buddy pny pasai. tatau la kot2 kt blakng kamera dia maki mncarut kn. haha

tp xpela. they had already won lots of prizes by becoming 1st in practically every leg (yay!)handphone, videocam, credit cards, free caltex for a yr n mcm2 lg xigt. so jd la kn. even tho it could nvr match up with the USD100k. huhu

anyway, aku cm da agak collin+adrian mng. coz i had a dream about it the night before. aku siap cite kt kakak aku lg. weh aku mimpi collin+adrian menang. and dia ckp tade tade. mark+ro jgak. heee. too bad sis. dreams could be true sometimes you know. tp dlm mimpi aku tu mark yg wat salah. he and adrian were pitched against each other in one last task and he blew it. turns out ro yg wat salah. xpela. hey, does this means i should pay more attention to some of my dreams. hmm.. my friend once did say that i hv a strong sixth sense. uuu... ;p

papepon, bye mark and rovilson. you guys still rocks and the best! and i'll miss your antics! =)

ps. sori wahida. aku tau hg xske dorg. tp nk wat cne. mark handsome sgt. heheee. rovilson gurau jela ms dia ckp psl penceroboh kt guard tu. dorg kn pak lawak ;p



promises really were made to be broken kan. especially yours..



last week aku anta laptop aku kc makeup sket. upgrade kn ram jd 512. ye la. before ni 128 je. tolak memory utk graphic tggal la ciput 96. lembap siol. skg ni da pantas fast n furious a sket. hehee. so ari ni dgn xsabar aku tggu kedatangan en sabri bawak baby aku yg bleh dikatakan ala2 newborn ni la =) and the result was quite ok. ermm.. sbnanye more than ok lah kot. kepantasan terbukti perbezaan ngn dulu pny. n duit aku pasni akn terbang mlayang rm100+. hmph. xpela. no pain no gain. no money no talk. haha. trimas en sabri. jasamu dikenang! (xde diskaun ke?huhu)

dan oleh sbb lptop aku ni da maju sket, maka aku pn bleh la install sgale mak nenek application. hehe. dan hasilnya skg ni leh dgr hot fm kt opis! yay!! sbnanye lin yg bjaye figure out cara nk bkak gak hotfm (yg dlu pny da kne block. xremaja btol. hampeh sume nk block). so i followed suit n skg hari2 aku da lbeh hot n fly pagi n ptg. ceria la sket. xde a dok lyn lgu sm je dlm lptop. ampun webmaster, jgn block penemuan agong kami ini. haahha

td en sabri dtg ltak comp 'baru' kt blk aku. nape baru dgn tanda ' tu? sbb xde la baru sgt pon. monitor stok yg berat n besar xhengat pny. komp lm bos aku. dia da dpt yg baru pass la yg lm kt org bwh. huhu. tade maknenye nk dpt baru. slambe tn syed kt xde bajet. ceits! skg da de comp xpyh la usung laptop ari2. tp comp ni lmbap la plak. slack tol!


the beautiful world of ugly betty

ugly betty's first episode of 2nd season was aired yesterday. ahh.. the joy of seeing all those familiar faces again. there's nothin not to like about the show, it's so quirky and cute. betty, daniel, alexis, hilda, justin, ignacio and even the evil wilhelmina is likeable. oohh.. and i love mark and amanda (amanda da gemok! smpai org mistake dia for betty. haha)

tp smlm xpuas hati gle!! NAPE SANTOS MATI?????? sdeh siol. benci! benci! huhu. poor hilda..

batik cont.

susulan kpd post batik before ni, smlm de org jual batik dtg cni. kak kiah/auntie/mkcik pon bleh (dia yg ckp). dia bwk sgala mcm jenis batik tganu

harga=180, 350, 560= mahal, lg mahal, bapak mahal

ni kain sj nih. lom cmpur upah jahit. ish3. once again, LECEH. but dats batik. auntie ni ckp dia de jual kaftan. 1 rm18. 2 rm30. kain elok, xturun kaler. n bla bla pelbagai lg kualiti bagus yg dipromokn oleh auntie ni.

what was shocking dia ckp de kaftan batik hrga 1- 2k. huhu. agk trkejut beruk la aku dgr. sapekah yg duit bnyk siol smpai sggup spent hrga cmtu for a piece of kaftan. what a waste

of course its the datins yg tanpa rs bsalah spent duit dorg camtu.

'ni kain cantik, mahal. rugi la datin wat kaftan'
'eh.. kain ni cantik. sy tdo pon sy nak cantik'
+as quoted by auntie

huh? tatau nk ckp pe. dunia.. dunia.. haahha

btw, rse nk rebus sume buku2 ni. minum air. kot2 leh msuk ilmu cpt sket. pe da jd ngn skil blaja aku ni. karat setan. lampi gle!! hhuhu



penins. blur. pe ke jadahnye cpc ni. huhu

pesal otak aku lembap sgt ari ni ha. read n reread, reread, reread lagik. bc 2 3 kali pon xmsuk2 lg. warghhh!!!


p mampus la cpc ni. tp nat xbc aku jgak yg cm org bodo sok. hish



try this ppl!

chocolate tart

ingredient 1
140g butter
150g cooking choc
8 tblsp (level) coco powder
a pinch of salt
++melt on boiled water

ingredient 2
4 eggs
200g sugar

ingredient 3
3 tblsp sourcream (cn be replaced with yogurt too klo xjpe sourcream)
3 tblsp golden syrup (or honey)

ingredient 4
120g flour
45-60g butter (depends on nk kulit tart tu rapuh cane)
++mix flour+butter, gaul smpai jd cam serbuk roti. add water n uli smpai jd doh. canai n letak dlm acuan (dont forget to grease it first!)

1. let ing 1 cool down
2. add ing 2 to ing 1
3. add ing 3
4. tuang dlm acuan (ats kulit tart)
5. bake for 40min on 150 celsius (cucuk lidi n see if the choc xmlekat sgt then its done! dont bake smpai choc tu btol2 kering. xsdap. pndai2 a agak2 k. biar dia moist sket)

easy- peasy. sng gle+sdp gle! a must- try. gerenti sedap smpai mnjilat jari (if u are a big fan of chocolate like me n tart tu mnjadik la. hehe)

tips: you can increase the amount of sourcream n kurangkn sket syrup so that xmuak sgt ble mkn. sbb rse choc dlm ni mmg kuat n blemak k

happy trying ppl!! ;p

recipe courtesy of jamie oliver (my naked chef! haha)