penang weekend

2 trips to penang in one weekend. gigih tak?

my weekend was spent practically in penang. on saturday me+awa went for narnia at queensbay. walked around for some time. shopped 4 books. abeskan 100+. but no regrets. i need to get my mind off things. and i did. for that one day. pegi pagi dalam kol 9+. balik malam sampai umah about 9 jugak (why is it kalo aku kua dengan awa or wahida mesti dia telefon? maknanye need to go out with them more often eh kalo nak dia kol lagi? huhu) balik umah je dah terasa that depresssed feeling seeping out of me

the next day, kena paksa teman my sis pi kenduri. agak bengang. you know how i hate going to kenduri. tambah2 kalo org yang aku xkenal. bukannye ape. pegi makan tu tak kisah. tapi yg malasnya adalah nak bersiap, gosok bju, gosok tudung. just for a kenduri. haish..

lepas tu my sis talked to her friend about their trip to penang. pukul brape nak gerak, bla bla. and i started asking questions and diorang pun ajak aku join for an overnight trip. i was quite reluctant at first. was thinking about lepaking home, tido banyak, read my new books. but then, my thoughts wandered and i cried and thought of how dreadful it would be if i stayed home and ended thinking about things and wallowing my sorrows, crying. so i made an impromptu decision, pack my bag, gosok my tudung, siap2 and in 20 minutes i'm off to penang for the 2nd time that weekend

upon arriving, our 1st stop was the spice garden. i didn't exactly get it when my sis explained why she wanted to go there, as in WHY should we go there to look at some plants and daun2? after entering and exploring, still didn't get it tapi layaaaan jelaa. scenery was beautiful though. and sure enough there were lots of all these herbs and spices plants. you name it, they got it. before masuk, kena spray some kind of minyak serai ke pe ntah for protection again mosquitoes. tapi kena gigit jugak. i was busy snapping pics, not looking at the plants. haaha

malam tu went to the night market (shop some more. abes duit sket) and dinner at juru. planned to eat at this korean restaurant (which is what kind of got me interested to join this trip) tapi kedai tu tutup! alah.. frustnye. tak dapat digambarkan camne frustnye aku rasa masa tu. huhu. ended up eating nandos. aku tak pernah lagi btol2 lepak penang before ni. sure i had studied there in kmpp, i had been to penang numerous times before but had never actually really hang out there. but this weekend i had experienced a lil bit of penang. happening beb! tu baru sket. masa tu terpike bestnyeee kalo dok penang.. one very interesting place which i hope i will come back any time sooner. pics ade blambak tp aku malas nak upload

then isnin pegi gurney. jalan2 kejap and started our way back home. dah keluar highway tu, lepas tol, masuk pekan kamunting je aku dah start terasa sedih balik. datang balik sume sickening, saddening thoughts which i had left behind the previous day. God, i seriously need a life. or better, i need to learn to be grateful. and accept reality. seriously

things have changed. people changed. and macam wahida cakap, orang kalau nak berubah tak perlukan masa yang lama. true. over 1 day pun boleh. even 1 minute or seconds. and so i have to accept that. you know, i once said to myself that i will never trust people that easily ever again. and that was what i did exactly. always treading my steps carefully in life. never in too deep. holding back whenever i think necessary. and for the 1st time in almost 2 years, i let my guards down. but only to my disappointment. was that a wrong step i took? but how will we ever know if we don't take that chance? but what good is taking chances when you ended up hurt?

all these never- ending questions. still, no answers

1 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

here i am.. ehehe... selepas membaca luahan hatimu & mendapati my name mentioned twice, i mengambil keputusan tuk tinggalkan komen sblom pulang. walaupun skang sudah maser tuk pulang. gal, i takleh kater i tau pe u raser sbb pe yg kt raser mb berbeza walaupun similar.

susahkan biler dah masuk bab feeling nih. kalau bleh di study cam nak menghadapi exam, alangkah bgs. tp tidak. it easy for someone else to give advice. tp nak melaksanakannya mmg agak sukar.

yg pasti, i cam nak ajak u gi penang nnti. ehehe... cam best je u gi overnight kat sana ngan ur sis. lalalala.. bersuka ria..

byk lagik i nak komen. mb yg tuh kiter leh cakap secara peribadi. (^_^)

cheer up gf...