Esok ada audit 5s. I don't know how much I have blabbed and complained about 5s before but I'm sure sangat banyak because this thing is really a total pain. I admit aku memang jarang, in fact tak buat pun 5s ni tapi bila time kena buat tu memang rasa nak menyumpah. Contohnya tadi. But I managed to do a teeny weeny bit yang sangat minimal and I hope that will be sufficient enough for tomorrow. Nampak macam takde beza pun bilik ni.

Hari ini I'm kind of in a good mood all day. Takde terasa tension. Let's just hope this mood lasted through the night. It feels good to be able to finish a day without crying.

2 ur say?:

w|cKa` said...

aku menci 5S.. penat aku wat documentation haraam xtgk pon.. tp aku kena menjawab yg induk nya.. cilak* btoi la.. huhu

mysenoir said...

sudah berkali ku nyatakan: aku pun benci 5s!!