the day kenapa kerja banyak sangat nih??

the big boss gave out lots of work today. and the datelines are not helping. satu nak isnin depan and another petang ni! the big boss pulak pergi kenduri kat penang. he should be leaving by now with his daughter, who is totally cute by the way!

eh eh. apa ni. kerja banyak pun still boleh blogging? the truth is, aku penat. terkejar2 ke sana sini. berapa kali ulang alik masuk bilik the big boss. bersembang pun banyak. haha. uh- oh. better get to work. burn la lunch break aku macam ni

edited at 1528
kerja yang deadline petang ni dah siap! now waiting for the big boss to come back from penang, edit it (sure kaw2 kena edit punya) and approve. compile dengan the plan and then settled! hmm.. pukul berapa nak sampai ni big boss?? lapar. ada bawak balik nasi minyak tak untuk saya?

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

ur excitement shows in ur comment kat page i. walaupun keje bertimbun, still takleh lawan rasa keterujaan u. ahaksss.. rasa cam nak kuarkan je perkataan tu bila ternampak de improvement. tapi takpe la. i'll keep it to myself. yei2... tiket ketapi dah de. tinggal tiket bus plak. that will me my task to be completed during this wikn, insyaAllah..


~~~u, nak kamera. digicam i kene pinjam. huhuhu.. nanti nak pose, nak camwore some more. aduhyaiii...

mysenoir said...

nak pinjam digicam i ke. eh silap. ayah i pny digicam. hehe. kak i konfim bwk nanti. leh le tumpang. i pakai camera phone je. hehe.

p laa kutip camera u kat whoever yang pinjam tu! cepat!

Anonymous said...

kalau org tuh dekat dah lama i pi mintak. nanti la i pi menyendeng kat pacik a.k.a bos sy tu. mintak pinjam digicam dia yg penuh ngan gambor tak reti nak transfer. isk2... bleh camwore puas2. share ngan kakak u bley gak. tp dia mesti nak camwhore ngan kengkwn dia. hiks...