the day of the last day for the week

saya ada satu pengumuman hebat: hari ini hari jumaat!

my favourite day! and the day started good sebab i saw that titanic boy. sangat pelik lah. kenapa just the sight of him could really made my day? i was smiling very stupidly sorang2 dalam kereta while driving tadi

kenapa tidak terasa pun semangat raya ini? sekali lagi pelik lah. all the radios are singing raya tunes sebanyak mungkin and the tv stations too are all geared up with raya shows. and me? i feel empty. like what wahida said, aku pun lagi semangat nak bercuti dari beraya. i found a raya card on my desk tadi. my first raya card for the year. yelah. mana ada orang main dah kad raya ni. but this one is from nobody important pun. some YB. which don't even matter

what makes me happy though, is that my friends will be coming back for raya, meaning a chance for a reunion. and dapat jumpa saudara- mara pun will be exciting i guess. and the makan part will DEFINITELY be exciting! hehee

speaking of reunion, aku akan ada a mini reunion jugak dengan kawan2 university. in which something quite big will be happening to a very small friend of mine! tak ramai yang tahu. just a small, close circle of friends. can't say what, who or when yet. i have been very good at keeping this secret lah. no blurting it out to anybody consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously! =)

anyway, i am hoping that today will stay as good as how it felt this morning and that i will be blessed with these kind of happiness always. by the way, a message, a song just made my day better! thank you!

although don't be too happy and stop dreaming okay

1 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

rasa cam kenal je kwn kecil of urs tu. adakah kwn zamira yg akan mengikuti jejak langkah zamira?? hikss...