the day i'm home for the weekend

i'm back home yesterday. the ride from rNr sungai buluh to ipoh took only 1 and a half hour. gila tak? we made a move at 1700 and arrived at 1830. all semata- mata because a friend nak kejar bus to grik. nasiblah sempat. and i slept the whole journey. so takdelah rasa anything scary dengan driver yang bawak kereta diumpamakan macam pelesit tu. woke up je dah sampai tol simpang pulai. wow! hebat..

anyway, dpa was fun at times and tiring at all times! punch card tingkat 3, climbing a damn steep hill in heels, turun naik tangga (mind you, ada 136 steps i have to turun naik everyday and that's just untuk naik asrama! blom lagi ulang alik turun naik dewan makan, punch card), rushing at all times, 5 senaman asas, lari 2.4 km. this is madness! i won't go into much details since apparently the cyber activities of some of us were being tracked down. although saya tidak pernah cakap apa- apa yang buruk dan tidak patut di the world wide web ye (pengakuan ikhlas)

ah well, tuan- tuan dan puan- puan, masa susah tidak pernah berakhir. and i have another 24 weeks to go. so let's just face this dengan sangat waja ya?

but deep down, it was all kind of okay la. there are one or two things here and there that makes this thing bearable =)

much love until my next update guys! (which i don't even know kurun bila i'll get the chance) but i will probably dah terbakar sunburn masa tu. huhu

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