the day i'm searching for my SO tapi kenapa susah sangat nak jumpa ni wei!

susahnya nak jumpa. busy mengalahkan YB. okay, i know their job requires them to always turun site, spending time outdoors, which could be the bestest reason to mengular. tapi kalau keluar betul2 settlekan file takpelah

i have finished typing the letters and they should be on their way to the recipients now. senarai semak pun dah quite completed. just need to be adjusted here and there. in which i realized, 'eh. kerja untuk aku takde ke?'. my job, buat meeting, planning, make decisions, then delegate to orang lain, call for second meeting, pantau perkembangan etc. macam sangat senang? ah well, that is the quality of good leaders kan. pandai delegate (perasan. heheh)

anyway, pakcik cobbler semalam cakap suruh guna gam gajah la pulak. apparently, his glue will not be strong enough to hold the button in place. baik! saya akan ikut cakap pakcik cobbler dan akan gam sendiri nanti

the big boss is back in the office today. lin pun dah ada balik. after being alone, hari ini terasa.. erm, bukanlah pelik (tapi sebenarnya agak pelik jugak la sebab dah dua hari berlagak jadi big boss! haha) tapi lega. tak payahla semua public di refer to me. okay. kerja dah settled. nak pergi brunch. jom people!

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