
i had once read an article on how malaysians especially the x- generation spent way too much money and time sms- ing. and i was like 'alah.. sms tu biasala. its kind of like a benda wajib to do everyday. nak kol mahal. so betterla sms kan'

but.. i just checked my message log and the numbers were kind of erm.. suprising? well, kind of. in 20 days, i had sent a total 553 sms, using 628 spaces and received back 539 sms using 571 spaces. that was like an average of 27 sms per day. i know i am an avid sms- user. or maybe you can call me an addicted user ;p come to think of it, the numbers were not really that much to me but it kind of membenarkan what i read in the article. we do spend waaay too much laa..

but cutting back was kind of... impossible? and like, what? no way! heehee

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

klu ikot ur calculation, ur average of sending sms bout 27. anggaran i je r nih. 24 jam - 8 jam. so, de 16jam maser berjaga. nih juz anggaran. dlm 16 jam u hntr msg de 27. anggarannye, lebey kureng stgh jam 1 msg. quiet ok la. tak smpai stage addicted lagik. klu dlm sminit 2,3 sms dihantar, mgkin itu akan dikategorikan ketagihan. ehehe.. sekian ulasan dr sy...

mysenoir said...

ceh. trimas di ats ulasan anda. taula budak maths. gle detail calculation. igt wat repot thesis ke pe. haha
neway, mane u tau i xanta 2/3 sms per min. maybe i do. just not continuosly la. hehe