the day before THE day

wowow. it is the day before THE day. fuhu. feels like it was only just yesterday that i went to see the doctor. padahal dah sebulan lepas. the nervousness is back. and i am shaking. lagi worse, tomorrow confirm i will be shaking to the bones. i have been waiting since morning for the call from the nurse who kononlah said want to call me. since lambat sangat, i called myself and confirmed kan sendiri. so, it will be tomorrow peeps. insya- Allah. wish me luck ya!

ps. tadi aku and lin selamba je went and bought our lunch at the mcDonalds. the cashiers were all smiling. alah. perempuan tak puasa tu benda normal lah (okay, maybe pergi beli burger in the middle of the day dengan muka tak malu tu tidak normal) but if he had asked, i would have replied dengan tak kisah: ye encik, saya tak puasa. sekian, terima kasih di atas burger ini

ei. jangan lupa pray sedikit for me tau people! i know it is only a minor thing, but some little prayers won't hurt kan =)

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