the day i'm hungry hungry!

i had teh tarik for breakfast. then went for brunch as usual with lin and a certain very special companion yang membuatkan aku sangat ceria (really eh?) ko mesti bangga gila kalo ko baca statement tu kan. but fortunately, aku confirm 100%+ that you will never gonna read this ever. that's why it is safe to say that here. hehe

anyway bihun sup tadi tawar. even a huge emount of sambal kicap was not enough to improve the taste. kak nora lupa letak garam dalam sup tu ye? so i didn't finish even half of it. i know, i know, ramai yang kebuluran tak cukup makan in other parts of the world tp betul2 tak lalu lah tadi. maaf ye sebab aku dah melakukan pembaziran

that's why la now i'm dead hungry. starving. that's why la i'm eating snickers now. and now feeling thirsty tapi terlupe plak bawak air masak sbb rushing pagi tadi. damn. uh- oh. laparnye..

3 ur say?:

Miss Lime said...

mai mai mai!!!! are u the same girl who was my classmate back in Std 1???!!!! found you thru wanzara's blog la...

Miss Lime said...

By the way, this is Lai Imm!

mysenoir said...

=) hola lai imm! ya la. ni mai la. the same girl only maybe a lil bit taller and definitely a lot fatter. haha. anyways, i've been to your blog a few times ;P