
how come it's so hard to understand ppl's thoughts and actions? and feelings? i can't really even understand myself at times, let alone other ppl. and how to really get to know someone? i mean really, really know.

and how to make ppl understand us back? without really trying hard. i don't think i have ever been good at expressing myself. especially in terms of feelings. aku tak reti nak berkias2 ni. selalunya apa aku nak cakap, kalau aku btol2 trase nak cakap la, aku akan straightforward je. brutal honesty, as some ppl might say it. kalo tak tau mcm mane nk ckp, or tibe2 trase the need to jaga perasaan orang lain, aku diam je.

and how to judge or see ppl? tak kisahla dari segi appearance ke, attitude, or cara bercakap or pape jela. the other day, ade sorang nih, dia cakap dari segi appearance aku nampak agak nakal. hmm.. nakal?


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