monologue of an amazing spender

gosh! i am truly such an outrageously amazing spender!! duit aku terbang melayang merata alam. and i spend and spend like hell. konon the sky is the limit. uhuuhu

dialogue to self: ok mai. u hv got to stop. and learn to curb your spending. and wake up! and save some money for your future. and jgnla ikut sgt nafsu shopping yg menggila tu. ok?

ookkkaay.. maybe bleh blanje skeeettt je lg kan. kan? now all i need is a modulator and a 4g pendrive. dah. cukup. and maybe a fossil? uh- oh. how to stop????

better stop woi or you'll end up like becky bloomwood. a chronic shopaholic. then again, it is kind of nice to be her. shopping like crazy (and by crazy i mean gle hell pny crazy) plus having a gorgeouslyhandsome-charming-superrich luke brandon by my side. oh la la.. what a life!

smlm aku mimpi something really scary. not scary-horror. but scary-weird-geli-eugh! what was i thinking?? fantasies. urm.. they can be dangerous ya know ;p

2 ur say?:

ad|haw33da said...

owh.. wat did u dream about?? care to share?? ehehehe...

ala.. toksah kata u. i pun giler men'shopping'kan diri. especially this month.

gilos tol.. br tgh bulan, i alredi spend 3/4 of my salary. ni dah langsai ngan byr utang bagai. aduhh.. how am i going to survive antoher 15days wif 1/4 of my salary. have some plan to hang out wif my fren somemore.

aiyokkk... wake up gal.. klu tak cukup nih TERPAKSA korek tabung. lalalala... modulator & 4g pendrive?? how bout ur 1st priority dat u told me?? dah ilang ke?? or dah dpt pun. eheheheh...

owh.. seems like i want to make an entry here. gtg. comments shuld b short. ehehehe.. but not for me..

mysenoir said...

dream tu erm.. weird gle. tade share2. hehee
klo nk ikut nafsu soppink smpai mati pn xabes. igt ni ye ble trase nk prabes duit lg nxt time. haaha