
today is thursday. and its batik day for la fonctionnaire like moi. back then, batik was worn on the 1st n 15th of each month. but on early january if i'm not mistaken, ksn announced that from then onwards, batik is to be worn every thursday. batik malaysia somemore. leceh laaa... its not that i hate batik tp like i said, leceh. for a number of reasons:

1+ i dont own much batik. in fact, only one! xkn nk tibai pakai 1 tu je evry thursday
2+ i hate ironing batik. susah gle! kne spray2 air plak. the wrinkles jus wont go away that easily. plus dgn kain lembik2 g. LECEH
3+ batik malaysia gle mahal. kain saja da 100+ nearing 200. klo siap bjahit mau 200++. ni yg plg murah. where got fuluss mau beli


solution: beli je batik murah (batik tipu). haha. or another much better alternative is xyah pakai batik la. i've heard laki je yg cm ala2 wajib pakai. for women taram je baju kurung bunga blingkar2 sket. its acceptable. hehe

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