
it's friday people!! rasa macam dah lama je aku tak announce hari jumaat dengan gembiranya kat this blog. kan? no matter what happened, friday always makes me feel good.. the start of weekend. the start of boleh berangan dah nak buat apa dengan cuti 2 hari ni. balik taiping, or dating (hai sayang!) or tidur je pun best =)

weekend ni i'm gonna see my family of hell!! adakah saya teruja? hell, yeah! sangat teruja. we haven't had a chance for a reunion, haven't met everyone in a big group since graduation tau. nak kata so busy with life tak jugak. agaknya the main reason is no one is rajin enough to be the project manager. i had once tried to arrange a reunion but it's so hard to fix the timing around everyone's schedule. so, it was cancelled and najua merajuk dah tak nak jadi pengarah projek. teehee. so, shibah's marriage dijadikan platform untuk pertemuan kami. hopefully this weekend nafsu rindu semua orang akan dipuaskan. haha

anyway semalam on the phone amar cakap: 'weekend ni b takde. weekend depan pun takde. fine'

ohoho. sedihnya dengar. bunyi macam kanak- kanak yang diabaikan la pulak dia ni.. aku seorang pengabai. sorry sayang.. nanti b try to meet you jugak tau in between. in the meantime, you'll just have to miss me banyak- banyak tau.

sayang gemuk sit tight tau while i'm gone.. and jangan nakal- nakal!



Our love has changed, it's not the same
And the only way to say it is say it, it's better
I can't conceal this way I feel
For all the times we've spent together
Forever just gets better

See what I'm trying to say is
You make things better
And no matter what the day is
With you here it's better

I stand by you if you stand by me
I think it's time that I reveal it
'Cause I believe it, it's better

See what I'm trying to say is
You make things better
And no matter what the day is
If you're here it's better

Oh the more I talk to you
I fall in love with everything you do

See what I'm trying to say is
You make things better
And no matter what the day is
With you here it's better

Our love has changed, it's not the same
And the only way to say it is say it, it's better

dah lama terasa tak post lagu. and this is the song i have been feeling these past few days. pagi ini macam hell. poof! kerja yang aku buat semalam disappeared just like that and i had to re- do. **** (percubaan untuk mencarut). dah la aku ada issue dengan kerja, now these things got to happen pulak? amar cakap Tuhan menguji orang yang dia sayang. so i hope Allah is testing me merely because He loves me..

so this song is dedicated especially to my sayang who have been sticking with me through ups and downs. always there bila b merungut countless times. though i bet there is a lot more to come, i hope you will always stick with me tau..walaupun sayang selalu geram dengan b. hahaa

and no matter what the day is.. if you're here.. it's better.. ;)

maaf kalau anda terasa entry ini sedikit jiwang.. can't help it. heh


work and going nuts. hey! they match! huhu

work is driving me nuts. well, not really. haha. probably just because i'm not used to this kind of environment. sebelum ini just lazying around like a hyppo. now, running around like a fast- charging cheetah. cheetah kan haiwan yang lari paling laju tu? or is it leopard? tak kisah la. i think you get my point

anyway, remember in my previous post i was saying saya nak job satisfaction? well.. i don't really know if i got it this time. workload memang ada la. nah.. amik kau semua kerja ni. huhu. kerja memang banyak until i lost track of time. in fact, there is never enough time. sedar- sedar je dah 5pm and sepatutnya time to go home. tapi tak boleh balik lagi!! uwaaa.. so was this the right decision that i made? i kept thinking about it the whole time and whining to amar who listened patiently (thank you sayang.. though i think at some point you were bored and annoyed with my constant whining. hehe)or maybe not yet kan? i just need some time to get used to it and for all this to sink in. kan? that is what i keep hoping. and let's just continue to hope so.

the only highlight of working here is i think being much nearer to amar. though it is not like i can see him on daily basis, but ini dah cukup baik i think. kalau malam after work teringin rasa nak jumpa boleh lagi la nak rush along the distance between us. although i prefer to be much nearer la kan. i mean, who doesn't? apa nak buat. manusia memang tak pernah bersyukur kan? huhu

later i'll blab some more okeyh. need to gear up for meeting petang ni


sedihnya macam ni kan? macam so pathetic. and i wouldn't want a life like this. i want a life where i enjoy my work and i'm doing it whole- heartedly because i love it and not doing it just for the sake of the money i can earn from it. hopefully i can achieve that soon. let's just pray eh?


the day i'm changing. moving on?

there is a big chance that something big in my life is about to change.

tak confirm lagi. tapi seakan- akan sangat konfirm.

it is supposed to be good. and i hope it will be good. that is what changes are about kan? to bring a fresh, good something to the person changing. so, i am hoping against hope. huhu

can't tell you yet. since belum confirm. but surely will do as soon as the time, place and situation permit.


the day i'm just blabbing

holla people.. my 6 months course is finally over.. though never thought i kinda miss it. and ada this lost kind of feeling. huh. rindu dpa?? gile ke ape. or maybe i just need some time to adapt to be back in this leisure kind of lifestyle. hehe. instead of always rushing off, running around everywhere like a headless chicken. haha. tapi rindu tu memang ada lah, only i'm craving just the company of friends and loved ones. other activities macam sukan teras every saturday, sesi kena bebel, classes, urm.. i think i'll definitely pass.

i want to tell you all the things about dpa but i think no words can do the justice. plus saya malas. heheh. tapi betullah it was a once in a lifetime experience, one that will surely last way long after i'm done with it. anyway, the last days of dpa were certainly hectic and damn tiring!

starting with modul penempatan kampung, we were placed in the house of total strangers (keluarga angkat) for a complete 2 weeks. and kena buat a 40pages report due on friday following the 2 weeks. then the start of minggu sintesis, all those programs and training for kompang for malam ksn. phew.. tangan kanan saya lebam2 okay. rasa macam tangan dah besar sebelah ni. and who knew main kompang pun boleh buat saya sangat tension. for one specific reason

what with the hectic schedule, it didn't help that my hostel was intengah, another residence away from kiara. kena rushing naik bas tak kisah lagi. tapi lif rosak was really unacceptable. tangga tinggi yang amat. up until tingkat 5 kena panjat tiap- tiap hari. sangat sedih. kaki saya memang menangis tiap- tiap hari =(

tp due to a certain person, hati saya memang tersenyum a big fat smile setiap hari =)

and peeps, here are a few snaps. ini saja yang mampu saya upload berdasarkan tahap kemalasan hari ini..

one of the last days, me wearing amar's songkok

ini namanya mess kit; worn for mess night

modul btn. ini baju sekolah kamdar. bangga dowh saya pakai saiz S. heehe. trasa back to school days!

modul tentera

modul polis. ini pakaian lengkap kawad

ada macam inspektor aliza?


my dpa's close circle of friends

full dress rehearsal of malam ksn, with who else but mr amar =P

one of the many splendid times we were able to spend together

my reason dpa is much much bearable =)