life begins at 40?

ookay. i may not be 40 yet.. but i'm talking about my blog. i had just realized i had passed my 40th post. and it was a sorry post. where i rambled on and on and apologized and apologized. and apologized some more. tak cukup jari kalau nak kira perkataan sorry yg ade dlm post tu. hhehe

so, dah sampai post yg ke 40. and i am still maintaining this. although not updated everyday, but it is still breathing right. quite an achievement. haaha. life begins at 40!

+my fav t-shirt sekarang nih. brunch time. i had always dig brunch ;p
updated 20080327:1607
aik. baru prasan. i kinda update this everyday. heee

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

oho.. i realize that. someone dah nak masuk ke stage addicted. hmm.. **clap2**

mysenoir said...

heee. where got addicted
1 day 1 post. ok lar tuhhh