the day i'm addicted to chocolate!

not that it's a bad thing. is it? besides decaying your teeth faster. uh- oh

this week alone, i had eaten a bar of snickers everyday at work. plenty of cadbury at home. and still craving for more. this morning da makan a bar tp petang ni, right now, rasa nak makan lagi. aaa... itu semua nafsu. fight! tu la. beli lagi packet yang ada banyak2. memangla rasa asyik nak makan je. huhu

tadi ada staff aku masuk bilik, sembang2 and he told me:
"cik mai da gemuk la"

wakakaka. siap bagitau de double chin lg. hihi. yes en. S. thank you. even i realized that but unfortunately i don't have the will nor the intention to do anything about that. you can say that i am not that bothered about how i look chubbier and plummer than ever. or that i'm just plain lazy. plus i'm too busy enjoying all the food i can get my hands on. aku penah chat ngn a friend and i said this; makan tu nikmat dunia. nanti kalau Tuhan tarik balik nikmat tu camne? so better eat selagi boleh. haaaha. yeah, it's lame, i know. tapi nak jadikan prinsip hidup la boleh tak. just kena ingat and berpada- pada la jugak. jangan makan sampai jatuh sakit =)

aaa.. sedaaaapnye chocolate!!! tggula perut and deria rasa ku. nanti aku borong banyak2 this weekend ok. teehee

+de saying kan 'segala penyakit berpunca dari perut'. if i'm not mistaken. ye kan?

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