
wargh! frust btol ngn finale tara2 semlm! geramnye ngn rovilson!!! mind you, they were already in the lead and just because of one simple roadblock (which ro failed to complete fast enough) they ended up last. uhuhu. kebengangan yg aku rse xleh digambarkn dgn kata2. emo. emo. emo. EMO

sian tgk mark tggu rovilson siapkan bndera2. could realy see the frustration on his face. sbb he knew all those flags and seeing his team mate running around like an idiot with no clue must hv really been frustrating. tp mcm kt mark, even though he was frustrated, he knew it must hv been more frustrating for rovilson himself. sigh.. tp dia xmara pon. ble ro ckp sorry buddy, dia just reply relax. buddy pny pasai. tatau la kot2 kt blakng kamera dia maki mncarut kn. haha

tp xpela. they had already won lots of prizes by becoming 1st in practically every leg (yay!)handphone, videocam, credit cards, free caltex for a yr n mcm2 lg xigt. so jd la kn. even tho it could nvr match up with the USD100k. huhu

anyway, aku cm da agak collin+adrian mng. coz i had a dream about it the night before. aku siap cite kt kakak aku lg. weh aku mimpi collin+adrian menang. and dia ckp tade tade. mark+ro jgak. heee. too bad sis. dreams could be true sometimes you know. tp dlm mimpi aku tu mark yg wat salah. he and adrian were pitched against each other in one last task and he blew it. turns out ro yg wat salah. xpela. hey, does this means i should pay more attention to some of my dreams. hmm.. my friend once did say that i hv a strong sixth sense. uuu... ;p

papepon, bye mark and rovilson. you guys still rocks and the best! and i'll miss your antics! =)

ps. sori wahida. aku tau hg xske dorg. tp nk wat cne. mark handsome sgt. heheee. rovilson gurau jela ms dia ckp psl penceroboh kt guard tu. dorg kn pak lawak ;p

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