the day i'm remembering the warmth of days gone by (or was it the cold? hehe)

my 2 days 2 nights trip to genting was extremely fun, fun, FUN! (although duit habis merata) cakap banyak pun tak guna, so i will let the pictures do the talking ya. and owh boy, this is going to be one heavy-ladden-with-pictures post!

1st day: night: with the damned train

upon arriving, sangat semangat
talking to ayah. comel kan my ayah? ;P
writing my complaints tapi tak pos lagi. siap kau ktm

o240 baru train sampai? sepatutnya pukul 12 wei!!
EMO. 0340 baru nak jalan??? after dah tunggu for 2 hours and 40 minutes, you people add another freaking hour??

2nd day: siang: crazy pictures (pictures are in random orders sebab malas nak susun)

damn ktm punya pasal, we finally arrived at kl sentral at 1000 thus missing our 0900 bus. went up in a cab instead. terbang rm80

trying to be puppets? ;P
lompatan tak menjadi. adoyay
the flower was actually spinning tau. tp tak dapat capture pulak

before our first ride for the day
i know i shouldn't be laughing tapi the boy in the orange sweatshirt was shouting damn loud and being damn funny. hehe
the fog was quite thick at times
i don't know why i did that
gorgeous, amazing, real flowers
semua orang kagum dengan solero spaceshot! (or maybe scared to death!)
bersama kakak- kakak yang lebih tua
the famous london bus!
pakai gelang dulu before anything ya

2nd day: the rides: fun, fun, FUN!
go- kart. sekali je. bosan yang amat
corkscrew, the roller coaster. twice
genting skyway, the cable car. of course lah twice. going up and down
buaian pusing. thrice
flying coaster! twice. gila best!! terima kasih abang 5 ringgit!
solero spaceshot. twice
solero spaceshot
carousel. ini naik sekali sudahlah. untuk amik gambar je. hehe

there were other rides as well. cyclone, space lab and ape ntah lagi but no pictures

2nd day: night: some more fun
my first real food for the day. marrybrown je lah. sebab paling murah up there. everybody was being a cheapskate
fuhu. i want another ride!
mak budak ni memang mengamalkan just do it!
watching 4d movie: alice in wonderland

3rd day: funtime again. and wasting some more money. heheh

before waking up. sejuuk
my wristband
our hotel room, 19628
showing off my gelang la, what else? hehe
dalam elevator
breakfast yang sangat mengenyangkan
si pencuri wei!
while waiting for my sis who was looking for her friend yang asyik shopping lalu missing in action
the cultural village
seriously cold!
dalam toilet, sempat lagi?
weee. we are somewhere in a place full with fake snows!
snow world: again, fake snows
mau balik sudah
bye bye kota keriangan =(
turun genting terus jadi mak haji. haha
while waiting for the bus. thank God kali ni on time and tak miss
otw balik. opah wahida, tangan wahida, kereta wahida and the beautiful sunset

malas nak tulis panjang- panjang. kesimpulan: it was one damn amazing trip!

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

nak kuar ni. tapi sempat gak nak drop 1 komen. hiksss... sgt best. dlm byk2 pics, i like yg korang tgh kagum melihat solero shock itu. owhhh... siapkah si photographer itu??? cam kak pija je. lain2 gmbr pun cantek gak. cuma gmbr dlm snow world tu, terang bangat. cerah giler. u, send kat i gmbr kat snow world tu. via emel. thanx a lot..

mysenoir said...

k.peej yg ambik gambar tu. nape nak send via emel. xbleh amik kt cni je ke. hehe. tp i will send it jugak later k =)