break a leg!

de kawan aku sorg nih, she will be having her iv this coming monday. i'm excited for her. although she's busy feeling cuak, kecut segala and having loads of butterflies in her stomach. haaha. alah kawan. don't think too much (though dont take it too easy as well!) redah je la. impossible is nothing ;p

all the luck in the world for her! jgn lupe pakai cun2 tau =)

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

dah pakai cunz2 pun. but d luck was juz not on my side. i can't help myself from feeling cuak. hohoho.. but if in 2-3 weeks, i have another inv, i think i'll be ok. much better from today(3103080). (^_^)

today, sucksss...

d salary is tempted, aite??? (-_-)

mysenoir said...

takpelah. bkn rezeki hg. better luck next time!
aja aja!