the day i'm thinking where was i on 080808?

i was blog hopping and stumbled across a few bloggers who posted about their whereabouts on 080808. nice number kan? and it will only come again in another 1000 years in which i will probably be dead by then. dunia pun belum tentu ada lagi. who knows if doomsday is just around the corner, right? (which reminds me of how i haven't done enough prayers to the Merciful God or any good to the world!)

so.. where was i on 080808? hmm.. i must say that i was down to the very bottom pit of the deepest hole ever that day (refer to my previous emo post) right now i feel so stupid for being THAT emo. and for making myself THAT transparent (not literally lah) on the world wide web (not that ramai orang baca pun) but still, this was the exact reason why i stop updating my friendster blog. because i ended up exposing too much and malu sendiri bila baca. how stupid. dan sangat tidak menarik. i hope i will never have to go through that kind of day again or ever feeling that kind of feeling again. ever. so, let's just hope against hope ok my dear self?

ps. things would have been loads better if i had never even gotten myself involved in the first place. so, let's take the cue from kelly clarkson's because of you:

1. never stray too far from the sidewalk
2. learn to play on the safe side so that you won't get hurt
3. don't trust people around you THAT easily ever again
4.have a little fear ie. be cautious

so that you will never again cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

sangat2 sesuai la lagu kelly clarkson tu ngan keadaan u.. ehehe...

skang u dah kuat, kan???

it's ok 2 feeling down sekali skala. kt bukan perfect pun. tp kalau selalu tu yg wat kan emo terlebih.

mysenoir said...

yeah! kuat! boleh! kdg2 down tu takpe la eh. u layan la i eh. i'm not that perfect or that strong yet. hehe

Anonymous said...


i'll be ur shoulder to cry on. tp jgn basah lak baju i tau. ehehe..

ONE DAY u'll be stronger than today. that's for sure. tp bila ONE DAY tu i don't hv d answer. neither do u. we just pray to the ONE, Allah, to make us stronger.
