the day the price of fuel shoot high up to the sky

harga minyak naik. pengumuman dibuat semalam. wahida called me just to inform the news. i was totally clueless at that time. dia pn geram je cakap ngan aku sbb aku mcm blur. haaha. because i haven't heard anything. aku tau lah pasal harga minyak nak naik tu (hell, harga apa yang tak naik these days?) but didn't expect it to be this fast and that high

various reactions were heard over the radio, news, blogs, shoutout kat friendster. ppl cursing, sumpah seranah, maki, mencarut. i'm sure by now pak lah and the government had received numerous and uncountable curses that will surely last them a lifetime. haha

i don't really feel like commenting thus adding to all the kutukan or views (a more polite way to say it). i didn't get the chance to fill up my tank yesterday. or rather, i didn't even try to grab the chance. queue was too long, i was too lazy, couldn't be bothered, and many more reasons which all sums up to one word: MALAS. we can curse all we want, but the fact still remains. that is; harga minyak naik. true, this will affect us in ways more than we could ever imagine. macam mana kita makan hari2, kete pun kne makan hari2, only now with greater cost. tapi, we'll just have to deal with it la kan. like it or not. if not, pi kayuh basikal ok

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