the day i don't have any ideas to crap tp tgh bosan gila

i haven't been updating my blog for quite some time. tak lah lama pn. a few days je. got nothing to say, no ideas to voice out. even right now i'm just typing this mindlessly. getting nowhere near any subject in particular. just wasting my time. sigh..

however let me update you on me:
1. i am dead hungry (haven't eaten anything since morning. huhu. still waiting for my officemate to hav lunch together)
2. i am dead cold (i witnessed a hearing for land acquisition just now in a room with the temperature of possibly like the antartics. gila kulit buaya ke pe sume org dalam tu td)
3. i am dead bored
4. i have nothing more to say. today sure is one hell of a boring day.

but can't wait for netball training later. that should be able to make me happy. better be. huhu

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