a number of stories

slalunye on the way aku g keje stiap pg mesti akn selisih dgn sorg budak kecik ni naik moto ngn sorg pkcik. ayah dia kot. budak tu akan berdiri kt dlm raga dpn moto tu, tgn letak atas handle dan menikmati angin dgn gya ala2 titanic. the look on his face was so happy. happy gle. mcm pure satisfaction dpt wat mornin rounds ngn ayh dia tu. which brings a smile on my face every morning. kids. even the littlest thing is enough to make them happy. made me wonder what it's like to see the world thru his eyes. children's eyes. nak je jadik budak balik. tp pg td frust jgak. aku xjpe budak kecik tu sbb aku klua umah awal since my sis n i were trying out this new longer route. hehe

another story, last monday lin, ofismate aku dpt 1 bunga ros delivery. she was lepaking at my room that time ble sorg staf ni msuk n ckp 'cayalah lin. dpt bunga'. lin ni mmg tercengang la. aku pun ikut trcengang. ye lah. aku xpnah tgk dpn bjik mata aku sndri org dpt delivery bunga or aku sndri pn xpnah dpt delivery. except ms konvo la. that day was her birthday. it was her female friend yg sj nk anta. act bnd tu biasa je. tp tau2la opis aku ni. staf sume stok makcik2 so sume pn panjang tengkokla nk tgk. lin malu gle. she was saying 'malunye aku. bleh tak aku nk balik skg' haha. aku mmg gelak kaw2 pny. sok plak dia emergency leave. tros sume org ckp dia dpt pinangan mengejut. termasuk big bos aku. da la diperkuatkn lg dgn the fact yg dia dpt bunga smlm. huahua

yesterday plak, i was in the longest meeting ever kt ptg. fr 9-1.30pm. gle panjang. awal2 bleh lg aku digest info2 tu. da ujung2 melalut plak. udahnye last2 aku sneaked out kol1 p jpe mkck aku yg keje kt building tu jgak. then pesan kt krani aku soh kol klo da abes. haha. mintak maap. aku bosan dalam tu

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

tol tuh.. best je jadi kanak2.. pasal mende kecik pun dah leh wat diaorg puas hati.

I de cousin kecik, anak uncle I yg I dok tumpang umah skang ni. tgk gelagat die yg senyum puas hati, dah leh wat I tersenyum sama. so cute... comey... chubby...

kalau tym die tak sehat, rasa cam my world terjejas sama. takde gelak ketawa die. die suka mkn. bg apa pun mesti die mkn.

adoii.. citer pasal die wat I miss him. isk2..

mysenoir said...

ala.. dekat je pn nk rindu. sabo2. another 4hrs. satg blk umah pelok cium dia puas2 na. hehe