
why ppl quit on each other?
why say something if it's not there?
why make things so hard?

all these endless whys. and no answers

G: sori.. my bad
A: countless sorries. tp ble ckp tu do u mean it?
G: mestilah
A: tp lepas tu bnd sm jugak. so pe point sori tu
G: xtau nk ckp ape.. i'm guilty

senangnye kan. you know when some ppl find it hard to say sorry. to apologize. ego too big ke pe. well some ppl find it easy. way too easy. probably because they didn't even mean it. it meant nothing. just a word. sorry. fuck (pardon me. terasa nk mencarut) sorry and i meant it. both the sorry and the fuck

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

entry yg amat berat sekali kandungannye. payah gak I nak digest. ehehehe...

there r so many reason why people quit on each other. I have my own reason why I quit on my 'old friend'. seeing my 'old friend' meet 'new friend' make me happy. sounds crazy, ain't I??

ahakss... aku dah ngarot byk. aiyokk.. tak sabaq nak blk tpg.

mysenoir said...

xyah la digest. just an emo outburst. hari tgh xbtoi la ni
weih. xsabaq nk jpe tggu hg blk tpg gak. roger2 tau. make sure kali ni jmpe gak
and no that's not crazy. heheh