the day i looked back

i was browsing back through my old posts and stumbled on this one post entitled escapism. and i read it back. and realization came upon me

i had known all along that that was just an escapism. i said so myself. in fact, i said to myself. it might means nothing, just something for the moment. and so just let me be. so, now why am i cursing, blaming and feeling sad when i lost it? because i knew from the start what i was getting myself into, that fleeting moment. i had no one to blame but myself. for being so stupid to put myself out there again

anyway, that was just a suddent struck of thoughts. and i had to let it out. biarlah.. things will fall into places eventually and i'll be waiting for that day

on another note, pernah tak naik kereta dgn seorang driver yang walaupun sebenarnye salah dia tp mesti dia akan blame the other party jugak. and all the time you felt like pointing out "oi. it's actually your damn fault laaa!!" hmph. how ironic

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

yg last paragraph u tuh. i slalu gak wat. blame others driver altho its my fault. tmbh2 lak time angin tak bek. isk2... tp skang dah baik skit.

mysenoir said...

haha. ye ke. hmph. nak kene u ni. hehee. i takdela bengang pn klo jd camtu. tp cam pelik. like i said, how ironic =)