Tadi petang saya tengok 3r. Tajuknya tekanan kahwin lambat. Or something like that. Amar suruh tengok which made me wondered, kita dua ada tekanan kena kahwin cepat ke sayang? Heh. Anyway it was always fun watching 3r. Drama lakonan sebabak mereka itu selalunya kelakar merepek.

Whoever read my blog from the earliest will have read my various emo posts berkenaan certain person in my life. A person who made my life sucks the second he stepped out of it. Contohnya ini dan lain-lain post di mana tiada rasa dan hati nak bercakap maka hanya post lagu seperti ini. Orang ini telah lama saya buang dia jauh-jauh.

There were also posts about this certain someone, yang dahulunya membuat saya sangat confused, tidak faham dia dan diri sendiri dan bengang, emo dan segala macam perasaan tidak baik bercampur baur. All the posts was about me vending out my anger to him, expressing my feelings indirectly, feeling like a chicken. Hah. Contohnya adalah seperti




and loads more to be listed down. Kalau rajin boleh cari jika nak baca la. This person on contrary, is the person i keep close at heart now. And will never let go :)

Dulu selalu cakap dengan Wahida tentang jambatan yang belum siap. Heh. She will know what i'm talking about. But now i can see the true meaning of these quote:

"To have rainbows, you must put up with a little rain and sunshine"

God gave me some rain and sunshine. And i complained a lot. Being a normal human being, who doesn't? I still do now. But i terpaksa juga put up with it and he came in the end. Jadi, my point here is maybe i should apply the same concept to my working life eh? Mari kita cuba! Bertahan in the hopes of a beautiful rainbow later on.

After much serious talks and conversations, we know where exactly we are heading in the near future. And so i am thanking the Almighty for the opportunity given. Thanking You for every reason You sent me him.

And Wahida! Many thanks too for the much needed support when i went crazy at times :)

Not forgetting thank you sayang for making life much happier (I know you read my blog sometimes gomok! ;P).

si comel bear ini is for all those whom i loved dearly. cheerio!

2 ur say?:

r3dl0v3r said...

ala maiH. kena tukaq background bear tu la. tak nmpk sangat kecomelannya sebab over shadow oleh background lurve tu.

sgt chumel la bear tu. ngan smiling face nya. cam dia kata, "TOLONGLAH PELUK SAYA". btol.. tak tipu. ngan matanya yg syahdu tu. i want dat bear too. huhu...

ok, skang baru nak komen pasal jambatan tu. how we used that word often. sangat la selalu. asal ngeluh je mesti word tu yg naik - JAMBATAN. nampaknya jambatan u dah hampir siap. jambatan i dok under construction lagik. dunno when siapnya.

menanti rainbow tu la yg sgt2 menguji kita. hmm...

owhhh... kalau bleh, citer r pasal 3r tu. nak gak tau pe isinya. i tak sempat tengok. masa tu on the way balik dr tepeng.

p/s: lagik satu word, SPARKS. ehehe...

mysenoir said...

i have no control over background gambar bear tu. amik fr internet. lagipun malas nak edit pape.heh

jambatan i ni anyway mcm ade halangan sket je. hehe

pasal 3r tu i xreti la cane nak cite. panjang beno.

and the word SPARKS? u meant cite i dulu tu eh? how it all started? ngehehe