the 1st of more to come..

whoa... ths is my 1st post n i completely hv no idea what to say. hehe. just creating this as a way to waste away more of my time n as a medium to merepek as much as i can to u ppl out there. haha. i hv a friendster blog but it hadn't been updated since i cant remember how long. too malas. plus i felt some kind of a horror reading it back. felt naked as in like i'm exposing too much of me. which is why i malas nk blog sbb everytime i hv the urge to blog its about some major thing happening or i breakdown ke pe n then i tend to over exposed myself. pastu nat sndri malu ble bc (like why was i that emo n why in the world did i write that on internet for evrybody to see??) but then nk delete post tu pun useless coz it's out there n de ppl da bc pn. might as well just leave it for other ppl to read plak (tmbh lg malu) haha. so this is my 2nd attempt and lets see just how long i can manage this. so all u peeps, friends or foe out there do feel free to read, comment ke, drop aku, maki whatsoever n i'll maki u balik. hahahaaa

2 ur say?:

ad|haw33da said...

yei2... i'm d 1st person to drop u a comment. lalala...

mysenoir said...

i'm the 1st on yours too lar.. ;p