Ahad lalu telah pergi shopping. Got what I wanted and even more! Hehe.

Dark grey khakis dah dapat.

Ada juga dapat sesuatu yang lain!

Almari je belum jumpa lagi. Penat sungguh pusing Ipoh cari almari. Almari memang banyak tapi nak cari yang warna putih kenapa susah sangat? Semua tak menepati citarasa. Amar pun so sweet dengan baiknya went in and out of all those stores with me looking for my almari. Sebab dah banyak sangat kedai kitorang pergi, he even went into a few stores alone and told me to wait in the car je while he went to cekidaut. Baik kan? Heheeeeee. Anyone have an inkling where i could find one sweet, nice, simple, value-for-money white almari?

2 ur say?:

w|cKa` said...

dah tgk kt noa gallery @ fella design? aku nye katil bli kt noa gallery..

mysenoir said...

noa gallery tu katne? tidakkah mahal tuuu kalo beli kat fella design