the day the 8th day of Ramadhan

today is the 8th day of Ramadhan. 8 days of fasting, meaning already 8 days of tarawih (excluding malam nanti punya). and proudly to say i had only missed 1 day of tarawih! and that was only because i came back late from work. reached home at 2000+. nak maghrib pun terkejar- kejar. bukan nak berlagak. (although i am praising myself. eheh) just motivating untuk cuba cukupkan tarawih bagi full tahun ni. sebab tak pernah sekali pun dapat full seumur hidup ni. boleh?

tips: jangan start ponteng sekali. once dah start ponteng, for sure lepas tu jadi makin malas. this applies to me lah

actually aku tak puasa pun hari ni. but for acceptable reason. heheh. tapi macam puasa jugak lah. beecause i can't eat anything in the office. pintu bilik aku half wood, half glass. orang dekat luar nampak aku dekat dalam. how to gobble anything? i packed a bottle of plain water tadi but left it on the shoe rack at the front door. ceyh. puasa je lah. since i already woke up at 0610 tadi for sahur (early breakfast actually bila teringat i won't be able to eat anything later)

the tarawih i mentioned earlier (yang baru tertinggal sehari tu) is for the days before aku tak puasa lah ye

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